I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1225 Fudge

Tree people can't draw, Qin Yu and Lin can only give up and let each other make this mysterious race.

"Hades is about to wake up, and there is another mysterious evil race in this corrupt swamp. In addition, the trolls are at odds with you, internal and external troubles, I think you treants should choose the most sensible retreat."

Treant: "Human, do you want us treant to join forces with you? But I think this road is also a dead end."

Qin Yu got up straight away, put away the staff, held the hilt of the sword, and said lightly: "Treatman, I think the road is made by people, not imagined by people. The growth of the brain is not to judge the danger and avoid it, but to avoid it. In order to judge the danger and then solve it.”

"The tauren are already extinct. Half of my purpose of coming this far has failed. The remaining half is up to you, but no matter whether you succeed or not, I will leave here alive."

Her temperament is gentle and calm, her aura is not strong, but she is very calm.

The tree man felt uncomfortable for some reason, and said Shen Shen: "You can't survive, Baier will not let you go, in the swamp, as long as you walk through the swamp, he will find you and kill you."

Qin Yu smiled as his beautiful eyes were slightly silhouetted.

"No, he can't kill me."

Treant: "You will die."

Qin Yu: "What if I don't die?"

The tree man was taken aback, and muttered, "This is impossible, you are not his opponent."

Qin Yu: "Then just watch."

Then she asked Shang Lin to leave together.

"Wait, I'll show you the way. There is a way, which is easier to go out. Although it may be noticed by him, at least you can get closer to the place outside the swamp."

Qin Yu didn't refuse, and let the tree man lead the way.


In the Valley of Thorns, because of the Prophet's brains and Gunn's leadership, the line was hidden and safe. Everyone successfully entered the Valley of Thorns, but once they entered the Valley of Thorns, the Prophet frowned.

She sensed an aura that disgusted her very much.

After all, she is not a local, she has the same extraordinary worldview as Qin Yu, and as soon as she sensed this aura, she had a premonition that something had happened in the Valley of Thorns.

Sure enough, some skeletons were also found on the road, and Gunn asked about it, but Gunn himself was ignorant until he saw some of the skeletons that everyone searched. . .

Some were the bones of dwarves.

Everyone's expressions froze.

The prophet swept his eyes away, put down the bones, and said calmly: "The people behind the scenes... are probably one step ahead of everyone."

This is the case in the Valley of Thorns, and I am afraid that the Corrosion Swamp is even more serious.

Black looked worriedly in the direction of the Corroded Swamp. Now, their straight-line distance is already very long, almost approaching the City of Hope from two left and right flank routes, but maybe~~they will all be the same.



Corrosive swamp, outside the edge of the forest is a large piece of white and barren marsh mud. The road is not easy to walk, but you can see the normal grassland in the distance. Obviously, this road is indeed the easiest to leave the corroded swamp, but. . .

As soon as the tree man sent the two of them here, they saw a family of trolls gathered in the swamp.

The number has increased a lot compared to before, and nearly two hundred trolls gathered here, with a fierce momentum.

The old troll wizard Baier stared at them with deep eyes, and said, "We meet again, human beings."

What he met was not an ordinary human being. Veteran cadre Lin had never had a big emotional ups and downs so far. . .

She plays more.

"With all due respect, we have been separated for less than two days, old man."

Baier is very old, so of course he wouldn't talk nonsense with Qin Yu. He just lowered his eyes and glanced at the acquaintance behind him, "Adam, are you still hiding? Together with your clansmen, you have been hiding in this forest all your life."

This tone is ironic enough, I think the trolls are really hateful, and they are enemies everywhere.

The human-eating dry elves are against the tree-man and the bull-headed man, it's almost heaven.

So this tree man is called Adam?

The tree man Adam responded with a deep voice: "Baiah, we tree people take the forest as our home, and we don't want you trolls to wander around."

Baier sneered, "After today, you will have no home."

When he turned his staff, the fire ball burned on the ground.

"I'm going to burn this forest down."

Qin Yu: "Wait, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not."

Baier hated this female human being very much, he didn't give her a chance to speak, and directly cast a spell, and hundreds of fire balls appeared in the swamp.

Oh, this old thing uses marsh gas to ignite the fire, and then~~ With a wave of the staff, hundreds of fire balls roared in the air, flying towards the forest, trying to light the forest.

Of course the tree man Adam was unwilling, and he probably had been prepared for a long time. He roared, and big tree men appeared in the forest one by one. Moisture goes out.

But the effect is not very good.

Wood is always at a disadvantage when it comes to getting angry, and this Baier is quite vicious and insidious.

Although he failed to hook up with the tree man, it was impossible for Qin Yu to let the troll kill the tree man. It is said that burning the forest would affect his natural magic a lot.

So Qin Yu directly erected a fire wall of tree roots, intercepting most of the fire balls, and said to Baier.

"Old man, I made a bet with Adam. If I can beat you, they will follow me. Do you want to bet with me too?"

Treant Adam: "???"

What a shit, when did I bet with you?

Before Adam could respond, Byer sneered, "Stupid and conceited human beings, you haven't changed for thousands of years, you will never win against me."

Qin Yu: "Do you bet or not?"

Baier: "You can't win."

Qin Yu: "Don't dare to gamble?"

Baier: "I won't lose."

Qin Yu: "Then you just gamble."

Baier: "What bet?"

Qin Yu: "I won, and you trolls will be at my service."

Baier: "Your goal is not small, so if you lose, what do you bet on?"

Qin Yu: "I lost, so I'll tell you who is killing the tauren in this swamp, and is targeting your troll clan."

The tree man's heart skipped a beat: Don't you still know who it is?

Lin: Not knowing is not important, the important thing is that she wants to fool people.

Baier's expression darkened, "How do you know I'm investigating?"

Qin Yu: "It's not for the investigation, why are you chasing after me, oh, it's because we picked on your baby, yes, it's that baby, it's you, and the guard is not so perverted, at a young age Don't be so impulsive, it's nothing more than related interests."

Qin Yu held the staff and smiled slightly, "There is no more core interest than the safety of the ethnic group."

She had a winning expression and knew everything, and she looked very embarrassed. Anyway, with the aesthetics of trolls and treants, the human woman in front of her didn't have any shining points in their eyes, but she looked at her everywhere. Yes, so. .

Baier raised his staff with a blank expression on his face.

"Trolls don't need to ask the loser for any help, we want to know and will eventually find out on our own."


Here comes the great magic.

The tree people backed away in groups.


It's all natural, and has no morals at all.

Recently, the country has cracked down hard, and everyone is keeping a low profile. The severity is very serious. We can only try our best to avoid it. In the past, some descriptions will be changed or cut off, and these sensitive content will be avoided in the future. I hope everyone understands—especially CP and so on. , there can be no intimate descriptions, even touching hands, otherwise it will be blocked directly, just like the previous chapters, so please be considerate.

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