I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1232 Earth veins? (Book friend 161204151721290 He Shibi, ask for tickets)

Jiaojiao was relieved, and she was holding seven bottles to use externally and internally to enhance her strength, but he was thinking about what Qin Yu said just now - if there is still time? Isn't it just two or three days before the decisive battle? What the hell time, and it has been strengthened several times, can it be more than ten times? ?

Jiaojiao was thinking about things while eating the test solution, but Qin Yu's matter was more technical.

With the help of Ayeli, she has been comprehending the principles of magic, because Ayeli is in her body, and Qin Yu's own potential is overwhelming, so it's just a rapid progress.

In the Golden Cube, Ayeli recognized Qin Yu's performance very much: "You are really outstanding."

Qin Yu: "I'm overwhelmed, but if you can boast for a while, it's fine, I can bear it."

Ayeli has a gentle temperament, and he also smiled when he heard this.

But Qin Yu was also curious, "I think you have helped me understand the principles these two days, and it seems to be much clearer than before on the island. Have you improved?"

If your own progress is not enough, your partner's progress is the real progress.

Ayeli was also about to talk about this, "The independent space in your body is amazing, I have only stayed here for a few days, and I feel like I have been reborn, it is because of this transformation that it is beneficial to you enhance."

Qin Yu knew that the golden cube had a special effect in the breeding of life. After all, even the waste species of Jiusuihe had sprouted and fed, but she thought it was more focused on nurturing and growing, but she didn't expect it to have the ability to transform plant life?

Because Jiusuihe currently has no spiritual intelligence and cannot communicate with Qin Yu, it is only with Ayeli that Qin Yu can truly understand some of the power of the Golden Cube.

"What kind of transformation? Is it more powerful?"

Ayeli thought for a while, "First of all, let my old body rejuvenate, because the life span of a life is basically based on the limit of the class. I was stuck at that level before, and my life expectancy was only 50,000 years, but If the sub-class limit is crossed, at least another 200,000 years can be added."

Qin Yu froze for a moment, dumbfounded.

Fuck, can a tree live for so long?

——It’s not surprising that the entire plane of A-444 has bred such a sacred tree, which means that the original essence and luck of the plant are all on her, not to mention that her tree species attribute is originally a long-lived spiritual species. If it is not for the dark power With suppression and consumption, she can live another 20,000 to 30,000 years.

——But I hope you don’t worship foreigners. In our oriental cultivation civilization, there are many sacred trees that can stand for millions of years or even an era.

Primates have primate traits and plants have plant benefits.

It is not necessarily beneficial to live long, like Ayeli lacks means of attack, and sometimes self-protection is a problem, if it is placed in the east, those cultivators who are crazily fighting for resources will not cut it down for refining materials .

When Qin Yu and Huang Jinbi were discussing whether it is better to be a human being or a tree, Ayeli continued, "I seem to be able to feel a little bit of the earth."


Qin Yu's eyes darkened slightly, and his expression was slightly subtle.

"What are the leylines?"

"It is the energy source of our world. It is rooted in the depths of the earth, and it may also be in the depths of the water, or the ice sheet. They are the origin of various material energies. The larger the area and the purer the environment, the more likely it is. There is a leyline, but the chances of finding it are slim, and only they can feel each other."

Ayeli thought for a moment, "Our trees are rooted in the earth, but we can't feel it. Now it's different, I can feel...their existence."

Qin Yu: "Location?"

Ayeli: "The approximate location, and... they seem to be entangled by something."

Qin Yu's expression changed slightly, "Could it be the power of darkness?"

Ayeli was also quite worried about this, "I hope not."

If so, then the world is too hopeless.

Qin Yu stopped talking and continued to study magic seriously. Ayeli knew that she was under a lot of pressure, so he didn't bother her anymore, but he was more serious about helping her study magic.

Time passed by, and soon it was night.

This night, almost everyone had a hard time. They were all thinking about whether the army would come tomorrow, and how the battle would be fought after it came.

"I never thought that everything would form such an absolute battle in just a few months."

When Kellanworth saw Leon, perhaps she was too emotional, that's why she had the desire to confide in this second-rate city lord, who was rare and serious. I would rather die in battle tomorrow than continue like this."

Kellenworth was a little surprised, she thought this person. . .

"Why, do you think I must be the one who wants to live?"

Lyon knew that Kellenworth had a bad impression of him, but Kellenworth shook his head, "No, I used to think that you are the kind who is more tolerant, and is good at using unfavorable environments to obtain living conditions for your people."

People who seem to be treacherous and tricky are often more able to withstand pressure than kind people.

Leon was surprised, but his heart was actually very soft. He lowered his eyes and said slowly: "Actually, it's not... it's just a personal thing. Facing loss is painful. For so long, I've heard of people dying almost every day. Watching There are fewer and fewer people on the population list. Familiar and unfamiliar, old and young, all have appeared vividly in my memory, but I never know that they will suddenly disappear, too suddenly , I was numb all of a sudden, and this numbness... terrified me."

As a city lord, they seem to be strong, no matter what happens, they deal with it firmly and calmly, but in fact, the weakness and pain in their hearts are only themselves. . . Or other city lords know.

So Kailanworth understood, and looked at Leon with a gentler look.

"Fortunately, it's coming to an end now, life or death is very happy."

Leon: "Then do you think you will live or die?"

Kellanworth: "I think that as a human being, you can't just take and accept, and you need to give. It may not be very effective, and there is no real benefit, but at least we should do... trust in the leader, at least Compared with decadence and hopelessness, the hope brought by trust is a kind of strength, and it will also give leaders a more fearless feeling."

Therefore, she trusted Qin Yu.

Lyon seemed to be shocked. From this obviously weak but single-handedly borne the life and death of a city for many years, and followed Qin Yu without hesitation to fight in various places, this is the heroism and strength of a woman.

"I may not be as..."

"You have."

Kellenworth smiled and pointedly said, "You just asked this question, and you have hope for it. People who are truly desperate will not ask again, because the question itself has already made hopeless people even more hopeful." Desperate, people can't avoid harm, and don't like self-torture."

Seeing her smile, Leon turned around and left. He pondered for a long time before murmuring, "I seem to have forgotten to tell her...Tell her to take care."

I really hope that she will live a long and happy life without the burden and exhaustion of the past.

Unfortunately, everything is out of control.

They can only. . . . Welcome tomorrow.

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