I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1233 Too bad (fifth watch, end! Praise me, I can stand it!)

Leon was very annoyed, wiped his face, and was about to leave, but saw the front. . . . The terrifying Mrs. Witch looked at him with a half-smile.

Damn, this look is like the dean of a high school catching a child who fell in love with a puppy, and it frightened Leon to urinate, with a sullen expression on his face, "Mr. Witch, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask you, did the ice wizards in Baicheng really leave nothing behind?"

What is this called, can I still lie to you? It's about this time, I'm not a wizard, it's useless to keep wizard things!

Leon, who was full of complaints in his heart, was very respectful and aggrieved, "It's true, I almost turned over the land of the wizard's hometown, the ancestral witch. Of course, the land was turned over several times by the previous generations of city lords."

The city lords in this world are equivalent to titles, and most of them are hereditary, but some of the city lords’ families have died too much, or left behind are wastes, then those who are able will come, and Leon will inherit it, and Leon’s father was in troubled times back then. Upper middle.

But Leon's words reminded Qin Yu, and she asked, "What about your ancestors? For example, your father."

I rely on, even my ancestors. . . Leon suddenly understood Qin Yu's meaning, "I understand what you mean, maybe my father got it... After all, I was not the lord of the city more than two hundred years ago, nor was it the first generation to take over. I just took over the position of city lord from my father. At that time, I also thought that someone as talented and talented as me might be able to learn wizardry, so I also carefully fiddled with my father's relics, and I found nothing when I searched for them. , I didn’t even have a magic book, but I was so mad, I finally found a necklace, oh, it’s just the one around my neck, but I heard from my father that this is my mother’s relic, it has nothing to do with that wizard .”

"It doesn't matter whether it is, or not necessarily, you give it to me."

Leon was a little bit reluctant, and struggled a little, "This is my parents' token of love, and I will also want to..."

He suddenly realized what he had said, and went online with a strong desire to survive, "I was wrong, I was not talking about you, I will never like you, Master Wizard."

It looks like being forced into marriage by a Kanto tigress.

Qin Yu smiled, "Say it again."

Leon's body trembled, "It's not that I can't, it's that I dare not."

very good.

Qin Yu hooked his fingers, and Leon took the initiative to take off the necklace around his neck and handed it to Qin Yu respectfully.

"You don't have to be sad, say it's for your future daughter-in-law. First of all, where is your daughter-in-law? No."

"Secondly, even if you have someone you like, does he like you? Not necessarily."

"Third, even if she likes you, will her loyal and loyal witch agree? Not necessarily."

Fuck! Leon was literally blown away. I've never seen someone who robbed someone's property and stabbed him three times in the heart.

Jiaojiao: There is no one who is the chairman of the Family Planning Headquarters, and it is absolutely a pair.

Qin Yu played with the necklace, smiling warmly and beautifully, "To sum up, the key to finding a wife is a certain female wizard, just like if you want to get married, you can't please your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Is this an extra old mother before confessing?

With a mournful face, Leon watched Qin Yu leave leisurely.

Not far away, Lin leaned against the wall with a delicate expression, and Gunn next to him said, "I still don't think she is a person."

It's not a thing.

so bad.

Lin: "If you continue to snore at night, I will relay your words to her."

Gunn: "..."

You are nothing! !


Qin Yu thought about the necklace and found that it was. . . Nothing, just an ordinary necklace.

Damn it, Stormwind City has the Eye of the Storm, and City of Hope has the Ayeli Tree Sculpture. Could it be that Baicheng is ruined?

Qin Yu was not reconciled, so he went to the Prophet and Ayeli to judge successively. The former had no choice but to agree, while the latter said that he did not understand human witchcraft and could not feel the specialness of this necklace.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the ice wizard to produce a treasure that neither the prophet nor Ayeli can recognize, otherwise the defeat would not have been so miserable back then, so. . . .

Jiaojiao: "Oh, it's probably a necklace puller. Don't think too much about it. Why don't you research what other delicious things can enhance your strength."

After eating seven bottles of health care, Jiaojiao was in high spirits, trying to pry out more delicious food from Qin Yu, of course, under the guise of sharing troubles and fighting together for Qin Yu.

"Yes, next time I'll try excrement and swill crab fishy Buddha Jumping Wall for you to eat."

Jiaojiao immediately settled down, hugging Qin Yu's thigh to act like a spoiled child, but Qin Yu couldn't find out whether the necklace was real or not, and could only give up lazily, and hung the necklace around Jiaojiao's neck.

"What are you doing for me?"

"Maybe this treasure is reactive, and it will explode when it feels a strong evil force..."

Jiaojiao understands this sentence as - in case you fight with Hades, you vomit blood and die after carrying it hundreds of times, and suddenly the necklace around your neck bursts out with peerless brilliance. . .

This is the starting point of the YY male protagonist's routine.

Jiaojiao is very disdainful.

In fact, Qin Yu just tried his best to add some chips to himself. Since Baicheng can't do it here, let's use the eye of the storm and the tree sculpture of Ayeli as the prototype design according to the original plan.

Qin Yu took out a sketch, glanced at the other drawings on the pillar, thoughtful.

In fact, time is very tight, but in such a tight time, in such a dark night, when Qin Yu was busy building his secret bargaining chips, he suddenly stopped, and Jiaojiao, who was closing her eyes and researching new moves, opened her eyes and got up. .

"What's the matter, Leila is fighting outside again!"

Jiaojiao followed Qin Yu to open the door, walked to the corridor outside, and saw a burning cloud in the eastern direction of the sky outside, but this burning cloud was not beautiful and moving, but it seemed to be destructive and rampant, as if it was rolling in and about to burn everything, Jiaojiao Both eyes were almost dyed red by it, and Qin Yu's snow-white face was also rosy, but her eyes were deep, and the fiery red light only condensed into a small red spot in her pupils, making her eyebrows and eyes look weirder Coquettish.

"Here comes Hades."

But the three city lords also came.

These three people avoided other people, including the prophet and others.

After arriving, the three of them stood behind Qin Yu for a moment, until Qin Yu turned around and entered the cubicle, and the three of them followed.

As soon as the door was closed, Qin Yu opened the chair and sat down, asking, "Are you ready?"

The expressions of the three city lords were obscure and secretive.

"Although I wish there were more of these things, but the time is too short, and we can only concentrate iron blocks to build a thousand. For this reason, we melted some useless weapons."

The forging design was given by Qin Yu, and it existed in Stormwind City. After Kailanworth arrived in the City of Hope, the three city lords were secretly separated by Qin Yu for a discussion, and they were also secretly forging these mysterious weapons. After the first one came out and saw the effect, the three city lords of Kailanworth were overwhelmed with excitement, but they were all seasoned people, and they did not disclose it in private. Firstly, it was built only by the people of the three cities. , Only the hidden bodyguards are responsible for forging, whether it is built or used has nothing to do with the later races, so there is no trouble, even now, even the prophets do not know the existence of these weapons.

However, it is obvious that we will see each other tomorrow, the city lord of the three cities thought to himself.

only. . . Is one thousand enough?

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