I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1269 Negotiation? (monthly pass monthly pass monthly pass monthly pass)

Su Wanmo couldn't make it back if he couldn't be contacted, and he couldn't make it back by himself. Basically, no one in the special department could resist that top-level gold-type supernatural user.

This is unbearable, even if you can do it in the end, you will have to die a lot, and you have to control the range of lethality, try not to kill people, this is basically the most difficult technical task.

Zhang Que's brain hurts, and he feels ten years older.

And at this time, they also received news feedback from the on-site department personnel.

"They're fighting."

"Damn it, that gold-type power user has used his power!"

The building made a rattling sound.

Because the metal inside has been manipulated.

Outside the building, the mobile troops raised their weapons in unison, preparing to cover the entry of those with abilities from special departments, so as to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

But they were all prepared for the worst, and the official group was cautious, and several important figures were present, but the media and others were all isolated, and public shooting was not allowed.

But this is secondary and important. . .

Zhang Que and other leaders were suddenly notified by the high-altitude control department that a helicopter was approaching.

"The other party also sent a communication message, is it connected?"

After connecting, Zhang Que's expression relaxed.

Oh my god, it's here!

Buzz buzz, the sound of the helicopter came.

Come from far away from the city.

But thousands of meters away, there was already a mysterious voice entering the building.

"Stop, come out, I allow you to leave safely."

The people on both sides of the building who were fighting in full swing heard it, and they all stopped, and the leader of the gold-type supernatural powers paused slightly.

Who is this man?

Woman, Su Wanmo?

"It's not Su Wanmo, I've heard Su Wanmo's voice before."

They had investigated in advance, made a lot of arrangements, and were very familiar with Su Wanmo's body, voice, and appearance, so they made a judgment upon hearing the voice.

But who is this woman?

Listening to the stability and strength of Transsion, I always feel that he is not an ordinary person.

Could it be this kind of powerful supernatural being? But what attack power can the sound transmission have?

Sound attack ability?

"Go and see."

brush! A speed user blinked and turned into an afterimage and went up to the third floor, looking out from the glass of the building.

The helicopter was already approaching outside the building.

The propeller scrapes the airflow, but at high altitude, the impact on the ground is not particularly large, but as it gets closer. . .

"It doesn't seem like someone from the official army."

"Private helicopter."

"If it wasn't for Su Wanmo, I don't know who it is."

He reported to the people below, and suddenly took a breath.

Because the hatch slammed open.

The wind swayed, and Qin Yu, who was standing behind the hatch, was almost touching the side, holding the hatch with one hand, and stepped on the side with one foot, looking down, with flying hair and far-reaching eyes.

"It's Miss Qin!"

"Very good!"

Everyone in the special department knew Qin Yu, and they were very happy to see Qin Yu here, after all, the other party was top-notch.

but. . . Her expression was horrible.

In fact, there is no expression.

Qin Yu has been looking at the first floor of the building, her eyes are getting deeper and deeper, Zhang Yu, who is in charge of piloting the plane, asked: "Should I go down first? Or contact those people inside to negotiate."

"Don't talk about it."

"They disagree?"

"I disagree."

Qin Yu closed her eyes. On the way here, in order to keep her mother safe, she didn't mind letting the evil choosers evacuate safely. She could take it off, but when she got close to this area, she smelled a smell.

The smell of blood, blood can't explain anything, but she smelled a scent of grass and trees mixed with the smell of blood.

That was the taste of the medicine she gave Zhou He.

It is used, also means. . .

Then there is no need to negotiate.

Qin Yu closed his eyes.

Among the buildings.

"Qin Yu?"

"Yes, I saw it, it's that Qin Yu!"

"Even if this woman knows how to take care of her, she won't come so soon. Maybe there are her relatives and friends here. Find her! Negotiate with her, and we will get what we want."

The crowd immediately mobilized, and the people from the opposite camp wanted to stop it, but the gold-type supernatural powers moved their minds, and all the metal products buzzed and trembled.

He's going to make a big move.

One-third of the progress of the big move, a strange fragrance suddenly appeared in the air, and then everyone felt the stickiness of the air, a feeling of spatial confinement, and they hadn't reacted yet, in the air. . .

Emerald-like thorns emerged out of thin air, and then pierced, entangled, and rioted!

not good!

The pupils of the gold-type power user dilated, shouted loudly, all the powers of the whole body exploded, and all the metal utensils in the hall on the first floor and the second and third floors all rioted, condensed from the extended space, and attacked these terrible thorns.



Boom, boom!

During the riot, there was a dull and loud noise, and everyone outside the building heard it. With their naked eyes, they could only see the greenery occupying the entire hall on the first, second, and third floors, and faintly saw a monstrous blue python coiled and cracked, and the green light escaped and shattered. Glass.

three seconds.

It's all over.

Everyone was stunned. In the next second, Qin Yu on the high-altitude helicopter stepped out with one foot. He disappeared from the helicopter in an instant, and appeared in the square in the blink of an eye.

Before the people from the special department came up, Qin Yu's figure turned into an afterimage, her robe fluttering and disillusioned, and in the next second, her people disappeared in place and entered the building.

The first floor of the building was already in a mess, broken doors and windows were faintly visible, and there were many corpses pierced by thorns and entwined in the hall.

Basically all dead.

The gold-type supernatural person still had a breath in his eyes, and stared at Qin Yu who walked in with his eyes open.

The afterimage flew back and forth, he didn't see her face, but he saw her slightly lift her left hand.

A thin thorn climbed up, pierced his head with a puff from the air, and quickly absorbed it. . .


Their bodies were all sucked and deflated in an instant, while their bones were entangled and crushed inch by inch.

Flesh and brains are gone, and in the blink of an eye, only a shriveled piece of skin and hair remains.

On the side, another group of people who were besieged by thorns and did not kill them were ashamed and trembling.



In the bookstore, Dean Mei felt all the metal tools inside vibrate, with murderous intent.

It's over.

At this moment, she seemed to hear something.

Immediately afterwards. . .

There was a loud bang, the ceiling trembled, shattered powder fell, and everyone in the bookstore screamed in horror.

The screams came and went, and after one wave stopped, everyone fell silent because they felt that there was no sound outside.

Everyone was dazed and frightened, and some children wept softly, and after a while. . .

All was quiet.

Dean Mei and Zhou He noticed the strangeness, and took a photo with the flashlight that came with the mobile phone, and suddenly found that everyone else had fallen asleep strangely.

No, dead or asleep!

"They're too noisy."

The voice came from outside, so familiar.

Zhou He was stunned for a while, then exulted, "Boss!"

Dean Mei was also surprised, Qin Yu?

Karma Karma Karma!

The huge stones surrounded by the door were directly crushed by a strange force, and the dust shattered. Qin Yu jumped in from the outside, then squatted in front of Sheng, stretched out his right hand to cover her abdomen, and put his left hand on her forehead.

"Sorry, I am late."

Her voice was soft and hoarse.

Dean Mei could hear depression and fear for no reason.

Yes, just a little bit.

Yu Sheng died.


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