I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1270 Talk? (Two more, ask for a monthly ticket)


The people around fainted, except for Zhou He and Dean Mei who were still unharmed. They squatted beside and watched Qin Yu put his snow-white palm behind Yu Sheng's abdomen, while comforting Yu Sheng. . . There was a soft and mysterious green light under the palm of her hand. At close range, Dean Mei felt a terrible aura on Qin Yu, as if crushing everything, making her want to fold herself into dust and kneel on her underfoot.

Is this the power of the strong?

Dean Mei subconsciously looked into Qin Yu's eyes, but was suddenly taken aback.

Because she saw a pair of pupils that absolutely did not seem to exist in the world, but only for a moment, she was suddenly awakened because Qin Yu tapped her eyebrows.

In an instant, the exhaustion and the trance just disappeared. Qin Yu's strange pupils are also normal, but they are better-looking than ordinary people's eyes, and they are definitely not as inhuman as before.

However, Dean Mei also noticed that Qin Yu's palm covering Sheng's abdomen slowly moved upwards, and then, a piece of broken glass was entangled in the green silk underneath.

No, it's three!

It was three!

They were bloody, and one had bone fragments.

Dean Mei was too familiar with what those little white thorns could be.

Her face darkened.


Qin Yu was expressionless: "They broke the bones."

So her mother has been suffering from a broken liver and a broken waist. . .

Qin Yu was a little hard to control himself, as if there was a beast in his heart that was about to get out of the cage, and Zhou He and Dean Mei suddenly felt that the whole building was shaking. burst.

Suddenly, a hand moved and covered the back of Qin Yu's hand.

"Little fish... Mom is much better... It doesn't hurt."

Yu Sheng closed his eyes, talking in a trance.

At that moment, Qin Yu's eyes turned red, and the beast in his heart settled down a little.

She was afraid of scaring her.

"Well, you won't be hurt anymore."

Qin Yu's soft fingers lightly landed on Sheng's eyes, which was cool and fragrant, and Yu Sheng gradually fell asleep.

The input of a large amount of vital energy paralyzed Yu Sheng's pain-sensing nerves, allowing her to repair her injured body painlessly, including bones and flesh and blood liver.

Qin Yu knew he could do it.

Three minutes later.

Dean Mei and Zhou He stared dumbfounded at Yu Sheng who had fully recovered from his wound and didn't even leave a scar.

All that was left was blood on some clothes and skin.

"Go out."

Qin Yu picked up Yu Sheng, walked out, and saw a person walking quickly at the broken gate.

People from the special department didn't dare to stop him, but they had to. If there was still a fight inside, they couldn't get Qin Yu's own father involved, otherwise their lives would not be enough to pay.

But they also vaguely sensed that this tall man was not an ordinary person, because the other party seemed to be about to attack.

Just when the sword is on the verge of breaking out.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu came out.

Qin Yuan saw his daughter at a glance. . . And a wife.

Suddenly, he saw that Yu Sheng's body was red, especially the area around his abdomen.

His hands and feet were cold at that moment, and he could only run over instinctively.

Fortunately, when he was face to face with Qin Yu, and his father and daughter were connected, Qin Yuan could tell from Qin Yu's soothing expression in a second.

He didn't say anything, just hugged his daughter and wife with open arms.

At that moment, the eyes of this old man who had been calm for many years were red.

The accident was so sudden that even Qin Yu was almost a step behind, not to mention Qin Yuan who hurriedly interrupted the meeting and came here desperately.

The rest of my life.

They actually have such a sense of palpitations.

But the current situation was complicated, and the officials were a little anxious, but Qin Yu didn't make a statement, and they didn't dare to rush in. Everything here is currently under the control of Qin Yu.

It wasn't until Qin Yu handed Yu Sheng over to Qin Yuan, and also waved his hands at the people in the special department, that everyone breathed a sigh of relief and went in to check the situation together.

Qin Yu's heart has always been vertical and horizontal, and she only cares about the life and death of her small family, as long as the rest of the overall situation is correct, she will not divide her mind to other people, so she doesn't plan to care about the next details, and she plans to go together.

But also at this time.

A few people walked out of the building, the people from the special department inside had already sounded the siren, and the troops outside all pointed their guns at each other.


"Put your hands up!"

The other party felt nothing.

After several people came out, they only looked at Qin Yu, and one of them even shouted.

"Qin Yu, we need to talk to you."

Just after saying this, Qin Yu, who was about to get into the car, paused, turned around, and raised his hand.

At that moment, the space was distorted, the air crushed, and the invisible force in the form of a giant snake entangled and entangled.


The man who had just spoken was shot into the wall of the building like a cannonball.

The wall was cracked, and his whole body was sunken to a depth of one meter, his whole body was bloody and bloody.

"what are you doing!"

Seeing this, the others immediately exploded with power, trying to check and balance Qin Yu, but soon they found that they couldn't move.

The fingers of Qin Yu's raised left hand moved slowly, and the people on the wall were also entangled and suffocated by the terrifying force, dying.

Others also felt their throats constricted, clutching at the invisible air around their necks.



so close.

They thought she would say something, but she didn't, she just wanted to kill her.

Even if they are the chosen ones.

They are in the same camp.

She was really moved to kill.

Even Jinbi was as quiet as a chicken, not daring to speak, because it knew that these people had indeed offended Qin Yu's nilin.

Just when these people are about to die. . . Qin Yu let go anyway.

Because a dark purple flame suddenly fell from the sky, and the flame condensed after burning like mist.

Su Wanmo is here.

She looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu flicked his sleeves, nodded to her, then turned around and got into the car, which drove away.

Su Wanmo watched her leave, and then an afterimage hugged Dean Mei, who patted her on the back.

"It's okay, I'm fine, Qin Yu came in time."

Su Wanmo patted her head and said softly, "Go back first, I'll tell you later."


Dean Mei knew that she had a special status and had many things to deal with, so she went home under the protection of the special department personnel.

As for Su Wanmo. . .

She walked towards those people.

She said something.

Several people were stunned.

For two reasons.

1. She speaks the Chosen Common Language.

2. She said: She doesn't want any pig teammates and god opponents, and neither do I. Only this time, next time, we will make a good judgment and determine whether you are worth staying in this plane.

She didn't reveal her killing intent, but her statement was very clear.

—she wanted to kill them too, almost.

They won't have another chance to be self-righteous and foolish.

Because they almost lost their close relatives because of it.


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