I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1271 Afraid? (I thought I was on time!! Ask for tickets!)

Qin Yu and the others were in two cars, Qin Yuan followed Yu Sheng in front, and Qin Yu was behind.

Because Qin Yu hadn't said a word since getting in the car, Zhou He who was driving was very uneasy, but he didn't dare to speak, he didn't even dare to apologize until Qin Yu spoke.


Zhou He was dumbfounded.

Why did you even thank him.

"I'm a step too late—if you haven't taken the potion."

Qin Yu's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhou He felt more and more guilty, "Boss, I am ashamed of what you said. You gave me the medicine and you ordered it early in the morning. I just followed it. Besides, if it wasn't for my ineffective protection, my wife would not suffer. , and almost led to the worst consequences."

Qin Yu looked out the window.

"I don't care about the process, I only care about the consequences."

Zhou He was startled, and then fell silent. After a long time, he said, "I'm also very scared, boss."

Qin Yu turned to look at him.

Zhou He looked at the road ahead, "Madam is a good person, a very good person, I hope to protect her, but at that time... I really felt that I was so weak."

"Want to become stronger?"


"You'll have a chance."

At that time, Zhou He didn't expect what kind of impact his few words would have in the future. Anyway, later. . He would rather die than live.

But Zhou He didn't know that Qin Yu's fingertips curled up at this time, and there seemed to be a storm going on in his pupils looking out of the window.

——You are the godhead of A-444, the performance is too obvious, and the will of the native plane will notice.

——Your performance just now was too strong, it almost moved.

Huang Jinbi actually had lingering fears, but fortunately Qin Yu stopped in the end.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, it was because Su Wanmo came. . .

Qin Yu: "This restriction is not permanent, is it?"

Jin Bi was silent for a while before returning.

——You mean, you plotted this godhead for a certain battle?

Qin Yu: "I want to know when it will come."

——I'm not sure, but I can feel that your plane is a bit evil, and the progress is too fast. According to the general rules, it shouldn't have such a fast development speed. Refer to the white molybdenum group, they were wiped out by you Afterwards, there should be at least a window of two or three years. After all, the crayfish needs to grow, and it took only a long time. In reality, there will be two more calls in a month.

——If it’s not that the Dark Gold House is staring at your plane to death, or your plane itself is not right.

Huang Jinbi felt that he had been with Qin Yu for a long time, and the level of conspiracy theories skyrocketed.

Qin Yu was silent for a moment about Huang Jinbi's remarks, and after a while, she said something slowly.

"If the plane is not right, maybe the person is not right."

These words seem to be very deep, but Huang Jinbi didn't understand for a while, and he didn't understand what Qin Yu meant until later.


The vigilance of the manor reached the highest level, Zhang Yu made a new assignment, Qin Yu wiped his hair and leaned against the balcony railing after taking a shower, looking at the surrounding trees and the breeze was blowing.

When Wen Xi's family got the news, they rushed over. The two parents went to see Qin Yuan and his wife, while Wen Xi went to see Qin Yu. She paused and stepped forward to give her a hug.

Others only saw Qin Yu's domineering, ruthless and decisive ruthlessness, but Wen Xi was the first to worry about Qin Yu.

She understands the latter's fragility and fear all too well.

Qin Yu was still deep in thought, but when Wen Xi hugged her suddenly, she relaxed a little and patted her on the head.

"I'm fine."

Wen Xi let go, looked at Qin Yu, "I know you're fine, but you have something on your mind."

Qin Yu smiled, "What's the matter?"

Wen Xi: "You're afraid."

The smile on Qin Yu's face faded, and he put the towel for wiping his hair on the railing.

"The world is not peaceful."

"Will it be like this often in the future?" Wen Xi asked.

Qin Yu looked outside, "No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, but today's event will not be the most serious one."

Wen Xi's heart moved, and Liu Mei frowned slightly.

She knew that Qin Yu was reminding her to keep her parents from going out in the future.

At least this time it will be dangerous.

"I understand, you should also be careful..." Wen Xi didn't say much, because Qin Yu had already revealed enough to her, and since she knew there were restrictions, she wouldn't let Qin Yu step on the red line.

Wen Xi also accompanied Qin Yu for a while and then went to see Yu Sheng. The relationship between the two families is so good that they stayed overnight as companions.

The two fathers went fishing to talk about current affairs, and the two mothers talked about the soothing psychological shadow they encountered.

The two daughters also talked about some arrangements. . .

Two days later, the superficial impact of the building accident had almost been dealt with, and the real internal impact was covered up and dealt with internally.

In fact, it is also fortunate that the incident broke out after the White Molybdenum Party was killed, otherwise the other party would obviously use this kind of incident to publicize it and cause social unrest, but this time it is still easy to control.

It's just that internal influences and future events must be treated with caution.

On this day, Qin Yu went to the conference room of the official headquarters and met Su Wanmo.

"I haven't thanked your mother yet."

Su Wanmo: "My mother still wants to learn from you."

When Su Wanmo remembered that his mother was still thinking about learning medicine from Qin Yu like chicken blood after such a dangerous encounter, he suddenly had a headache.

After all, she has seen more dead people than she has ever seen.

Mental quality exploded.

Qin Yu smiled.

Su Wanmo: "You better stop laughing, it's so fake."

Qin Yu: "Could it be that I still have to cry for you?"

Su Wanmo: "Cry for your little sister Wen."

Qin Yu: "I still prefer to cry for Sister Su."

Su Wanmo: "..."

It's okay to cry, one can't cry, and the other doesn't want to watch.

But Su Wanmo suddenly looked at Qin Yu thoughtfully.

Qin Yu: "The look in your eyes reminds me of Granny Yazi, a person who trafficked people in ancient times. This is how they choose young girls..."

Su Wanmo smiled instead of anger, "You've said it in a decent way, could it be that you have been to ancient times?"

Just after finishing speaking, Su Wanmo came to his senses.

Oh, it's really possible that people have been there, like she recently went to another space-time plane.

"I used to wonder why you came back every once in a while, and your appearance changed a little. I thought you had plastic surgery."

Su Wanmo's mouth is also poisonous.

But Qin Yu was as stable as Mount Tai, "What about now?"

Su Wanmo: "Now I don't think you've had plastic surgery, you've changed your life every time."

This word. . . Non-ordinary people can't understand the real artistic conception - what Su Wanmo means is that you were not a human before.

And corresponding to the continuity between the past and the future, Qin Yu will never be human.

brute? Livestock? Animals?

Qin Yu leaned against the glass railing and smiled lightly, "I'll just take it as you compliment me for looking good."

Su Wanmo didn't say anything, which means he acquiesced.

In fact, Qin Yu is looking good, and it is getting better and better. Su Wanmo knows that not all the chosen ones can do this, unless this person goes straight to the flesh and bones every time, and even transforms with his soul.

Qin Yu, a lot has changed this time.

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