I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1356 Discussion

Their judgment is accurate, Qin Yu is not a real sky-defying person, if such a sky-defying big move like instant cast can be instant cast continuously, then it is really too buggy.

She couldn't, so she could only face the next 4,000 Evil Chosen Legions and the remaining 71 A-level Chosen, um, including Lorther.

Their attack has actually arrived, even if she kills a large group of people first.

This is the battle between the two armies. If you kill a group of me with one move, then the remaining group on my side can always use a wave of attacks to kill you once.

It has nothing to do with strategy, technique, and trajectory.

War, sometimes is such an iron law.

Either avoid it or bear it.

Most of their power still covered Qin Yu directly.

Sure, I finally hit it this time.

Even Da Brilliant Nosuke couldn't bear it.

It did not resist, the great brilliant shield broke, and the remaining half of its power hit Qin Yu directly.

The range is too large, the energy is too strong, and it cannot be avoided.

It's as if the missile is coming, even if you are comparable to the flying man Liu Xiang, you can't avoid the 100-meter hurdle in an instant.

She is gone.

The body is directly destroyed by high energy. . . .

"Attention, she has the ability to restore flesh and blood!"

"I know, but under such energy destruction, her cells will be destroyed, and it is impossible to recover!"

"Our intelligence is finally working."

It was so touching.

Lorother felt that she should be moved, if she hadn't seen her body being repaired in the halo of destruction.


What is this operation?

Restoring while destroying?

Gamers don’t play like this when they resurrect after death and return to the city—is this a resurrection in situ? Also cut down the death resurrection time! Resurrection without dying?

Resurrection A is not so flamboyant!

Although they didn't know what the other party was doing, Sanyan and the others still had a premonition—their information was correct, but it was lagging again, and she upgraded her hole cards.

Surprised or not, is it unexpected?

Surprised and super curious.

Loser and the others wanted to know how she did it. After being manipulated by Xuan Sao, she was so curious that she almost hung her neck. This mentality is extremely complicated.

This is the commonality of the strong, and they can't restrain themselves with three eyes.

Will Qin Yu tell them?


The strong are fearless, and those who have the upper hand are not in a hurry—even though she has always disliked showing off and wasting time during battles, but today she seems to have a different way of thinking.

Huang Jinbi thought to himself, judging from the experience of being with her for many years and seeing her kill many enemies, there must be a reason for her blindness.

but. . . .

It seems very cool too.

It's not enough to defeat the enemy, but also dazzle the opponent's soul, making them fall into screaming chickens, shouting impossible and envious and jealous.

It can almost imagine the face of the dark gold wall NPC attached to the opponent's group, crazy DISS's own evil choice - look at others, look at you! If you want money but don't have money, if you want scheming but not scheming, if you want means but no means, how many cards you have will remain the same for thousands of years, what about others? Upgrade your skills in ten days and a half months, and they are all VIP skills! Why am I so miserable, assigned to you dicks!

This feeling. . . It's so cool!

Huang Jinbi felt that Qin Yu might have to bring his aloof and Qinghua temperament into the Great Trench of Siberia.

And Qin Yu did give the answer.

If she said that it was upgraded with money. . . It seems understandable and acceptable.

Lowther thought so.

But Qin Yu's answer was not this, she said: "I did an experiment to upgrade."

Is the answer simple?

very simple.

Not rich man tech, not poor man mutation.

It is a combination of two.

Loser and the others couldn't understand it, because they hadn't been exposed to this level of improvement—are there any people in Nearly Ten Thousand Evil Selections who used experimental methods to enhance themselves? Yes, some people who study magic pharmacy can probably understand it, because they also study potions to enhance physical fitness, but Qin Yu has never seen such a method of spontaneously researching ability upgrades similar to natural blood.

Probably because they didn't know that Qin Yu's cell recovery ability was captured.

"I found it, it's white molybdenum."

When the angle of view expands from the battlefield of the earth’s native descent to the evil-chosen camp outside the earth.

All the evil players who watched the battle fell into the hearts of the war after the start of the war and the group was dazzled at the transfer station.

The last is the infinite greed for this abnormal repair ability.

Evil cultivators do not limit the restraint of desire, or this kind of greed is the essence of evil, so they care more about its origin under greed.

But the level is too low, the ability is too low, and it is impossible to see through its essence. The high-level A-level Chosen are also similar to Tianyan, and only a very small number of them have background and ability, and those gods. . . .

The gods are discussing, and the information obtained from the investigation is used to assist the discussion.

"Bai Mo? I looked at the information. It is him. This person is very hidden. It is because of Qin Yu's ability in the later stage that we think that she contacted and killed Bai Mo to get the essence of his talent, so She plundered his blood talent?"

"This kind of plundering ability is very dangerous, only white molybdenum?"

"One white molybdenum is not enough? But white molybdenum's cell repair ability should not be so abnormal. Although his talent is good in the universe, it is not top-notch, and it is far from her level."

"It's not the same, white molybdenum is just a blood talent, but its own physical limitations are too restrictive, and Qin Yu is now a living body. The living body cooperates with the repairing ability of flesh and blood. In addition, as you have all seen, her superpowers are gone. Zhizhi route, plus she should have laid the foundation for her innate spiritual things such as Xi Soil, it is a completely extraordinary series of configurations, the route is specific, and the layers are progressive, ten thousand white molybdenum can't compare with one Qinyu!"

"This kind of route is indeed terrifying, but it has extreme effects. If she becomes a god, she can take the route of life system immortality, but supernatural attacks are not enough. Viability alone is ridiculous."

"Don't get me wrong, now we're discussing why the talent of the cell lineage she deprived of from Bai Mo can be upgraded again and again, even if the physical superpower is completely matched, the talent shouldn't be upgraded at a high rate."

"What's the reason?"

"She said the experiment was upgraded? What experiment?"

"There is no mention of this in the intelligence."

Not to mention evil selection, even Tianxuan did not mention Qin Yu's research in this area, because after Qin Yu's independence, Huang Jinbi basically did not analyze her and report to her superiors, because the super elite Tianxuan has privileges of.

So the Heavenly Chosen side doesn't know, let alone the Evil Chosen.

So the gods on the side of the evil election were also at a loss, until a god with a little dry stomach said coldly: "Looking at the origin of this girl, she has a mortal body and an ordinary soul. To lay the foundation step by step and advance layer by layer, it is impossible for the Golden Wall or our dark gold wall support, because there are too many variable influences, and it does not meet the requirements of the Dark Gold House and the Golden House on each side. The basic training direction of the candidates, so all this can only be designed by herself."

In other words, Qin Yu belonged to the wild koi who practiced penance against the sky to become a dragon.

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