I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1357 The Secret Flow of Soul Growth

"With such a premeditated plan, it can be seen that she is following her own route and does not agree with the Golden House's training guidelines, or that she has shown this characteristic from the beginning, and the Golden House will therefore list her as a special person. Talent, release the authority, let her develop independently, and assist from the side. Generally, this kind of genius is impossible without advanced brain domains, but she is indeed the soul of ordinary people, which is also mentioned in the information. Her soul The class is not higher than ordinary people, let alone the soul talent, and she has no special talent for the soul-so I suspect that she is going..."

He paused, most of the Evil Chosen Gods were caught by curiosity, but there were always some weird ones, no matter Evil Chosen Gods or Heavenly Chosen Gods, there was a weird one who didn't fit in.

This weird thing popped out a sentence.

"Actor route?"


The evil gods feel like they've been kneed in by their own kind.

Play your home with a hammer! How about you being the Hollywood of the earth!

This is a very serious and high-level discussion meeting! You are a dick!

The weird god who was ridiculed by the crowd is not happy anymore, I want you to hate me by relying on my strength to grab the show?

Then you must fight back!

"The drama is as scheming as a dog, and it can dig black people. What the hell is worse than our evil choice. Isn't this a drama?"

Um. . . Seems to make sense.

How could this person not be an evil choice? By the way, can you unite with your superiors and ask the evil gods above us if this guy is an undercover agent we sent over.

It's enough to go undercover to this level, and it's almost enough to destroy our army of ten thousand people.

Is it necessary to sacrifice enough on one's own side to allow her to sit on the position of God's boss on the chosen side?

This isn't Hollywood black ~ helping Mary Sue make a movie, right?

Fortunately, most evil gods are evil and calm in nature.

The god who just analyzed didn't pay attention to the weirdness of being out of gregariousness, but continued to say coldly: "I suspect that she is following the secret path of soul growth."

Secret flow of soul growth?

The gods were taken aback!

"No way, the secret flow of the soul is formed by splitting the soul into an incalculable number of soul lines, and then with a high number of close calculations, the analysis of the high and mysterious principles is stripped away to simplify the final comprehension, which is applicable to all knowledge of martial arts, magic, cultivation, etc. System, this type of person generally has a very strong calculation ability, although the early stage lacks an advantage compared with the natural comprehension of some soul talents, but they can basically catch up in the later stage, which is considered to be a top talent, and because this type of person The deeper the dormancy, naturally cultivate a calm mind, but it is more viable than some universe-level super geniuses—because they were born from the bottom of the dormancy, and they know how to endure, calculate and bear."

"But the secret flow of the soul is manifested by the outbreak in the late stage. This Qin Yu... is she in the late stage now?"

This question is simply a torture of the souls of the gods.

"As far as I know, she should have become the Chosen One in the early ten years."

"ten years..."

That strange thing is online again, "I think most of the top talents on our side are eating shit."

It can't be said that way, the top geniuses are still very perverted, and they are more promising than some gods.

Are you so mean that you are not afraid of retaliation in the future?

"Don't forget that you were also a top talent a hundred years ago."

Qi Pa was pissed off, and was about to fight back, the evil god who was cold and dry said coldly again: "That's why I said she is the secret flow route of soul growth."

The gods suddenly reacted, and before they could speak, the strange thing exploded again, "Damn, the secret flow of soul growth? That is to say, her secret flow of soul has been growing? That is to say, the speed and even the number of her secret flow have been increasing. Growth increases, so her comprehension will become stronger and stronger!"

Oh, this wonderful speech is reliable.

"No wonder she was so powerful in the early stage."

"I just checked, she has one thing special than almost all the chosen ones - that is, she will repeatedly return to some planes she has experienced, even if she lacks stars in the early stage, she will Return to those planes, and then return frequently after having the right to return."

"What do you think she's going back to do?" Gao Leng asked the gods back.

Qi Hua frantically answered: "Isn't it molesting the top elites of those planes? Especially some good-looking people."

The gods were silent.

They are thinking about how to shield this cancer.

Gao Leng still ignored him, and only said: "I suspect that she is going back to learn the knowledge of these planes. There is no way to improve the growth rate of the secret flow of soul growth. The only growth channel is to use continuous learning to expand the knowledge system and Recombination and sublimation are also in line with the basic evolutionary route of our cosmic creatures, but this kind of evolution is too difficult and requires a lot of time and energy, and there is no upper and lower limit, which is unpredictable. In fact, most souls All talented people have the potential of the secret flow of the soul, but there is no one in a million who can take this path, because there is a shortcut from the beginning, who would like to take this endless and hopeless thorny path? The path of thorns and thorns is not advisable. Ordinary mortals who have no soul talent but have the potential of the secret flow of the soul go up, persist, and even stimulate the growth talent of the secret flow of the soul, which is terrible."

If the gods can say it's scary, then it's really scary.

It is basically higher than Tianshengxiezi, because the future of Tianshengxiezi can still be seen, and he must become a god, but the future of the secret flow of soul growth is unpredictable.

The brains of ordinary human beings have extremely advanced knowledge, covering all kinds of subjects, plus the study of science and technology, followed by the martial arts and magic of the power system, and comprehension will inevitably be added in the future.

This step by step, she walked so secretly and swiftly.

It's really scary that they didn't realize it until now.

"The secret flow of soul growth is indeed terrifying. It is rare in the universe. Even if it exists, it needs long-term development. It takes a long time, and it may be killed by us when it manifests later. Like her, this book develops so quickly and quickly cultivates it for myself. Those with top-level aptitude can be regarded as monster-level, and I have only seen her once in the three thousand years since I became a god."

They have seen the path of the secret flow of soul growth, and they have walked this path like a born evil son, so that's the one.

"But I don't think it's right. It's that she has successfully followed the route of the secret flow of soul growth. The secret flow of soul growth usually undergoes extremely terrible trials and tortures to grow incrementally. Consider her growth environment, consider her progress speed, consider Don't you find all her behavior strange?"

Qi Hua jumped out again, "I suspect that she may be the reincarnation of some higher existence, not as good as a vixen or something like a nine-tailed demon."

Gods: "..."

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