I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1399 Yuyu, is that you? (ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket)

But the clever ones on Xiexuan's side have also tasted a little taste - the sentence Yin You just asked has a meaning, what is it referring to?

Insidious mortals.

Can there be anyone else?

When the giant statue of Xie Zu Yuanya appeared, it meant that the height of the war had risen to the existence of the Great Emperor and Xie Zu.

When he came, he was more direct than Yin You.

"Where is she?"

He asked Garo Ksitigarbha.

Well, the two big guys are on the same page.

One is imprisoned in Avici Hell, and the other is in charge of Avici Hell, the enmity is not ordinary.

But the first thing she said was where she was.

Obviously, the key lies in this her.

Xiao Tingyun and others had a slightly weird idea, as if the game is getting bigger and bigger and the game is getting higher and higher, but in the end it returns to the original point - it is always related to one person.

Jialuo Dizang: "She's gone."

Xiezu Yuanya: "Really? No matter how big the chessboard is, there must be general's pieces. There are chariots, horses, artillery, and pawns. But in terms of style, it is natural that the small pawns are the most powerful and attract the most attention."

Jialuo Dizang: "It's a good pawn."

Xiezu Yuanya: "But this chess piece likes to fight for life the most, and it makes her so willing to make a big fortune with a small one. I'm afraid that after the chessboard is over, the big gains will fall on her."

Jialuo Jizang: "No matter how great the chess piece is, it is still a chess piece, and it cannot be separated from the chessboard. I think it is more appropriate to regard her as a fish."

Xiezu Yuanya: "A carp transforms into a dragon? Then she must have a carp body first, but now she has no body, her soul is gone."

Whoops, the conversation between the two big guys who are at odds with each other is very warm, and the key point is a fish?

But the evil ancestor Yuanya obviously had no good intentions.

He didn't respond when he was killed by the three of Jialuo Dizang so hard.

It is the most terrifying thing to be so peaceful and peaceful.

The calm under the storm, the chosen ones all tensed up.

Feeling a little trembling.

For example, Xuan Luobai sent a voice transmission to his father, telling him to be careful, so as not to be killed by a sneak attack.

This father is comforting, the dog who felt that his family has been stupid for many years will finally take the route of emotional intelligence, and knows that he cares about his father.

In the end, before the words were answered, Stupid Gouzi added: After all, you are my backstage, if you hang up, I will not be able to pretend to be forceful in the future, and I will be bullied to death, so, for me, you must live.

Father Xian didn't say anything, but just turned off the sound transmission authority of his youngest son.

Goodbye, my pup.

In such a mysterious atmosphere, no one cares about Xuan Luobai's confrontation with his own father. The focus is on Jialuo Jizang's dialogue with the evil ancestor Yuanya.

What did Xiezu Yuanya say?

There is no way to turn a carp into a dragon or something.

The body of the fish is gone, the soul is gone, the dragon that turned into a fart has no ashes.

So the evil ancestor Yuanya was responding to the "conspiracy" of the three big bosses of Jialuo Jizang—for example, ridiculing a mortal Qin Yu's disappearance?

Ordinary villains might be so stubborn, such as Big Big Wolf, but how could a boss like Xiezu Yuanya, who escaped from Abi Hell alone and emptied a hell while talking and laughing, be so low.

When he mentioned Qin Yu, there must be a reason for mentioning Qin Yu.

And Qin Yu was dead, a dead person was worthless.

unless. . .

Xiao Tingyun and others have a group IQ online, together with Xi Jing, Zhou Yun and Su Lin, all have guesses, but they are cautious and dare not speak, for fear of being disappointed again, but Yin You is different.

This woman can bear any blow, including Qin Yu's death and Qin Yu's inability to be resurrected, so she said slowly: "Since a chess piece said that she is not a good person, then you might as well judge her as a bad person. A bad person is willing to sacrifice and sacrifice for three reasons, 1. Fake death, 2. He has to die, and 3. He has to die under the condition of fighting for the resurrection with the greatest possibility.”

She swept her gaze, and paused on Jialuo Jizang.

"I think, my lord, you have more than just the Avici hell resurrection contract with her, there are other agreements besides the contract."

Jialuo Dizang smiled, similar to Maitreya Buddha, but because he came from hell, no matter how kind his smile was, he also had the majesty of Senluo. He said: "You care about her very much, the Buddha said, you have obsession in your heart." , and refuse to stay away.”

Yin You: "In this world, the dead are the ones who don't have obsessions. She has obsessions, so she doesn't die. As for other great principles, you don't need to tell me. You can't fool the evil Buddha with half of the Buddha's body, let alone I don’t have any Buddha nature.”

After splitting the good side, Yin You is pure evil, with no weakness at all. Jialuo Jizang was beaten by her several times in a row, and she also accepted her fate. Youyou sighed, "Well, young people of your class are really hard to fool. But it's up to her when she dies, it's up to her when she doesn't die, I don't know how she arranges it."

Is this obvious? It's obvious.

Everyone was shocked, and there was a lot of restlessness on the side of the evil election.

Even the gods were shocked.

"Is she still alive?"


"Dead so thoroughly, and after going through the death gate contract of Abi Hell, we have no supernatural powers to save her."

"Could it be that she is a special soul body with the talent of splitting the soul, so she can split part of the soul?"

"Impossible, if this is the case, the brand of the evil ancestor Yuanya is there, and we can definitely know it in advance."

Xiezu Yuanya did know that Qin Yu had no talent for splitting souls, let alone soul splitting. Even if there was a ray of soul breath, because the soul was one and the body was scattered, the soul breath would also be scattered, so it was useless for Yin You to force the soul to continue before.

So, what method does Qin Yu have?

Jiaojiao's ears suddenly swayed up and down, stood upright, and her tail swayed back and forth, he felt it.



"Fish, is that you?"

Jiaojiao's abnormal movement attracted everyone's attention, and she was about to ask.


Between heaven and earth, Central Park.

That lake, the lake changed because something came down.

A tree, a giant tree, this giant tree is too tall, and the high-end breath is far better than Ayeli, because it is a fairy tree.

It is towering and towering, like a dragon plate, with dragon scales and claws surrounded by immortal energy, majestic and intimidating, and well-connected to the world.

"Dragon and Immortal Tree!!!"

Long Qie Xianmu, who was guarding the fifth transfer station, came unexpectedly, and he brought a fairy pond with him.

The water in the pool is calm, and the water surface is as calm as a mirror.

The fairy tree and the pool were very quiet, even the world was quiet.

The evil ancestor Yuanya glanced at it, fell silent, and suddenly smiled, "Dragon and immortal wood? So that's the case, it turns out that you have already started planning when you accepted the second enlightenment sacrifice, because during the enlightenment sacrifice, you didn't even know it. According to the core rules of the Golden House, you know that I will definitely avoid it, so as not to be noticed by the Golden Wall, so I will not know what you did in the fairy pond. As for what you did..."

His eyes stopped on the water surface of the pool, "Fuying Immortal Pond, you can burn and leave a trace of soul reflection outside of your own soul."

There are many ways to reflect the soul, but the special feature of Fuying Immortal Pond is that it can be independent of the original soul, and it can continue to exist when the original soul is scattered.

Qin Yu really had a plan.

But after the evil ancestor Yuanya said, the water vapor in Fuying Immortal Pond dissipated, and a figure gradually condensed.

Outline, breath, so familiar.

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