I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1400 Preheating (more updates today, because I want to enter the next stage earlier, ask for

It made the wicked tremble unconsciously—this is a ruthless man who wiped out their 30,000-strong army.

As soon as she appeared, everyone had a very strange feeling - the gods and Buddhas all over the sky were more determined than a character who was 100% dead and could not survive, and just appeared in front of them again.

It always feels unreal.

It was so untrue that Xiao Tingyun and others couldn't feel happy - because there were too many ups and downs, they had psychological shadows.

Let's just assume that Qin Yu is still in a dead state. The scene in front of him is ~~ not a corpse fraud, but a resurrection?

The revived Qin Yu Shiran sat on the steps, looking a little thin, because it was just a phantom, somewhat transparent, she glanced at Xiezu Yuanya, with a smile on her face.

The smile is very real.

"The evil ancestors have gone and returned, so it's not too much for me to go and return."

She came back again, as if any genius, god or even god in this world didn't pay attention to her.

That's right, she, who is qualified to play chess with great emperors, is indeed qualified to maintain a high-end atmosphere at this time.

Xiezu Yuanya's forceful style is also evident, naturally calm, smiled: "It's not too much, but you can go too far, for example, let your mere shadow recover your soul and body, and then regenerate your flesh and blood."

Qin Yu: "You gods can't do such a difficult thing, let alone me, a mere mortal."

Xiezu Yuanya: "So you found someone who can help you."

He has deep eyes, seeing through secrets with the vision of one of the top bigwigs in the universe.

"From this Fuying Immortal Pond, with the rules of enlightenment sacrifice, you can either increase your strength or continue to strengthen your vitality route, but Fuying Immortal Pond is very tasteless and has a specific purpose. It is impossible for the Golden House to be normal. There are only two possibilities for the fairy pool arranged for you by the situation. 1. You make an agreement with the Golden House and ask for the Fuying Fairy Pool. Xianchi."

Qin Yu smiled: "Then which one do you think I am?"

Xiezu Yuanya: "With your scheming heart, I'm afraid you won't make detailed transactions with the Golden House, because the Golden House will pry into the reason for your request itself out of the operation of the rules-follow the clues, from you Predicting that you will die, it can finally suspect that you have been branded, and because of the core iron rules of the Golden House, killing you is an absolute choice."

Therefore, Qin Yu could only choose the second type.

Who is the boss who influenced the decision of the Golden House?

The evil ancestor Yuanya glanced away, paused on the Eastern Emperor, moved away, and said to Qin Yu indifferently: "He is the main force in this battle, there is a fat boy between you and him, if I had known, I would have paid attention to it." , so you will not look for him, you must contact another person, another person who has contact channels with you but will not attract my attention."

"Zen Master, it's her."

What he said was naturally correct, Qin Yu didn't deny it, but Jia Luo Jizang expressed his opinion: "Yuanya, why don't you think it's me?"

Before the evil ancestor Yuanya could speak, Yin You said coldly, "Because you are not as good-looking as Zen Master, Your Honor."

Galo Ksitigarbha: "..."

This evil goddess always left him speechless.

Qin Yu: "..."

This woman is always yelling at me all the time.

And I suspect that you are sowing discord!

Qin Yu felt that this topic was too unfriendly, "Don't generalize, I'm not that kind of person."

Yin You: "Really?"

Then she slowly scanned Qin Yu's group of relatives and friends. . . .

When everyone saw it, 90% of them were good-looking.

Well done, really.

Qin Yu felt that it was not easy for her to come back once, but this female devil really made her bald.

It's easy to ruin her pretentious style.

"You evil choice, you cancer, don't talk."

She quickly shifted her gaze, looking at Xiezu Yuanya, "You are too powerful, if you don't recruit a few more big shots, you won't be able to play this game of chess."

Xiezu Yuanya: "I'm curious how you persuaded that old woman Zen Master, and how you contacted her. After all, any secrets about it must not go through the channel of the Golden House, unless you want to die."

When Xiezu Yuanya said this, Xiao Tingyun and others suddenly figured it out—so Qin Yu's previous series of operations were not at all "I must die, so I have to sacrifice myself to protect everyone and this beautiful world", but to save himself .

Chess pieces step by step, one ring within one ring.

This chess game against the evil ancestor Yuanya and the 27th plane was played by four people from the beginning.

Three bosses, and one Qin Yu.

As for the start time of the chess game. . . .

They don't tell, and no one knows.

Qin Yu's expression was a little weird, and he avoided it, and said slowly: "The indescribable method is unbearable, so let's not talk about it, anyway, it's insignificant, but you can talk to me so calmly, you are actually delaying my time, trying to cut me off. Hope of resurrection?"

Xiezu Yuanya's smile was neither good nor evil, but it made people feel extremely startled, "Yes, I can't help Zen master, Donghuang and that old bald donkey for a while, but I can't let you, a little woman, get out of the world smiling proudly!" Bar."

What means will he use?

Jiaojiao was a little nervous and tried to contact the Eastern Emperor for help, but the Eastern Emperor replied.

"What did you scold me in your heart before?"

"When you are angry, you call me an old dog of the Eastern Emperor. After you call me for help, you call me Daddy?"

"Your Yuyu taught you to be so duplicitous?"

Jiaojiao: "..."

It's over, it's over, the old dog Donghuang is angry! What to do!

Scolding father is good for a while, and scolding is always miserable.

In order to protect herself, Jiaojiao could only touch her fingers weakly, and replied: "Yes, that's right, Dad, she taught me!"

Qin Yu didn't know that her fat cat was raped by his father, and she didn't know that she carried a black iron pot on her back. She only crossed her hands between her legs and elbows, and her posture was leisurely and calm.

"Not really."

"You want to return the other person in the same way."

"When we use me as the source to attract the main forces of the Evil Chosen to fight against the 27 planes on the earth, now and now, you can still use my nonsense to attract the attention of the Chosen God, the Eastern Emperor, and the Venerable Kara Ksitigarbha— —You have another war to fight back."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, among the 3,000 small planes, there were 30 airspaces beyond the planes—the army confronted each other!

There is a large army in the evil election, but there is still an army in time for the natural election.

Confrontation, tens of millions of troops in total confrontation in terror.


People on Earth know nothing about it.

Since they can confront each other, it means that they will never be able to achieve the feat of the previous Tianxuan to fight the 27th district.

With a slight sigh, Xiezu Yuanya seemed disappointed, as if he had lost the game, but there was a smile in his eyes again.

The appearance of that secret calculation. . . .

The Chosen God was startled suddenly, and was immediately notified by the Golden House system—Crisis! Outside of the two-camp hunting battlefield, a great supernatural power descends! All return!

At the transfer station, Xueyi Fuxuan and other regiment leaders contacted their own regiment members one after another, trying to recall the members so as not to be wiped out and lose in vain, but it was obviously too late!

At that time, in the sky space outside the huge and dangerous double-camp hunting battlefield, a terrifying giant covered in flames appeared, holding a giant sword in his hand, "Chosen bastards, take the sword."

When it raised a sword, the space was terrified.

Because this is a master of the level of the gods and emperors.

"It's the evil Emperor Yan of the West!"

He has come for revenge.

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