I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1401 God Comes

When the main forces of the Chosen came to the 30 planes in large numbers, the Evil Chosen side also played a wave of tricks.

This Emperor Yan of the West came as soon as he said it, and this sword cut him as soon as he said it.

It's here, enough to kill all the chosen ones on the battlefield.

It's over.

Just when the Chosen were desperate on the battlefield, the sword came, the flames were fierce, and the red flames burned out.

but. . . The green bamboo grows green, covering the sky and the sun.

A Zen sound came in a few words.

Qin tone, chant.

The praise of the will, the unparalleled supernatural power.

The fire light collided with the amber glass-like light that distorts space.

it's over.

Because of resistance.

Emperor Yan of the West was angry and roared: "Zen Master!!!"

Surrounded by green bamboos, there is a clear pool. The Zen master is sitting on the water, with a Xuelong Jiaowei qin on his legs, pressing the string with his fingertips, looking up at Emperor Yan in the west, and slowly saying: "Emperor Yan came from a long way away. Come on, I can play any song you want to hear."

This kind of temperament of a pure-hearted and ascetic cultural person simply made Emperor Yan of the West lose his appetite, "You guys are really hypocritical and scheming."

The Zen master hooked his lips and smiled slightly, "Scheming is just scheming, there is no such thing as hypocrisy."

She lightly hooked a string, played a faint vibrato, and her smile faded instantly, "It's just depth."

A good one is only deep and shallow.

These words were spoken to the evil ancestor Yuanya.

Xiezu Yuanya heard this, turned his head and said to Qin Yu: "I want to kill you, otherwise after a long time, there will be such a woman that I hate so much, it's too bad."

Qin Yu didn't quite agree with his words, "I think it will be cuter and more pleasing to you."

The implication is that she is still cuter than the Zen master.

The Zen master is really a collection of super white lotus and black heart.

Qin Yu thought so anyway.

The Evil Chosen (ordinary players, gods, and gods): No, not really, we won't allow you to think that way.

"It doesn't matter, I will kill you anyway, you can't be resurrected."

The evil ancestor Yuanya stared at Qin Yu with eyes as deep as the sea, "I am here, you cannot be resurrected."

After a while, everyone suddenly understood why Qin Yu couldn't be resurrected.

because. . . .

"Who in this world can save you? The gods can't, the emperor can't, but the golden house can!"

"So you have exhausted all your tricks, and joined these three people to start a war. You want to use the results of the 27 planes to trade with the Golden House. Once the war is won, the Golden House will be able to revive you with such military exploits, from the soul to the body, all-round resurrection!"

"But I blocked the earth and did not attack, but cut off the power of Dao and the rules. Once the golden house descends and the power of the rules attacks me, I will withdraw the power. Its power can directly destroy the Dao foundation of this plane! Of course, you also have other methods —like having three of your partners come and stop me, but you ask if they can come?"

can not come.

Because Donghuang Taiyi sits on the battlefield of the 27th plane, and he needs to accumulate the fruits of victory, otherwise his success will fall short.

Because the Zen master is sitting in the hunting battlefield of the two camps, she can't leave, otherwise Emperor Yan of the West will continue to kill.

Because Jialuo Dizang is in the Avici Hell, once he leaves, other terrifying and evil bosses in the Avici Hell may also wait for an opportunity to escape.

They can't go away.

What about the others?

Outside the Earth plane, the Gods of Heaven and Evil Chosen have long faced each other.

In the universe, the two camps have started the war mode since the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the emperor and the gods have basically activated the locked mode and confronted each other.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

This is a warm-up mode for the two camps to fight in all directions.

One touch!

The purpose of evil-chosen ultimate bosses, such as Xiezu Yuanya, is not to fight in all directions, but to check and balance, to delay time in the check and balance, dragging Qin Yu's fairy pond soul shadow over the time to reshape the soul, and finally annihilate again .

And the purpose of the ultimate bosses selected by heaven, such as the three Zen masters, is not to fight in all directions, in order to maintain the victory advantage of the 27th plane.

Since none of them are willing to fight in all directions, there is a way of getting along without fighting—the evil ancestor Yuanya can only be allowed to block the earth, he doesn't attack the earth, he doesn't destroy the surrounding planes, he just blocks.

If you want to unblock him, you need at least three emperor-level missions to check and balance him.

How could there be so many great emperors? Three great emperors would lack space to guard if they were transferred. That would be three huge loopholes, which in turn would give the evil side a chance to start a war and take advantage of it.

so. . .

This was the conspiracy of the evil ancestor Yuanya. He took advantage of the current situation to push Qin Yu into an extremely lonely situation again.

——The result of her hard work will also become the main reason for driving her into desperation.

This is the evil ancestor Yuanya, who will never suffer defeat.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Yu was silent for a while, raised his hand to grab a strand of black hair hanging from the side of his face, and pinned it to the back of his head.

She said: "When I was young, I was ignorant. I always felt that I was so miserable after eighteen lifetimes of bad luck. I also resented why the gods and Buddhas in the sky didn't save me."

"Later, when I grew up, the rules of the golden house——salvation, focus on the public, not individuals, so who is miserable and who is more miserable is never in its consideration. It may be contradictory, but it is also true, because this is the big world. , the microcosm of the universe."

"Since the moral feelings of saving or not saving are not considered, only benefits can move it, so I have to calculate, calculate the value I can contribute and the benefits I can win, and make a war agreement with it."

"The agreement is in hand, and it still has nothing to do with whether the gods and Buddhas save me."

"Follow me when you die, and stay with me when you live."

She took a look, and all the evil beings were in her eyes, but there was no loneliness and loneliness in her eyes, only a light smile with her sleeves flapping behind her back.

With a flick of her fingertips, the French text of the Golden House Agreement burned in her hand, turning into golden light that fell into the Longqie Immortal Tree Immortal Pond behind her.

The golden radiance covered everything, almost covering her whole body.

And under such brilliance, a person appeared behind her, a god who teleported over.

Wen Xi.

This newly-promoted god has just arrived, and Qingmei still has a slightly uncomfortable expression on her face, but she still puts her hand on Qin Yu's shoulder, walks up the next step, and says softly: "I'm not professional, I wasn't very good at it before, but I just studied at home for a while, and I understand it a little bit, I will try, don’t blame me if it doesn’t work.”

This god is obviously taking the extremely pure fairy route-this is a real fairy.

Hu Siyu's eyes were poisonous, and after taking a look, he said to Feiyuan, "There is a real good girl in our group."

Feiyuan looked at him and didn't speak.

Oh, the Prophet and Her Majesty looked at her too.

Hu Siyu pondered for a while, thinking that he might have made a fatal mistake - he forgot that five of the eight members in his regiment were women, and the two most powerful fighters were both women.

In fact, Wen Xi has already understated it very lightly, not mentioning all the previous events, nor what Xiao Tingyun and the others experienced.

She is the beneficiary, the one who enjoys what she gets, and the one who is protected from harm. If she doesn't mention it, it doesn't mean she acquiesces.

She does not acquiesce, but does not question or criticize, because she knows what is most important at the moment.

Also because she can understand the last resort of these designs.

Even if she doesn't know why.

She came and put her hand on Qin Yu's shoulder. The two of them didn't meet each other, but the palm of their hand physically touched Xu Ying's shoulder, and there was always a sense of emptiness.

The reason why she came was not to talk to Qin Yu, nor to meet Qin Yu, but because of an agreement.

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