I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1422 Watching the Mirror

"There are 1,546 teams in total, but currently 346 teams are registered to be attacked. The detailed investigation results of the attack have not yet been fully released, but it is currently confirmed that 65 teams have been completely wiped out, 35 teams have lost contact, and the damage of the rest of the teams varies. But the damage And the 1446 teams that were not attacked have all returned."

In fact, losing contact is basically equivalent to annihilation. Some disciples may have escaped, but the selectors who were escorted were either killed by the attackers or robbed.

Not much hope.

Basically calculated as total destruction.

Therefore, this elder is directly counted as 1446 teams.

It's all over.

"It's higher than the previous ones. In the last session, only 40 teams were killed, but this year, 100 teams died! This is based on the fact that we have strengthened the number and strength of our expatriate disciples."

"The evil way is rampant!"

"I don't just see the evil way, maybe there are other small and medium sects fishing in troubled waters, or some outside my Great Qin Kingdom..."

"You mean other countries..."

"Hmph! Our Eastern Seven Kingdoms have always ranked our Great Qin Kingdom as one of the most prosperous. The four kingdoms of Baili, Haina, Huayuan, and Jingliu have their own governments and dare not offend us alone, but Zhongzhou, Daliang, and Xiaoge Three hundred years ago, the alliance of the three countries formed the mixed domain of the three countries, and their strength has greatly increased. Since then, incidents have occurred frequently, and there are always provocations. There must be their conspiracy behind the scenes!"

Most of the elders were very angry, but they also calmly analyzed the overall situation: "Every five years is a long time in the mortal world, but for us cultivators, although it does not happen for a moment, it is also easy to fly. If it fluctuates every five years, the loss With such superposition, the provocation becomes more intense, and in the future, instead of losing 100 teams, you may only be able to come back alive with 100 teams!"

This is not alarmist talk.

Small-scale crises split apart, and if they are not contained, they will gather together and form a threat of encirclement.

Whether it's the struggle between the Seven Kingdoms, the confrontation between evil ways, or the petty thinking of small and medium sects, these are all hidden dangers.

Guan Canghai listened to what everyone said, nodded, and said: "My outer sect has always been in charge of recruiting disciples, which is the foundation of the sect, and the inner sect has always trusted me. Regarding the crises encountered in the past few sessions, the elders have devoted themselves to making arrangements and have done their best. The inner sect is clear, and there have been praises. For such violations, the inner sect elders’ house has already made plans and preparations, and I will wait for the order, and we will definitely maintain the majesty of the sect together."

It is true that the inner sect suppresses the outer sect, but it is indeed the highest authority of the sect. With them, no matter whether they are loyal or not, they are always at ease.

And Guan Canghai, who is sent from the inner sect, can sit on the position of sect master and govern the outer sect for the inner sect. His strength will inevitably crush the heroes, but his emotional intelligence and means are also extremely strong, and he will not overwhelm these elders of the outer sect to express their opinions and be patient. After listening, give comfort and recognition, this is emotional intelligence.

It also expresses the calmness of the sect, so that these people will not feel uneasy, and put people into the sense of protection of the sect, and gather people's hearts and wills. This is the means.

Just a few words, showing the ability of the sect master.

Everyone still obeyed him and nodded their heads in response. After Guan Canghai finished the topic, he got up and led the elders out.

But in private, he sent a voice transmission to the elders he relied on, made a list, and used spells to transmit the influence in his mind.



This elder retreated silently, not attracting attention, and the other elders would not ask when they saw it, because this elder was originally assisting the sect master in handling matters with the inner sect, and they thought it was because of the attack that he reported to the inner sect.


On the square, Zhanghe was amazed, but he didn’t dare to express his shocking appearance of the country buns, because many people had gathered in this square, and it was a huge area. At first glance, he thought it was a country gathering troops to fight. Group of people.

But if you look closely, you can still tell that there is a reason for this group of divisions - because they were originally the team ordered to go out to receive the selectors.

The Great Qin State is huge, with countless counties and ponds, and naturally countless teams.

But the largest team should be the front group.

The momentum was unusual, there were nearly ten thousand selectors inside, surrounded by hundreds of disciples of the Wuque Sect in white and blue robes, these disciples had their own awe-inspiring aura, each of them carried a long sword, and the sword aura was hidden in it, There is an aura of a military iron fairy guard.

It is a big class higher than Huang Jue and others.

When Zhang He saw it, he didn't tremble, and couldn't help gasping: "They are all at the peak of Jindan..."

God, he was doing well in Baiyan City with his Golden Core stage, but he ended up in the outer sect of Wuque Sect. . . I'm afraid I can't afford a splash.

It's not his fault, because many teams from other places in the square next to it are also exhausted - most of those who are selected are adults or teenagers.

It's not all kids either.

They were shocked.

So many golden core stages? ! ! There are hundreds of Golden Core peaks!

These are the Nascent Soul stage reserve!

Qin Yu was also taken aback, oh shit, is it so fake?

This time it was Jiaojiao who answered the question, "It's normal. From the perspective of our heavens, immortals are the real candidates for power. Do you know how large a group of cultivators are needed to raise an immortal? It's huge! It's like a pyramid. However, Zhuji Dan Yuanying can only be regarded as the lowest foundation of cultivation. If this foundation is not huge, how can enough immortals be born? Even so, there are not many immortals born in the world. There are so many immortals in the heavens, they have been accumulated over a long period of time, and there are also immortal races that have been bred by ascended immortals. But I have to tell you, only a few major cultivation planes have such a foundation, Small planes of cultivation are similar to your original cognition, such as the A-28 small plane of comprehension of Fatty Xuan Luobai, and the small plane of A-35 where Xueyi Fuxuan is located. These two small planes are in the small plane It's not weak inside, but that's the case. Their cultivation scale is less than one percent of that of A-9. He's excellent... Sorry, I'm talking about Xueyi Fuxuan, not the fat Xuanluo Bai. Xueyi Fuxuan is outstanding because he is already the top talent in that plane, and he can be considered very good in a big plane, and he comes from a strong background, which is a result of his talents and resources, and cannot be compared."

In terms of this kind of high-end knowledge, the son of the emperor still has reserves, even if he doesn't forget to say something about Xuan Luobai.

Qin Yu doted on him, so he naturally went along with him, saying: "It's no wonder that the foundation of cultivation in the Great Qin Kingdom is enduring. The number of people who have been screened out every five years is enough. There should be 50,000 spiritual root selectors here." Bar."

The largest team accounted for almost one-fifth.

It's scary enough.

Qin Yu was a little curious about what criteria the Wuque Sect would accept in the end.

There are so many people here, how many can be left in the end.

How many more. . . You can go straight to the inner door directly!

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