I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1423 Preparations

Huang Jue, who was at the side, said in a low voice, "I'm ashamed to say that the ten people I waited for in the Outer Sect were not very good, so they were assigned to accept apprentices in remote towns, so the Outer Sect Elder's House considered the dangers faced by accepting apprentices in various places. The size is different, and the team over there is going to the capital of the Great Qin King. They are selected at the peak of the Jindan stage, and the senior brother He Chu who leads the team is a master of the Nascent Soul stage. As for the number of people they selected. The aura of the king's capital is prosperous, and it has its own national fortune to protect, coupled with its huge population, the probability of producing a spiritual root is naturally extremely high."

Zhang He nodded, "I understand. Our Daqin kings have a population of nearly ten million. Every time there are hundreds of thousands of people participating in the selection, it is very normal to select ten thousand people. And I know that the selection of the king's capital has been over the years. The proportion of those selected by the Wuque Sect is also the highest."

This is a big world of comprehension. Although the entire kingdom is not called Cultivation, it definitely has a high degree of participation. When it is placed in the capital, the proportion is even higher. Many of the cultivation families are located in the capital. Either half-participated in politics or the military, inseparable.

Huang Jue nodded, thought for a while, and wanted to remind everyone of one thing, "The two inner disciples in front are both from the capital, especially the one..."

Just as he was about to finish speaking, he suddenly shut up and signaled everyone not to speak.

Because the master of the outer gate and the elders' house came.

Guancanghai's appearance is not amazing, not majestic, not like a high-end figure like the master of the outer sect who has a powerful weapon, but it makes people feel like a spring breeze, and they dare not despise him.

Because identity and cultivation are there.

As in the past, I said a few words about officialdom, welcome, look forward, and then. . . go rest.

The house is all arranged.

Just wait for the enrollment in three days.

They are all rookies who have never practiced before, and the masters who guard them are all members of their sect. Qin Yu and these "mortal chickens" have absolutely no right to speak. They let you sleep, you I have to wash and sleep.

The children had never seen such a big battle before, and with the influence of Tong Xuan Qi, many of them fell asleep directly.

Well, take her away, like a nanny.

Qin Yu was one of the few "good kids" who didn't need to be hugged, but she carried an overweight fat cat and walked away obediently.

This time it was not Huang Jue who led the team, because their accusation was only an escort, and the next accommodation work also had external logistics. . . Yes, it is the servant of the outer disciples.

Qin Yu saw that some of these servants had spiritual roots, and their behavior and speech were not conventional, obviously they were not ordinary people.

Jiaojiao: "I guess it's some people who failed the selection, or they were selected because they came from a good background and went through a network and handed in resources."

Qin Yu didn't express his shock this time, but said slowly: "If Zhang He is given a choice, let him be the servant of Wuque Zong's Nascent Soul stage disciple, I'm afraid he will be willing."


Daxiu real plane, Jindan is like a dog.

"The world of self-cultivation is still very cruel. There is no one covering it, and it is basically impossible to survive the Golden Core stage. What's more, even if it is not covered, the spiritual energy and profound energy of the Wuque Sect alone are enough for him to envy."

So the current Zhanghe must be very eager to get lucky and have a chance to stay, but based on Qin Yu's judgment on the Wuque sect's style-rigorous, rigid, and polite.

"In addition, some teams were attacked and did not come back. The atmosphere in the sect is obviously not so relaxed. In troubled times, Wuque will not accept outsiders."

While chatting with Jiaojiao, Qin Yu was assigned to a room. With so many selectors, it is naturally impossible for one person to have a room. If it is a child, five people will have a room, and the remaining three people will have a room.

However, the room is very large, spacious and bright inside, with elegant decoration and everything you need. There are five beds in different corners, but there is still a spacious room. There are also large blankets on the floor for children to play.

These servants were obviously used to taking care of children, and told them gently and calmly that they would take care of them by themselves for the next three days.

"The rules of the sect are strict. There are a lot of disciples coming and going from outside. There are also many spirit beasts raised by the disciples or fed by our outer sect. You are strangers. They don't know your aura. Even if there is no malice, they will inevitably collide and startle , so you don’t run around, how about just staying in this room and the courtyard outside for the next three days? If you are bored, there are many books to read in the house..."

The servants are careful and meticulous. These children have been told countless times by their elders at home. They know that if they violate the rules in these fairy gates, they will be killed or repatriated at every turn. They can't be careless.

The children also regretted their lives, and nodded obediently, and then each chose a bed.

But I don't know whether it was by accident or on purpose, Qin Yu's side is full of girls.

According to the habit of not being limited by the secular world in the cultivation world, I am afraid that such a young child does not need to be limited to men and women, after all, even the old-fashioned ancients do not sit at the age of seven.

"It's very simple, because Wuque is very polite." When Qin Yu said this, Jiaojiao's face collapsed, "So old-fashioned? Then we all have to pretend to be good."

It still wants to play around.

Qin Yu smiled, stroked his tail, and said lightly, "As long as I have enough portion, you can play however you like."

Oh, that's right.

Jiaojiao quickly entered the preparatory period of relying on her father's arrogance.

Because he has been going this route before.


In fact, the three days passed in a blink of an eye. The children forced themselves to be playful and were extremely curious about the outside world, while Qin Yu was very silent. He often read books and didn't talk too much. The servants silently observed the five children behind their backs. Write down their performances one by one, focusing on Qin Yu.

Qin Yu noticed it, so she didn't read those profound books, but children's books like "The Puppy Finds His Mother", which is more childlike and interesting.

The problem is Qin Yu and Jiaojiao. . . It's very exciting to watch, it's not a show at all.

However, Qin Yu also secretly thought that the sect master moved very quickly and cautiously, which was probably Wuque's habit.

Jiaojiao also noticed it later, "What are you doing, why did she investigate you, Yuyu, did we get exposed?"

"No, it's just that my movement of absorbing the profound energy is not bad. If I'm attracted to it, I should pay more attention to it. As long as my spiritual root meets the requirements, the treatment in Wuque will not be bad."

This is also what Qin Yu wants - pretending to be a pig is for pretending, but we don't eat slops, if we want to eat, we have to eat well.

Three days later, Qin Yu and others were released from prison. . . . Everyone also gets an identity badge made according to personal information.

It was still the same square, but many people from outside the Wuque Sect came.

Probably the small and medium sects in the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom. These sects came very early, very polite and respectful, and surrendered to Wu Que, so the second and third sects will be more like VIPs and have some right to speak. .

but. . .

"However, even the selection of disciples across the country is completely arranged by Wuque, and the first choice is also on Wuque's side. It can be seen that they don't have much right to speak."

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