I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1424 Turtle (Second)

Qin Yu nested in the crowd and observed these small and medium sects. It is impossible for the other party to come with his family, but it is impossible for the younger brothers to send horses when they go to the big boss's territory. This is not in line with the rules of the world. At least the top or second The handle, at least the identity must be in the same dimension as the subjective world of the outer door.

And Wuque Sect is the strongest, the small sects come from the head level and bring a lot of elders, while the medium sects usually come from the second and third leaders unless they have a legitimate reason. . .

This can subtly judge the general strength of these sects.

Qin Yu observed carefully, and also wrote down the identities and information of these people.

She progressed very fast, but the people at the outer door had already made arrangements.

The process has been established for tens of thousands of years, and it is very smooth. Centered on the Tongxuan Ding, 99 disciples from the outer sect stand in a circle, as if they are waiting for something.

Huang Jue and the others are probably still young, and they are a little worried about the 20 people from Qin Yu who led the team for the first time, and they are standing beside them at this time, Huang Jue said: "Don't panic later, do as the elders said .”

Qin Yu said little and nodded.

Children are okay, their thoughts are not so convoluted, but teenagers and adults. . . Those few all looked at Qin Yu secretly.

But didn't say anything.

It is their freedom for the outer disciples to get close to which selector, not to mention that the spiritual root is doomed to everything, and they will not be jealous of a little girl in advance.

For the matter of selection and recruitment, all sects value the most, because this is the foundation of a sect, and there is naturally a lot of movement today.

The peak of the 99 golden elixir stage is waiting in full force, and people from other sects are also looking forward to it.

Hey, could it be that the method of identifying the spiritual root this time is not the demon mirror?

Really not!

When the elder made a seal with his palm, he drew a golden light seal with his fingertips, joined his index finger and middle finger, the seal condensed and spread, suspended on the Tongxuan cauldron, exerting the power of summoning.

Qin Yu's eyes fell on the Tongxuan tripod, a little surprised.

"Is there something in Tongxuan Cauldron?"

Sure enough, there is something, when a strong blue light emerges from Tongxuan Cauldron, it only takes a moment. . .

It's out.

It really came out.

The momentum is vast and the power is terrifying.

It has an ancient and majestic aura. . .

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were looking forward to it, their eyes widened slightly.

Three seconds later.

An ordinary turtle. . Climb out of Tongxuan Ding.

Qin Yu:? ? ?

Jiaojiao:! ! !

Oh, tortoise, why did a tortoise climb out of Tongxuan Ding!

The tortoise crawled to the side of the Tongxuan tripod, glanced at the people in the square, and opened its mouth slightly.

. . . .

The Outer Gate Presbyterian Court and Guan Canghai were about to salute, when it yawned.

Well, the salute was interrupted.

Then it spoke.

"I want to shit, what are you guys, you only let grandpa come here once every five years, will you be lonely and empty and cold? Come if you want to come, go if you want, don't you want to lose face?"

What spectrum is this?

Northeast dialect + Sichuan dialect accent.

Qin Yu:? ? ?

As for the orthodox style of cultivating immortals, what kind of style of painting is this?

Guan Canghai was embarrassed, and was about to speak while saluting.

The tortoise raised its short tortoise claws, pointed at Guancanghai, and sternly accused—"You hold back and talk about painting, I remember you, what is your name for watching the sea, right? Look at your hammer! Every five years, say it again and again I want to play a wave of teasing for me, and lie to me every time! I'm so angry!"

"You lied to such an old turtle, are you still a shit?"

Jiaojiao couldn't hold back, she was about to burst out laughing, but Qin Yu covered her mouth in time.

Hold back! We can hold back!

Seeing the dignified and elegant faces of those small and medium-sized sects beside them, but the deep smiles hidden under their faces, it hurts everyone's mind.

"Senior Qinggui, in the past, Senior Tongxuan was in charge of the identification of spiritual roots, but 50 years ago, Senior Tongxuan practiced in closed doors, and entrusted you to help with the identification..."

Qing Gui raised his paw again, and pressed the void, "You old Mona Tongxuan threatened me! I'm not afraid of him, anyway, he's in seclusion, and you want me to help you identify it, so be generous! But according to work! You must let me Go out and have fun! Otherwise, I won’t do it!”

It looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

The people in the outer sect were helpless, the disciples were not qualified to talk to Qing Gui, they could only be funny and embarrassed, while the people from the small and medium sects were just watching the fun.

The hundreds of elders in the elders' house were extremely embarrassed, they could only look at Guan Canghai, sect master, they are tired.

It's probably not the first time Guan Canghai has been pissed off by Qing Gui pointing at his nose.

Who makes people old, and they are the spirit beasts of the outer gate. . . . There is also behind. . .

Guan Canghai was steady, and he was still very generous, so he opened his mouth.

"Well, it's true that Senior Qing Gui has been wronged, so this junior will make the decision and let you play for three days."

"Three days! Get rid of the beggars! I want three years!"

"Two days."

"No, I want two years!"

"one day!"

"Aww! You are bold! How dare you press down! I will not give in to you! Three days! I want three days!"

"make a deal!"

Everyone: "..."

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: Is this ginger or old spicy? No, it's the elder tortoise who has lived longer and has a problem with his head!

Qing Gui was quite happy, consciously taking advantage of himself, and rejoicing, while looking at the people in the square again, "Okay, get ready, I'm about to start!"

Disciple 99 stood up suddenly, and Huang Jue and other outer disciples also retreated one after another, pulling themselves away from the more than 50,000 selectors. In a short time, the area spread around Tongxuan Ding in the huge square was completely Fifty thousand selectors remain.

Qin Yu was extremely inconspicuous among them.

But Qing Gui suddenly said: "Wow, why is there a cat, that little fat man, the fat cat in your arms also has spiritual roots?"

Fatty Qin Yu and the fat cat, Mao Jiaojiao: "..."

Kind of want to hit it.

When Huang Jue saw it, he secretly felt that it was going to be bad, but he didn't dare to speak, and someone among the elders had a stern expression and was about to scold Qin Yu. . . But was stopped by Guan Canghai.

In the arena, Qin Yu, who was all the attention, showed a more disturbed expression than timidity. He lowered his head and said shyly, "Senior Guigui, he is our cat."

After a pause, she added slowly: "Although he is a bit fat..."

Jiaojiao turned her head and stared at Qin Yu.

You said I was just plump! ! !

Qing Gui: "Ah, I'm not old! Don't talk nonsense, and is he short-legged and disabled? Why does he always want you to hug me? I don't know I'm fat?"

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he almost couldn't hold back.


As for Jiaojiao, she was also taken aback for a while, oh shit, this paralyzed turtle! I go up and give him a paw!

But he was firmly held down by Qin Yu.

"No, no, he's not disabled, he's just lazy... I... Shall I let him go now?"

Qin Yu asked nonchalantly, glanced at Huang Jue outside, as if asking for his opinion.

This is also in line with the character of children-they will instinctively trust the person they have been in contact with for the longest time.

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