I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1425 Lead me to court! (Third update, ask for tickets)

Huang Jue was outside, being watched by her, he didn't dare to say nothing, hurriedly walked out to salute, and said to Guan Canghai and the others: "The master and elders are here, this little girl is young and ignorant, she doesn't know the rules, it's because the disciple didn't teach well, the disciple wishes Get punished."

After finishing speaking, he said slowly to Qin Yu: "Give him to me, and I will take care of you for a while."

He was about to go in, but Jiaojiao jumped out of Qin Yu's arms.

Come, come, take two steps.

Let the whole world know that although he is fat, he is not disabled.

After walking out of the field, Jiaojiao, who walked the perfect fat version of the catwalk, was lying on the side, lazily licking her paws, with an unreasonable look, very arrogant, Huang Jue didn't care, stood by and watched .

The elders didn't care, they just looked at Huang Jue twice more.

This son is not in a hurry or impatient, responsible, not bad.

"Then let's start." As soon as Guan Canghai said, Qing Gui didn't take it seriously, and glanced at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu noticed it's glance, and secretly thought that the tortoise probably saw that he was a natural body, otherwise he wouldn't pay more attention.

Qing Gui pursed his mouth, and suddenly shrank his body.

It retracted into the tortoise shell, but the tortoise shell emitted light, and there was a flow of light walking on the lines on the tortoise shell. After the passage was complete, a layer of tortoise pattern light prints flew out from the entire tortoise shell.

99 disciples shouted in unison, and put their fingers together to gather spiritual energy and mana, and sacrificed a spiritual flow to the sky, pouring it into the turtle pattern light seal.

Under the energy blessing of 99 Jindan peak disciples, Guiwen Guangyin quickly expanded, gradually expanding to the size of the entire square.

Outside the arena, the elders of the small and medium sects looked at the few young disciples they had brought with them. The young disciples understood and released their minds to observe the tortoise pattern with all their strength, and also sat cross-legged on the ground.

Why they came is obvious.

Jiaojiao: "Is it to comprehend the tortoise pattern light seal?"

Qin Yu: "No, this tortoise pattern is too mysterious. Those below the Golden Core stage are not qualified to comprehend it, and the Nascent Soul stage is not enough. They can see a bird. I guess it has something to do with Tongxuan Ding. These sects The management brought the juniors here for this benefit."

After a pause, Qin Yu had other guesses: "Including the outer sect disciples asking these 99 Golden Core Stages to contribute, it is obvious that a few Nascent Souls or sect masters and elders can do things, but 99 disciples must do it." , It’s too superficial to show off, and I guess it’s also to help these 99 disciples cultivate...Maybe there are still people who can break through the Nascent Soul.”

Because these 99 disciples are all at the peak of Golden Core stage.

Qin Yu felt that there must be a reason for this standard.

At that time, Qin Yu was finishing speaking, and after the tortoise pattern light seal was formed in the sky, the ninety-nine disciples pointed at the light like lightning.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, you can understand the mysteries and spirits, and your spiritual roots have returned, leading me to the court!"

Ninety-nine people shouted in unison, followed closely.


hum! The huge moiré photoprint blatantly peels off another moiré photoprint, which is symmetrically compared from top to bottom.

Move your fingers down again!


Wow! The tortoise pattern light seal fell from the sky and passed through the bodies of Qin Yu and other 50,000 people. It was just a momentary thing, and before everyone could react, it buzzed into the ground.

Qin Yu lowered her eyes, and she felt that the first layer had already begun when the tortoise pattern light print passed through her body. . . test.

Check evil.

It was originally a firm spiritual root, but it turned out to be so surreptitious to test evil spirits.

Does Wuque have any psychological shadows, especially for this one.

——You still don’t allow people to be cautious?

——The big sect has many rules.

Qin Yu didn't really care. After the stripped tortoise-pattern light print entered the ground of the square, it was imprinted on the ground, symmetrical to the tortoise-pattern light print in the sky.

Now, Qin Yu and other 50,000 people were sealed inside, like a sandwich.

but. . . Already started.

Hissing, the tortoise pattern light prints in the sky and the ground are separated into a series of flexible silk threads, like electric currents, like magic gates, they connect up and down, and finally connect.

then. . . into the bodies of all.


From the most basic gravity of spiritual power!

It is mobilizing the spiritual root, allowing the hidden deepest and most mysterious spiritual root to separate the spiritual root line.

Soon, someone's body was penetrated by the tortoise pattern light seal, found the spiritual root, and pulled out the spiritual root thread.

One by one was born on the top of the head.

one? No, most of them are several!

As soon as the spiritual root thread is pulled out, it is clear at a glance what kind of cultivation talent you are.

And 50,000 people basically see results within 15 breaths.

All the cultivators present here know this kind of common sense, and those who don't know common sense will be identified inside.

They may not be aware of it themselves, but people outside can see it clearly.

Some people's spiritual roots come out quickly, and some people's spiritual roots are a little slower.

The speed does not mean that the spiritual root qualification is good or bad, the important thing is the result.

Now someone is preparing to register the results.

There was an elder standing on each of the four sides of the square. I don't know when they went down, but these four elders were all standing on the side anyway.

"Those who have developed spiritual roots, determine the number and type of spiritual roots on their body."

"Five spirit roots, come to me."

"Four spiritual roots, come here."

"Three spirit roots."

"Double spiritual roots!"

There were 50,000 people, and there were many people immersed in the test results of their spiritual roots. Some were shocked, some were happy, some were disappointed, and some were desperate.

But under the strict atmosphere of Wuque Sect, they didn't dare to express their emotions too much, and soon dispersed, with the most Wulinggen people, almost half of them went.

There is also a large part of the four spirit roots.

The three spirit roots dropped a lot.

There are even fewer Shuanglinggens, only a small group.

Undoubtedly, the Shuanglinggen group is the most excited.

With Shuang Linggen, they can not only enter the Wuque Sect, but also have a better future, maybe, they can enter the inner sect?

They were full of anticipation and excited.

I feel that I am the most shining cub in the audience.

Yet they are not.

But there were still more than fifty people left in the square.

There are those who have not yet tested their spiritual roots, and there are still others. . . There is only one spiritual root!

"Single spirit root."

People from small and medium sects all stared at the eighteen children in the arena.

"Only 18 out of 50,000 people?"

It is equivalent to a country's five-year accumulation of comprehension preparations and only eighteen single spiritual roots.

"This session is less than the previous session. There seemed to be twenty-nine in the last session?"

"It doesn't matter how many there are."

Small and medium sects didn't dare to say more, because it was impossible for a single spirit root to enter their sect, and they would not be happy to say so.

Whether there is a lack or not, Daqin will always be the first.

Who would abandon their sect for the first time?

The second and third sects of Daqin had complex expressions and complex moods, but there was nothing they could do.

With a single spiritual root, there will never be a chance for others to show off.

Well, except for those who have not yet developed their spiritual roots. . .

But they didn't enjoy this much attention for a long time, and their spiritual roots came out.

There are five, four, and three.

Not even one Erlinggen.

Huang Jue saw that Qin Yu was the only one who hadn't yet developed his spiritual roots, and was immediately worried.

Could it be that there will be useless spiritual roots?

This girl's life experience is already very miserable, but she can't even cut off this road.

Guan Canghai's expression seemed simple, but in fact his eyes were vaguely lingering on Qin Yu.

After viewing Tongxuan, he wrote down the little girl. Tongxuan is also a kind of talent, but it is not notarized to the outside world. It is just a big hidden method for them to recruit people.

However, spiritual roots are the foundation of everything.

So when he realized that the little girl hadn't yet developed her spiritual root, he was a little worried.

Naturally, there are one more good seedlings, and if they have both mysticism and spiritual roots, then they are the best seedlings.

so. . . What kind of qualifications does this little fat girl have!

Guan Canghai was a little curious in his heart, and glanced at Qing Gui with a calm expression, and found that it was also looking at the girl, and his mind moved.

Could it be. . . .

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