I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1426 Shan Ling, inner sect?


A blue light root came out of Qin Yu's body, only one.

Single Lingen, no doubt.

"Single spiritual root of wood type."

"It's rare, but finally a single spiritual root appeared!"

Everyone was talking about it, Qing Gui blinked his mouth, as if he was not surprised at all, he just muttered: "It's so difficult to come out, I thought the good single spirit root was going to be scrapped!"

But the single spiritual root has come out, and all the spiritual roots have been identified.

Shan Linggen stayed where he was, and the rest of the people scattered to the four elders of the square to register, and the result came out soon.

Wulinggen, 28008 people.

Four spiritual roots, 13992 people.

Sanlinggen, 7055 people.

Shuanglinggen, 726 people.

Shan Linggen, 19 people.

Now that the results are out, the next step is. . .


The deputy suzerain of the second sect, Purin Mountain Sect, was very polite, and asked Wuque Sect to choose first.

Other sects also catered one after another, as long as you choose, you can choose whatever you want.

If you pick the rest, we will pick again.

Qin Yu also wanted to see how the Wuque Sect was selected and how these sects were allocated, but she had no chance, because Guan Canghai had already stepped forward and directly circled away the 19 single spiritual roots. Five elders picked out 100 dual spiritual roots in the past.

Without saying anything, Guan Canghai and the five elders directly surrounded the 119 people.

The rest stayed to preside over the next work.

The expressions and eyes of the other sects. . . Qin Yu basically understood that this bastard picked out the fattest, toughest and most delicious beef brisket in the pot, leaving a lot of potatoes.


Walk? How to go?

First go to the main hall above the square.

"My cat..." Qin Yu yelled deliberately before being taken away.

Guan Canghai looked back at her and smiled, "I forgot, it's okay..."

He flicked his sleeves, and a floating ribbon flew out from his cuffs, binding Jiaojiao from the square below in the blink of an eye.

Jiaojiao pretended to be panicked. . . But it was still tied up.

The people in the square who were still dealing with the matter of recruiting apprentices were envious. They knew what good fortune would be for those who were taken away, but only one of them got enlightened and ascended to heaven. . . .

Cats can ascend to heaven too!

I'm jealous!

Jiaojiao: Fuck your ascension to heaven, my highness came down from the sky!

Among the crowd, a thin and yellow boy looked at the cat that was dragged away for a long time.

In the main hall, Jiaojiao was dragged to Qin Yu, the ribbon was taken away, Jiaojiao fell down, and Qin Yu caught him.

"Get ready, I will take you to the inner door later."

Inner door! Although everyone already had some premonitions, they were still shocked!


"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that girl to be a single spirit root!"

Zhanghe hasn't left yet, it's also shit luck, and he has the opportunity to stay and watch the fun, because the selection team of Baiyan City is also among them.

He was shocked that Qin Yu was a single spirit root, but he was very regretful when he thought that the other party was not from his own Baiyan City.

But he was also curious, and asked Huang Jue if the 119 people who were taken away had entered the inner sect.

"A single spiritual root must enter the inner sect, but the double spiritual root that is taken away depends on the purity of the spiritual root..."

Huang Jue was talking, and was suddenly attracted by the restlessness of the Shuanglinggen group.

It seems that a selector with dual spiritual roots was unwilling to be taken to the inner sect and asked the elder.

Huh, so this kid is so rude?

Zhang He was surprised, but he knew it when he saw the other party's clothes.

It turned out to be a child of the royal clan, no wonder he dared to ask.

The elder is also good at self-restraint, took a look at this clan's dual spiritual roots, and said calmly: "It is true that the dual spiritual roots are true, but not all dual spiritual roots are necessary to be brought into the inner sect."

The clan's double spiritual roots slightly raised their chins, "I know that the Wuque Sect's inner sect's admission standard is - a single spiritual root must be admitted, and the purity of the dual spiritual roots must be more than double seven inches. My father has already tested it for me. However, the purity of my spiritual root is seven inches, so I can enter the inner sect."

The royal family has the ability to test the spiritual root and purity, and coming here is just officially stamped by the official.

The difference between the inner door and the outer door is heaven and earth. Since the clan knew that he could enter the inner door, they didn't know how much they valued him. . .

But before he could react, the master of the outer door took someone away, so he was unwilling to ask.

The son of the clan prince was confident, but the elder was very calm when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "Then you must not know that the standard for accepting double spiritual roots in the inner sect is not only the purity of the spiritual roots, but also the attributes of the spiritual roots, wind, fire, ice, etc. Water, ice fire, water fire, water wood, gold fire, earth wood and other auxiliary or compatible dual spiritual roots are extremely dominant, and it is also advisable if the dual spiritual roots are entrained with thunder."

He looked at the five-year-old prince's son, "Your spiritual root is seven inches pure, but it is fire wood, which is not suitable for dual spiritual roots, so it is not in the scope of selection. Of course, if the attributes are compatible, but the purity is not enough. It also cannot pass the inner door standard."

When the son of the prince was stunned and unwilling, the elder added another sentence: "But the talent of a single spiritual root is extraordinary, so why is it an ordinary life with two spiritual roots, and all other spiritual roots, compared with ordinary people in the world, You are not ordinary, even if you enter the inner sect and work hard, the way to advance to the inner sect is very clear, because the outer sect is the foundation of the inner sect, and now more than half of my inner sect disciples are promoted from the outer sect, so, Do you know?"

The prince's son was a little bit unwilling and disappointed at first, but when he heard it, he felt better again, and he was thinking—so many people can be promoted to the inner sect, so I am so talented, wouldn't it be easy?

Zuo Zuo couldn't resist the Wuque Sect's rules, so he had no choice but to give up.

Zhang He, who watched from beginning to end, couldn't help sighing: "It's really difficult, no wonder the governor of Heluo worked so hard to be promoted..."

Governor of Heluo is also a double spiritual root, but his spiritual root attribute and purity did not meet the standard at that time. Later, he made extreme efforts to enter the inner sect, and later made his mark in the inner sect with this tenacity. . . Since then, the situation has turned into a dragon.

"Cultivation is one way, the future is infinite." Huang Jue commented like this, but just after the evaluation, he was called away by the elders.

Well, the future is infinite, and each has its own opportunities.

Zhang He thought to himself.


Above the main hall, all members of 119 are actually children, and a group of radish heads look very lush. . .

In front of everyone, when Guan Canghai raised his hand, it was a kind of magic technique - Melaleuca Cloud.

Melaleuca clouds come, and white clouds gather together, like a large ball of cotton, vivid and dreamy.

"Come up."

Guan Canghai has his own affinity, majesty yet gentle, and all the children climbed up the clouds—well, it may have something to do with the coaxing and deception of the five elders behind.

Clouds rise.

On the clouds, Qin Yu glanced casually, and saw several children secretly grabbing Yun Duo and trying to stuff them into their mouths. . .

Well, there is no need to learn it.

The difficulty is too high.

I didn't plan to be outside the door, you guys are overthinking.

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