I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1442 Unconfident (two more)

——No wonder, your patriarch is a little scary, if you are promoted to an immortal, you must have the aptitude to smash the heavens.

Huang Jinbi couldn't judge Qin Yu's heart, but he still had a judgment on his strength. He observed Qin Yu's unique skills and quickly determined that the Gu Dao Patriarch was very powerful.

Qin Yu also thought so, and sighed: "It's a pity that it has fallen. The feng shui of this Gudao Peak is a bit poisonous... Hey, I won't mention her, but I think that this "Carved Soul" is not absolutely perfect, it has a limit."

——Limited improvement?

Qin Yu: "Well, human soul talent is limited. Mortal souls and fairy souls have fate restrictions. "Engraved Soul" can only tap the soul's potential to the extreme, and will not exceed the limit."

It's awesome, but it's not unlimited awesome. Qin Yu, who has a high vision, has a very fair evaluation of it, but if it spreads, it will cause a lot of trouble.

It's no wonder that Gu Daofeng kept secret, even the inside of Wuque Sect was unclear.

——But it doesn't affect you, because you are the secret flow of soul growth.

Qin Yu smiled, but the smile was long and leisurely.

Yes, she is different, so she has already weighed all her capital and picked the most suitable and strongest route for herself.

But Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao were obviously much more excited than Qin Yu.

"Damn! Absolutely perfect soul sound attack route! And the force is so high, I can pretend to be aggressive! La la la~~ la la la!"

Jiaojiao danced the hula on the table. . .

——What does her awesomeness have to do with you, a junior high school student?

In a word, it hurts my heart.

Jiaojiao was quiet.

But now that the route has been found, Huang Jinbi can understand why Qin Yu has read so much knowledge about cultivation for so many years, because the soul path is very complicated, far more difficult than sword cultivation.

She is new to cultivation, so she must take the initiative to learn a lot of knowledge and spend time laying the foundation for herself.

In cultivating the Tao, there is no shortcut.

"But I don't understand, the way of the soul, many spells, and the analysis of the Dao, I can understand all these, botany, medicine, refining and poison, what are you doing with it? Continue to do research?" Jiao Jiao pulled out a thick book and opened it. It was filled with densely packed words, some of which were not in common use—that is to say, if you want to understand this book, you have to learn a new language. .

He guessed that Qin Yu had read countless books in the library in the past ten years, and the language he learned might be able to communicate in the whole continent.

"Alchemy and weapon refining are to improve your own hardware equipment. You can't rely on buying medicines and magic weapons. To be a human being, you must be diligent, thrifty, virtuous and virtuous..."

Not long ago, a person with a few hundred thousand stars was so shameless that Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao ignored her.

Qin Yu couldn't continue, and added: "Well, I'm here to make money."

Guess what else you can do for it.

Refining medicine is for sure, she is such a professional in the first place, she is a refining tool. . .

——You don’t have fire spirit roots, how can you make tools and alchemy?

"Can't Fat Jiao breathe fire?"

Jiaojiao, who was continuing to eat snacks and had meat crumbs on her fat cheeks: "???"

Why are you calling me.

Don't beat me.

I am very busy.


Qin Yu has been very obedient in these nineteen years, and the outside world knows almost nothing about her. The only person who can get in touch with her is Guchen, the master who taught her to practice in person a few years ago, but Guchen only knows Qin Yu's Practice realm and speed. . . Even Jinbi and Jiaojiao don't know about the hidden ones, let alone him.

Qin Yu is this person. . . Chicken thief as always.

When she first came here, she didn't believe anyone in this place—even her master Guchen was handsome and lively.

But now that so many years of hard work have been achieved today, Qin Yu packed up her things and put all the manuscripts into the storage box that Guchen gave her, and then transferred them to the ice ring through the storage box.

The ice ring belongs to the owner, and unless she is killed, she cannot be taken away.

After that, Qin Yu returned all the books, and emptied most of the reading traces by the way, leaving only a few books.

This is her usual method over the years. After all, she must not let others know that she has read a terrifying number of books over the years. She is not afraid of being regarded as a fool by others, but afraid of being suspicious of her.

Everything was perfect, even though the old woman sitting behind the counter glanced at Qin Yu and said hoarsely, "Today is earlier than usual."

Qin Yu signed his name, retaining a ray of breath to embed it, as a registration that has left, with a very gentle expression between his brows and eyes, "Well, I have a little inspiration, and I want to practice it."

The old woman nodded, and asked her again: "The Lord of Guchen Peak has not been here for a few years. I heard that you often go to the lectures of the Great Artifact Refining Master and the Great Alchemy Master in the sect?"

Qin Yu returned the registration stone to her, and asked softly: "Grandma wants to persuade me not to waste time, concentrate on cultivation, and don't lose my true discipleship next year?"

Granny Mo Xiang glanced at her, and the old god was saying: "There are not many dolls who can chat like you, especially those who are willing to chat with me, an old woman who has lost her cultivation and can only live in this position..."

Qin Yu's eyes were mellow, with one hand resting on the side of his face, he smiled slightly, "Really?"

Grandma Mo Xiang was silent for a while, and said: "I have a great-great-great-grandson... who is young and handsome, he is also true biography, and his age is similar to yours, you can think about it."

Blind date.

Qin Yu had expected it a long time ago, and lightly scratched the smooth tabletop with his finger, and said slowly: "Grandma, no one likes a young woman like me who has no obvious appearance."

The tone and content are comparable to Queen Jiang Qinqin in The Story of Shepherd Clouds on the Sea of ​​Kyushu—I am just an old-looking woman that no one likes.

That tone is really the same.

Jiaojiao on the side AND the golden wall hidden in the depths: "???"

They were all disgusted by this sentence, and wanted to explode in place.

But Granny Moxiang believed it, lowered her head, and sighed: "This man is born with two looks, one skin and two minds, you are a good boy, kind-hearted, virtuous and virtuous, really very good, don't let me go!" Not confident in myself."

Qin Yu smiled gently, and replied softly: "Thank you grandma, I will, and I won't take these worldly things to heart."

What a fresh and refined look that regards fame, fortune and money as floating clouds and dung.

No flaws!

The well-informed grandmother was relieved and let her go.

As soon as you go out.

Jiaojiao: "Fuck, shameless!"

——I observed, this grandma may have suffered a serious eye injury before.

Facing the crazy diss of the two of them, Qin Yu hooked her fingertips, and the spirit sword on her waist flew out of the buckle together with the scabbard, hovering in front of her body, she jumped on the spirit sword and flew out.

When fencing the sword, she maintained an elegant and gentle posture, and said, "I am young and my appearance is not obvious."

Her current appearance is a false appearance of her own controlled growth, and her original appearance has been concealed.

In terms of facial features, it is not particularly outstanding.

So she is not lying.

As for other worldly things. . . .

——How many spirit stones have you saved now?

Golden wall soul torture.

Qin Yu quickly replied: "360 middle-grade spirit stones. I was busy reading books and learning knowledge a few years ago, but I didn't make any money. It's a pity. It won't happen in the future. In such a big sect, everyone lacks medicine and magic weapons. Getting rich is like lightning."

Jiaojiao: "..."

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