I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1443 Smash you! (Senior sister has a very good temper ~ very gentle ~ gentle please vote.)


It's true that Qin Yu didn't make much money. Why are all the spirit stones she's saving now middle-grade spirit stones? Because it's the fixed treatment that the Wuque Sect gives to true disciples.

Looking at the entire Wuque Sect, every disciple actually has a fixed treatment.

Calculated based on the time of issuance once a year.

Outer disciple: 100 low-grade spirit stones.

Inner disciple: 1000 low-grade spirit stones.

True disciple: 10 mid-grade spirit stones. (upper, middle and lower conversion ratio 1:1000)

The first true disciple: 20 mid-grade spirit stones.

That is to say, she has saved all the 20 middle-grade spirit stones that have been distributed every year for eighteen years, and none of them are useless.

The reward for the nineteenth year has not come yet, because the new year is still a few days away.

In fact, in Qin Yu's view, the most important difference in the status of disciples is authority. Lingshi belongs to the resource category, but she also knows that her situation is special-because she is a fairy body, she absorbs 100% of Lingshi, and the absorption speed is extremely fast Fast, there is no loss at all, so her utilization rate of resources is far higher than that of true disciples, let alone ordinary disciples, which cannot be considered equally.

Popularly speaking, Lingshi is the most important resource in the cultivation world.

——You have a special physique, you have never even used a spirit stone, and you have cultivated to the current state just by absorbing the spirit energy in the air, but there is no doubt that you are suppressing your cultivation.

——Is this your strategy too?

Which cultivator would deliberately suppress the speed of cultivation? Perverted?

——Unless, what you are pressing is not cultivation, but timing.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "What timing do you think I'm pushing?"

Jiaojiao was looking around at the scenery, when she heard the words, she reacted, "What chicken? Yuyu, when did you crush a chicken, where is it? How do you eat it?"

Qin Yu and Huang Jinbi were silent for a while, ignoring him.

——Eighteen years, you only took five years to create the golden elixir, now thirteen years have passed, and you are still in the golden elixir stage.

——I can see what you are planning with my toenails.

If it is said that she has spent more than ten years using her brain and soul to deduce the route of attacking the soul sound, which is a strategy, then in fact, in the past eighteen years, she must have made practical preparations.

Huang Jinbi was very curious, but Qin Yu replied: "Then you continue to use your toenails to think about what I will do."

Gold wall sulking.

Really annoying!

Qin Yu Yujian flew towards the Gudao Peak, but suddenly sensed a fierce fight ahead over the small bamboo forest in the 56th vein of the Inner Gate.

The fluctuation of spiritual power is very strong.

Qin Yu wanted to take a detour without saying a word and turning around.

Whoops, there will be trouble when there is a fight, and a virtuous and virtuous person like her should not get involved.

People should be stable.

But it's too late, those two people who fought. . . It's too wild.

They came all the way quickly.

Yujian Feishuo, the spirit whip is fierce, faster than flying swords, and in an instant, the side of the Yujian is drawn out from mid-air, and blasted into the bamboo forest.

The attack was so strong that it knocked down a large bamboo grove, splashed a bucket of dust, and exposed a big hole.

Naturally, it also alarmed some inner disciples who were practicing swordsmanship and absorbing the spirit of bamboo in the bamboo forest.

What a big movement, what a big surprise.

Because the person who was drawn was actually Qi Yunye, a master in the inner sect who has been flourishing many years ago, and this year's future True Biography Disciple Challenge, he is still a popular candidate. For other true stories, killing the little chubby girl nineteen years ago is still a certainty.


He was pumped.

With a whip, it was drawn into a pit.

Many monks came out of the bamboo grove with their swords, and when they saw the whip whipping high above them, they were all frightened like quails whose necks had been cut off.


The people above are too cruel!

The woman Yujian Gaokong wore a true disciple uniform with gold patterns on a white background, a red jade scarlet phoenix crown tied with flying black silk, and a delicate, luxurious and slender earring on one side also fluttered in the wind through the blue silk.

The girl who burned like red flames, with scorching and fierce eyebrows and eyes, held a long whip that swam like a scarlet king snake, pointing at Qi Yunye in the pit below.

"The surname is Qi! I told you on the first day Xie Shuling entered the sect, from now on, I will be there for you, and I will beat you once every time I see you!"

"It's best for your Qi family to walk around me, otherwise, if I see one, I'll hit another, and no one can stop me!"

Her eyes were on fire, and her voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing throughout the small bamboo forest.

So arrogant and domineering.

If many years ago, inner sect disciples would be filled with indignation, but it has been so many years. . . I'm so used to it!

This little princess and the youngest junior sister in the group of true disciples is just so fresh!

Stronger than a diamond!

Qi Yunye was very miserable, with a long welt on his face, he couldn't hold back the hypocritical elegance he had been carrying for so many years, and said angrily: "Xie Shuling, even if you are a true disciple, you can't be like this." What's the point of insulting my inner disciples and attacking me for no reason!"

Hey, I haven't seen you for so many years, this Qi Yunye is still good at burying people.

If it was Qin Yu, he would definitely pick out all the traps in the other party's sentence slowly to humiliate him.

But Xie Shuling didn't!

She is direct.

Two sentences came directly back and forth.

The first sentence - "If I want to smoke you, I will smoke you, and I still need to pick a time?"

The second sentence - "You said I was going to sneak attack you, come on, get up, take two steps, I will fight you openly, if you are pulled down by me for the second time, then you are slandering me! You want to die!"

Qi Yunye was about to vomit blood from anger.

Jiaojiao said with emotion: "I think this cruel little princess may be more effective in dealing with such hypocritical people."

Don't care how many traps you say, I don't care! Straight up! Draw directly!

Qin Yu thought so.

Qi Yunye was devastated, seeing that there were many inner disciples around, but none of them dared to stand out, he felt dark in his heart, but suddenly his eyes sharpened, and he saw a disciple who was blocked by them over the bamboo forest in the southwest. . . Gold-patterned garment on a white background.

The woman was young, with a delicate and gentle face, but she had an excellent temperament—like peach blossoms raining in spring, and mountains full of yellow in autumn, with calm eyebrows and eyes, as if she could calm the restlessness just by looking at her.

If you let Jiaojiao describe it as - she has an absolutely elegant and high-end temperament that is bright, great, upright, kind, and fearless of power.

That's her!

Qi Yunye, who thinks that his eyes are as bright as a torch, still has a lot of action, and immediately shouted at Xie Shuling: "Xie Shuling, don't think that we are Wuque, you are a true disciple, you can do whatever you want, if other true disciples see you With such arrogance, I will definitely not turn a blind eye."

Then he turned to Qin Yu who was about to leave after the play. . . .

"Senior sister in front, please save me."

Qin Yu: Oh, I feel like I was given to Aite by a disgusting mouse.

But the other party looked at Sven, his voice was very loud, and he probably used sound uploading, the mountains and fields were shaking.

Everyone looked at Qin Yu in unison.

Here comes another true disciple!

Seeing Qin Yu squinting his eyes, Xie Shuling sneered, "You want to stand out for him?!"

Hey, Qi Yunye's level has increased, but Xie Shuling's eyes are still so straight.

Ordinary true disciples may not be willing to offend true disciples of the same level for the sake of an inner disciple, there is a high probability that they will fool around a bit, and the big matter will be reduced to a minor one, but Xie Shuling took the initiative to ask, but any true disciples who are a little bit angry have to fight.

Save face. . .

But Qin Yu is not an ordinary true disciple, she looked at Xie Shuling who was pointing at her with a whip, she was not annoyed, and said softly: "Young junior sister is worrying too much, I am only at the golden core stage, how can I be an opponent."

He has a good temper.

Unbelievably gentle.

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