I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1458 One cut plum? (Finally out of the nest, experience begins!)

Qin Yu's small book seemed to contain little content, but it was practical. The Great Elder obviously studied it after getting it and found it valuable, so he generously rewarded it.

"Red envelopes, and red envelopes! Let me see." Jiaojiao opened the small red envelope bag, her eyes lit up.

Wuque still respects the tradition very much, saying that it is a red envelope, and the red envelope is money, and the three thousand worlds are the same at home and abroad-it contains 88 middle-grade spirit stones.

Much more than Qin Yu expected.

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be so many, otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss for her not to go in previous years?

"I'm so generous this year, I'm afraid it's because a big event has just been done, and I want to appease people."

"That's right, there must not have been so many before, maybe it was 88 low-grade spirit stones."

One person and one cat comforted himself in this way.


In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yu got up early to make breakfast for Jiaojiao, and while preparing to leave, he saw a small pouch on the kitchen table.

It was kept by Gu Chen, but Qin Yu knew it was for himself, opened it and was shocked.

"Fuck!" Jiaojiao was also shocked.

Inside turned out to be 200 middle-grade spirit stones!

This is 200,000 low-grade spirit stones!

It is equal to ten years of spiritual stone treatment for true disciples. . .

"This master is good, his shots are generous enough!" Jiaojiao was full of praise for Guchen's shots.

"It's probably to help me break through the Nascent Soul Stage."

After Qin Yu picked up the small pouch, a line of words appeared on the table - take care outside, and if you are in danger, you will call for orders, and you will come as a teacher.

A few seconds after a line of light words was revealed, it flowed out and condensed into a small order the size of a palm.

The only true disciple of the peak master has such a benefit.

Jiaojiao said with emotion: "This Lengbingshan looks indifferent, but it's actually quite soft."

Qin Yu picked up the command order, stroked it with his fingertips, and looked at the marks on it that belonged to Guchen's carving knife. It was his writing and his carving method.

this person. . . It's really not what it looks like.

But counting Qin Yu's current savings, not to mention the materials, just practice blood grass, Xuan Bidan and Runyue Danye, she is a fairy body, she doesn't need these at all, so she saved them all, and there is no one Yes, the middle-grade spirit stones are similar. It turned out to be 360 ​​yuan in 2018 + 200 yuan which has increased ten times this year + 200 yuan from Master Bingshan + 88 red envelopes for the Chinese New Year = 848 middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, the money Qin Yu earned from selling two or three rounds of alchemy and medicine recently is another account-the principal of 10 middle-grade spirit stones has been returned, and all that is left now is the money earned.


When Zhanlan and Yu Xiaojun came to look for Qin Yu, they saw the fat cat that their senior sister Qingqiu carried every day brought out two bowls of porridge.

When the fat cat saw them, the expression on his face. . For the first time, I hid the two bowls of porridge behind me.

"Wow! There's something to eat!" Duck Rhubarb was so excited, he ran over and jumped onto the chair on the yard twice, and wiped the table with the feathers of his two fat wings, "Hurry up, hurry up! I'm hungry!"

Jiaojiao: "No, no, come down!"

Rhubarb: "No, no, no, I won't go down!"

Jiaojiao: "If you don't come down, I won't serve porridge!"

Is it up or down?

"Hey, you guys are pretty early." Qin Yu was putting the fried hot and sour potato shreds on the table, "Have you had breakfast?"

Zhanlan: "..."

Yao Xiaojun: "???"

cooking? The true disciple cooks in person?

In fact, these cultivators basically don't eat breakfast. . . .

But the hot and sour smell of the hot and sour potato shreds is tangy, and another plate of chopped white chicken looks very good.

They sat down.

The pot of porridge is gone.


"The eight true disciples are divided into four teams, and the places to be investigated by each team are all in the kit bag, which is kept by the captain."

"First team, Shinichi."

"The second team, Tan Mingzhao, Zhan Lan."

"The third team, Nalan Yunliang, Yuan Xiaojun."

"The fourth team, Yu Qing, Xie Shuling, Yan Zhao."

After this assignment, the atmosphere froze instantly.

Li Zhao raised his eyes, looked at everyone, and said lightly: "Is there any problem?"

Yes, big problem.

First, how did someone who lived in prison come out!

What kind of fairy combination are the second and fourth teams!

Everyone looked at Yan Zhao in unison, Yan Zhao's face looked like he had eaten shit.

Yuan Xiaojun suppressed a smile.

Yan Zhao hesitated to speak, and couldn't help wanting to protest. . . Li Zhao said with a blank face: "If you have a problem, you have to hold back, and you can do whatever you want."

He threw the kit to Qin Yu.

This made Yan Zhao's face change slightly!

When Qin Yu caught it, Xie Shuling just arrived.

The turmoil seemed to have its own background - just at dawn, the sun was rising, and the bright light was rendering behind her.

Qin Yu thought to himself: It's not the same for people who have been released from prison to appear on stage.

There should be BGM here.

Jiaojiao suddenly asked: "One cut plum? Or a heroic song?"

Qin Yu: "..."


The territory of the Great Qin Kingdom is very large, with thirty-six roads, each of which has a vast territory. Although Qin Yu and his group have the largest number of people, they are the youngest and have the shortest time to get started-Qin Yu is basically negligible.

But where they went was very peaceful.

"Dongliulin Town, Xiangyang County, Hequ Road is a bit famous, because it is a famous flower and bird town, and every family is a large family of flower and bird breeding. The local scenery is quite beautiful, the economy is very good, and it has a lot of status in Hequ Road. .”

"Yeah, I didn't expect to send us to this place."

"It's no different from traveling in mountains and rivers."

The three of Qin Yu brought more than a dozen inner disciples to the address noted in the kit. It said that Qi Yunye had passed through this place and went to other places through this place, but he still took this road when he came back. Unexpectedly, the investigation team of the Discipline Hall felt that there was something different, so it was noted here for special investigation.

Of course, in Yan Zhao's view, this is too untechnical.

"What I really went to was a dangerous ghost land. Tan Mingzhao and Zhanlan went to a place that was also deceitful and had a bad reputation. Nalan Yunliang and that useless alcoholic Yuan Xiaojun also went to a lot of evil cultivators. The place, only us... What do you mean? You asked me to accompany the woman out to play?"

Yan Zhao was very dissatisfied from the beginning. He thought that Xie Shuling would target him, but he didn't expect that Xie Shuling hadn't said a word along the way, and was very indifferent, while the captain Yu Qing was kind-hearted and well-mannered in dealing with others. Hearing the result of his competition with Qin Yu, many inner disciples were deeply impressed, so they were somewhat indifferent towards him, Yan Zhao.

This made Yan Zhao very upset—there are quite a few of them who are my Chaoyang Peak disciples! What about the plan to take her off as promised at the beginning? What am I? . .

Probably because it was too bad, and the two women who made him feel bad and feared never bothered him, Yan Zhao was a little bit flustered. After entering Xiangyang County for half a day, everyone controlled their spiritual power and couldn't fly for a day. So every noon, I take a rest to replenish my spiritual energy.

During the break, Yan Zhao just said the same thing.

Then. . . He felt the air was a little cooler.


A scarlet spirit sword pierced his ear. . . It pierced through the big tree surrounded by five people behind Yan Zhao with a bang.

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