I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1459 Is it fragrant? (Third watch, asking for a monthly pass and subscription, so sleepy.)

Yan Zhao was dumbfounded, and then exploded.

Jump up and draw your sword.

"Xie Shuling! How dare you!"

This question is really stupid.

Is there anything in the world that Xie Shuling dare not do? She just didn't dare to be too obedient!

Moreover, the other's sword had already stabbed out, and even killed a swift back with a carbine!

This is Xie Shuling's answer!

Yan Zhao can't be said to be good or bad, but he has a good temper, good face, quick temper, and a bit arrogant. . . . Well, there are quite a lot of shortcomings, but the world of cultivation will always cover all ugliness, as long as the strength is strong enough. . .

Or better than your opponent, then there is no problem.

Now the obvious problem is——Xie Shuling is much stronger than Yan Zhao, and when he sees the real chapter in his first move, the difference is made between the superior and the inferior.

Just now Xie Shuling made the first sword, but Yan Zhao's reaction was insufficient - it wasn't that he didn't dodge, but he didn't judge at all that Xie Shuling's sword was just a deterrent, not a real attack, so he didn't need to dodge of.

so. . . This is high and low.

Qin Yu spent all his time watching from the sidelines. Some disciples panicked when they saw that the two were really going to fight.

Hey, these two ancestors, what should we do if we really fight, this is not a peaceful place.

"Senior Sister Qingqiu, this is a wild place. If there is too much movement and some evil spirits are attracted, I'm afraid..." The disciples of the Wuque Sect must be confident, walking in many places within the law of the Great Qin Kingdom is full of style, but they In order to get to Dongliulin Town as soon as possible, we crossed directly outside the safety zone of Xiangyang County, which was planned and registered by the monk group. This large area is barren and deserted, and there are few people around. How can we know if there are any mountain spirits and hidden evil spirits? .

This time they came out with a mission, but they couldn't just leave everything here before the mission location arrived.

Unexpectedly, the dignified and prudent Senior Sister Qingqiu didn't stop her. Instead, she fed fruit to the fat cat she kept in her arms all day long, and said, "We're all at the Golden Core stage, but the two of them are at the Nascent Soul stage. Taught by the masters of the two peaks, their combat skills are extraordinary, and they will also use many advanced spells. If they fight, we will see more, it will always be beneficial."

Some people speak to communicate with others.

Some people talk nonsense.

But some people are born to be listened to - and after listening to it, they think, hey, it makes sense.

It is not so easy to coax the inner disciples to be singled out as dragons and phoenixes. Some people wonder what if they attract people?

But they didn't dare to ask, but Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao, who had just heard Qin Yu's words, stopped in unison.

They fight for her to watch? Let her progress and watch her watch the fun?

It's a good idea, dreaming!


Not only did they not fight, Xie Shuling put the sword back into its sheath, walked over, sat down, took a water bottle to drink, and gave Qin Yu a glance, "As our team leader, he only cares about his own progress and doesn't think about the overall situation. Let Li Zhao know, and he will definitely regret choosing you as the captain!"

Oops, come to find fault.

Finally I can't hold back anymore.

Qin Yu saw Yan Zhao next to him with an expression of "I want to see you two poisonous women dog-biting and perishing together".

Her eyes were mellow, and the bright red and beautiful Xiangguo twirled at her fingertips. She smiled, "It is such a desolate wilderness, and there is no place to live, so it is unlikely that there is a stronghold of evil spirits. If it is not a stronghold, there are only two possibilities. One is passing by, this is accident versus accident, it doesn’t matter whether you fight or not, it’s just a matter of chance. The other is that the other party has a purpose. If Xie Chong came here for a purpose, it must be an evil conspiracy. It's not a bad thing to run into it—after all, this place is next to the safe zone, and it's not too far from the city of Xiangyang County."

Forehead. . . It seems to make sense again.

Mainly, Qin Yu's words followed the stream of consciousness route - meeting a bad guy, or it was a coincidence, this is fate, and there is no escape. Either we were lucky and just ran into each other and wanted to do bad things. Is this something we can't fight and we have to run away? Must go!

As soon as the disciples of the righteous way encountered this kind of stream of consciousness, they couldn't bear it anymore, and they completely followed Qin Yu's thinking. . .

Yan Zhao resisted, and said with a sneer: "If you can't beat it, what if you lose a lot?"

As a result, as soon as she said this, Xie Shuling sneered: "Can't beat it? You can't beat it, but it doesn't mean I can't beat it! How cowardly!" After finishing speaking, she sat down immediately, proud and delicate.

Yan Zhao: "???"

What am I? . . It was you who pressed her first! It was you who blamed her first!

Why do you say I'm cowardly? ! !

Yan Zhao was about to explode for the nth time, when Senior Sister Qingqiu lowered her voice and said, "Don't talk, feel carefully..."

Everyone was on alert, what happened? !

Yan Zhao immediately grabbed the flying sword on his waist. . .

The surrounding mountains and forests have various postures, hideous layers, and strangeness in the desert.

quite a while.



Everyone looked at Qin Yu in unison, Xie Shuling looked suspicious, and said angrily, "What did you notice? Is it dangerous?"

"Ah, there's nothing." Senior Sister Qingqiu stuffed Fat Cat with a piece of dried beef with an innocent face, "Just to let you smell the dried beef."


Yan Zhao was about to explode for the N+1 time, but this time Xie Shuling was faster, and he drew his sword directly to point at Qin Yu. . . .

Qin Yu also took out a pack of dried beef.

"Are you hungry?"

Xie Shuling: "..."

Everyone: "..."

We are disciples of the Xian family, senior sister, we are inner disciples of the Dazong of the Xian family!

How decent is it to eat dry beef in the barren mountains and wild mountains!

So they politely declined. . . . But if Senior Sister Qingqiu sincerely persuades them to eat, they will be reluctant to give up~~~

Then Senior Sister Qingqiu naturally handed over the whole bag of dried beef to the fat cat next to her.

Everyone: "..."

They also saw Senior Sister Qingqiu gently saying to the fat cat: "Look at how frightened the birds are all over the mountain, you are the only one who can eat comfortably like this, and we..."

Yan Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted immediately, but a little slower.

hum! The Scarlet Flame Spiritual Sword was unsheathed brazenly.

Spiritual power surged like a tidal wave, and Xie Shuling's robe fluttered, and the Nascent Soul Dharma Avatar had already been sacrificed, and it was reflected towards the wide and flowing river in the southeast direction, like a sea of ​​fire, directly burning a layer of concealment array.

I saw that the water flow was turned into a water curtain to extinguish the fire with water by the black shadow that appeared inside and raised his hand.


The collision of water and fire is not brilliant, because it is a process of mutual destruction.

The opponent's skill level is not low, so it depends on Yujian's ability.

Xie Shuling's sword is sharp and domineering, while the opponent's sword is vicious and ferocious, which is exactly the spirit of menacing versus fierce!

hum! The spiritual tide rioted, and the spiritual charge of the Yuanying stage caused the mountains and forests to shake, and when the two were behind. . . With one hand, Yan Zhao quickly traced the pattern of spirit characters on the hilt of the sword, and with his fingertips together, the flying sword flew out.

"Sword breaks Hengchuan! Sunder armor!"

brush! A sword afterimage flying shuttle, like several swords overlapping, this is because of its speed, and also because of the phantom formed by the psionic energy wandering on the sword, the phantom is both speed, but the sword of Breaking Armor Peak has always been known as a single-body attack.

With this sword, he wanted to kill an ugly monster that sprang out of the opponent like a mud flow.

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