I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1460 Hit him! (Look at me, vote~ Little fairies~ Today is my period, sorry)

This is the ghost of the other monk who tamed the envoy. The mud flow squirmed, and the speed was fast. After landing, Yan Zhao caught him and attacked him. In an instant, the squirming mud flow solidified and turned into a hard stone. He blocked it forcibly !

Clang! ! !

Attacks of sharp weapons and rocks!

Afterwards, some black shadows appeared one after another, and Wuque's inner sect disciples collectively pulled out their spirit swords, and a dozen or so spirit swords were flying back and forth at once, each showing their special skills.

This is the first time Qin Yu has seen a small-scale "armor fight" in the true sense since he came to this world. The visual effect is quite good, but the only problem is that the opponent has three Nascent Souls! !

This group of people is not low in strength.

But there are only two Nascent Souls on my side.

When fighting, it is impossible to measure the overall strength of each other, because timing and the situation of the battle are very important - even if Qin Yu reminded, Xie Shuling and others understood, but the opponent was strong and made the most correct tactics at the first time.

Get rid of the strongest Xie Shuling first!

Xie Shuling was directly besieged by two Nascent Soul stage monks. They were both in the early stages. The advantage of two against one is still huge. ,I am afraid. . . .

On the other hand, Yan Zhao was also struggling a bit. He wasn't dealing with a spirit monster, but a spirit monster and an evil cultivator who could control spirit monsters.

Nascent Soul Fighting Technique, inner sect golden core stage masters compete, according to the quality level, disciples of Wuque inner sect golden core stage are much better than these golden core stage evil cultivators, crushing in all aspects, but the problem is - the number of opponents It is twice as much as our own side!

Who was that snarky before, saying that in case some evil spirits are attracted, and in case the evil spirits are more powerful than us.

What a mouthful!

Wu Que's disciples who were struggling to deal with each one felt depressed, but they also had no time to think about it, so as to quietly form a battle formation.

That's right, the disciples of the big sects came from the same sect, and the disciples of the same peak have their own encirclement techniques. Among the disciples of the five peaks, apart from Gu Daofeng, the four peaks also have the encirclement technique. The disciples moved on their own initiative.

"No, they want to encircle!"

"Cut off!"

Just like Tianxuan and Xiexuan have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, Tianzang World has existed for a long time, and the evil cultivators in the Great Qin Kingdom naturally know the Wuque Sect very well. They have suffered countless deaths and injuries from each other, and the accumulation is not only corpses, And the understanding with each other - they know that Qin Yu and the others are disciples of Wuque, because the clothes are really too conspicuous, and there will never be another sect with such a strong level of disciples in the Great Qin Kingdom .

So, seeing through the encirclement trend of the inner disciples at a glance, he quickly changed his strategy and cut off from it.

not good! The inner sect disciples also knew that the opponent was difficult. They were already encircled, but they were suddenly blocked. They immediately fell into a disadvantage, and they were disadvantaged, so they couldn't help Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao.

Danger! ! !

At such a dangerous time, even if Xie Shuling was rampant in the sect, he was no match for the iron-like battle situation-this is also the cruelest fact outside.

Either die or win!

In such a dangerous situation, the evil cultivator took advantage of the victory and pursued, with momentum like a rainbow, each with fierce moves, black wind gusts, fierce howls, and everyone was about to be wiped out by mass injuries. . . .

Steep moment.

Hum, the art pattern is instant, so familiar. . .


These evil cultivators have been ordered.

Three Nascent Souls were fixed.

If this is a game, then the game screen at this time is that their characters are staring at the three gleaming "ding" characters on their heads.

Three people: "???"

Same taste, same formula.

Yan Zhao had only one thought at the time - it was her, it was definitely her!

Xie Shuling wasn't there at the time, and she didn't know what happened that day, because she was released from the prison on the day she left, and she left before she had a meal, and everyone on the road didn't care about Yan Zhao's face. More to mention, so she didn't know what Qin Yu was like at all.

At this moment, she doesn't know who made the technique, it's so stupid, but she is a fighting madman, and her natural fighting desire and fighting talent made her the first time - let them decide, kill her!

The strongest Chaoyang swordsmanship in one blow - "Dayichi Chiguang".

Flame, brilliance, dazzling, molded a sword.

This sword, the red flame and the light merged into one, and the flying sword seemed to turn into an uncapturable light, with terrifying speed and dazzling.

then. . . A Nascent Soul was killed on the spot.

After killing one person instantly with a big move, Xie Shuling didn't try to be brave or dodge, because she knew she couldn't dodge it. When she made the move, the other Nascent Soul Stage must have been ready to kill her in anger— — But he was immobilized at first, and there will be a certain block time to break the immobilization technique.

Xie Shuling didn't know who issued the body-holding technique, but the most basic technique can only be fixed for a short while, and it is usually easy to break. She doesn't have much time, so she has to make preparations with all her strength.

so. . . boom! Chaoyang Peak's another masterpiece "Feng Huo Lian Jia" is here.

Xie Shuling went all out, the flames condensed, and pieces of fiery red scales covered her whole body directly, and then. . .

Um. . . Still not here?

Xie Shuling was stunned again, because the time for the other party to break the hold spell was much slower than she expected!

When the opponent broke open, he really attacked her.

But it was blocked as expected.

Has it been blocked successfully?

Naturally, it succeeded, but Xie Shuling, who was able to block the success, didn't mean to be happy at all, but was in a bad mood.

When she is in a good mood, she is mad at others, and her brothers from the same school and the same peak are all angry, not to mention that the other party is an enemy, so she immediately scolded: "What rubbish! The water attack technique is good, and such a basic hold technique can be broken so slowly , I can dodge directly! There is no need to spend a huge amount of real energy to start "Beacon Lianjia", wasting my real energy, why don't you die!"

The evil cultivator on the opposite side: "???"

To be honest, he was not as angry as he is now when this fellow took advantage of them to be weirdly fixed and killed a companion just now.

You have an extremely wretched master over there, you don’t know, why are you pretending to be young and unpretentious with me, and return my trash?

"Shameless you, thanks to the fact that you are still the leader of the righteous way, you are so shameless, hiding a person who plays with the immobilization to attack, and you still have the guts to laugh at me! If you have the ability, let that person fix it again, and I will definitely find her. She must be killed!"

He didn't talk about killing Jie Shuling because he knew that this woman was a true disciple of Wuque, and her level was quite good. With so many counter moves, he knew her depth, so he didn't act like an idiot.

But that little slut who hides and fixes people secretly must be killed—this person can only play tricks, and he must not be a powerful person.

The abacus in his heart was crackling, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became. As a result, Xie Shuling, who was full-time keen on both physical fighting and verbal scolding, hadn't opened his mouth to go back, the next second. . .

This Nascent Soul period has been fixed again.

Xie Shuling: "???"

"Well, I'm right here, I made your Excellency laugh, mere Jindan Qi dare not compete with you, so..."

That room didn't participate in the fight from the beginning to the end, just stood next to the fat cat who ate dry beef like Qin Yumian Ruo Danyu of the "Quiet Literary and Art Edition Cheerleaders" who was fighting and I cheered for you, with a three-pointed smile Seven points gentle, then she said to Xie Shuling.

"What are you looking at, Junior Sister Shushu, hit him."

That tone. . Very gentle and elegant.

Xie Shuling: "..."

She froze for a moment, then exploded.

"It's you!"

"Shut up!"

"court death!"

It was Qin Yu who was scolding, and his moves were extremely fierce, but the one who hit him was. . .

Evil Cultivator Nascent Soul Stage: "..."

Oops, it's over!

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