I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1461 Secret? (Panni and Shibi, the second watch is over, please ask for a monthly ticket, pl


The so-called life is like a play, and play is like life.

What this means is that games come from life, and some people live like game characters.

For example, Xie Shuling is a strange creature with the potential of rage. Once her rage rises to a certain level, the instant burst of lethality is comparable to a big BUFF.

What about spending most of your true qi on fire armor as agreed? How do you do your math?

The whole - most = a small part.

So why did you use a small amount of real energy to make another move of the sword move "Big Sun Red Light"?

Big crit, no residual blood left.

When the Nascent Soul stage had a hole in his chest, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at Qin Yu and Xie Shuling, his mouth moved slightly, trying to say something venomous.

result. . .

Xie Shuling caught up and made another strike.


Because I am afraid that people will not die.

To be honest, Qin Yu was stunned when he saw her move, and then felt a little sad in his heart.

In terms of fierceness, she is fierce.

"I've never been so cruel." She sighed.

Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao were both stunned when they heard this.

Jiaojiao: "Oh, you never stop. Usually you suck up people's flesh and blood, and sometimes you don't even leave the fur."

——Or the body and soul will perish together.

——In comparison, she is like a recyclable trash can, and there are still some things left under her hands.

——You, it’s a non-recyclable trash can, and basically everything you collect is useless.

This is so true, Qin Yumo paused, and replied: "It seems that you two were also taken in by me."

The good-for-nothing little prince Jiaojiao, who was binge-eating, and the garbage wall, who was forced to go offline by someone all the year round, also had a myocardial infarction.

This pit was dug deep by myself.


Having said that, Xie Shuling, who is like a game to get angry BUFF, has a great record. She killed two Nascent Souls in succession, which scared her to death, but she looked back and was also scared!

Because she still had the impression that the chubby loli who was holding the fat cat was earnestly assisting like a breeze.

Over there, Yan Zhao dealt with the third Nascent Soul stage and the stone monsters he controlled, and even the twenty or thirty groups of evil cultivators dealt with by more than a dozen inner disciples. . . Various charged.

There is only one way to control it, the body fixation technique!

A kind of fixed pattern control.

Either immediately before you make your big move, be sure!

Either when you want to dodge, be sure!

Either you are here. . . .

The evil cultivators were disgusted, disgusted and disgusted, and then they died.


It is still the barren mountains and wild mountains, and it is still this silent mountain forest.

The two true disciples of Wuque Sect and a dozen inner disciples all looked at one person in unison.

Qin Yu was giving Jiaojiao a water bottle, and turned to look at the crowd, "What's wrong?"

Yan Zhao didn't want to talk, because he wanted dignity, the enemy's misery doesn't mean he wasn't miserable.

He won't give this woman a chance!

Xie Shuling was more direct, and asked rudely, "You did it?"

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Xie Shuling: "How did you do it?"

Then Qin Yu made a gesture. . . .

"The hand gestures for performing the technique... everyone is the same, do you still need me to teach you? Could it be that your hand gestures are more unique, Junior Sister?"

Chic you grandma!

"What I'm asking is why your body-holding technique is so powerful, and why you can fix so many people in one breath, the mass-holding technique? It seems that our sect doesn't have such derivative techniques."

Xie Shuling thought that there was some kind of trick hidden in the strange peak of Gudao Peak, and the body-holding technique had been played out.

But Gu Daofeng has many disciples in the past, and I have never heard of any one who took such a flamboyant route.

It's so coquettish, but those who can use coquettish skills seem so pure-hearted, as if the lonely way is still the same lonely way.

Xie Shuling felt that her brain hurt a little, she was too curious.

Curious people say hello to their heads, and everyone else does the same.

Qin Yu reckoned that she had just handed over to the Great Elder a few days ago the old magic manual. It is normal for these people not to know, but she didn't intend to mention it, so she just wrote lightly: "I am not talented, and I don't like killing. I haven't achieved much in attacking, and my current cultivation base is also low. In order to make myself a useful person and not drag my colleagues back, I can only work hard in other areas."

She spoke with a relaxed tone.

"You guys are different from me, don't worry about it, each has its own strengths."

Look at this attitude!


Everyone was convinced, even Xie Shuling suddenly had a feeling - the other party is not in the same ideological realm as you, your level is too low, you must be obedient next time.

She is swinging.

Yan Zhao felt as if he was deaf.

Wait, this statement seems to be the same as last time---this woman must be hiding something.

Magic skills?

It's okay to hide.

But he always felt that she was not as kind as she seemed on the surface.

If it is good, it seems that it is not a bad thing.

Yan Zhao felt that he was in the Nascent Soul stage, and killing another Nascent Soul was considered very powerful, so he said arrogantly: "It's not bad for you to have this insight, you know to help us."

Xie Shuling suddenly said: "Who is with you and us?! A stone monster can't deal with it, and she needs to help fix it."

Yan Zhao exploded: "I was confronting it, give me a little time, I will be able to...

Qin Yu said slowly, "Brother Yan Zhao, with all due respect, you are actually not fast."

Yan Zhao: "What do you mean!?"

He had a bad feeling just after asking, and sure enough, the next second, Senior Sister Qingqiu explained clearly: "Sister Shushu killed those two faster than you can kill one."

Yan Zhao's face turned red, like a pig's liver.

Damn, it's really a pig's heart.

Xie Shuling was in a good mood, looking at Qin Yu's eyes with satisfaction, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Ah, your views are still very accurate, yes, that's the reason!"

The arrogant affection for the sudden arrival of the most poisonous female tumor in the Wuque Sect in recent years-this little princess is optimistic about you, and allows you to kiss my right foot.

Qin Yu smiled, and added slowly: "It's no more accurate than Junior Sister Shushu, and she never misses when hitting people."

This word. . . . It always feels like a pun, hiding a lot of information that makes her feel bad-for example, she wanted to hit her several times, but she didn't dare to hit her every time, and she couldn't.

Xie Shuling: "..."

Pig's heart is pierced +1.

The faces of the two major disciples were not good-looking, and the rest of the inner disciples looked at it and said, be quiet, quiet is the safest.

but. . . Senior Sister Qingqiu didn't seem to understand what she had done, seeing her fat cat eating up the dry beef, she said unhurriedly, "I don't know why these people came here."

Well, when everyone heard this, they suddenly thought of what this senior sister said at the beginning.

If you encounter evil spirits, it's either an accident or the other party~~~


The eyes of everyone looked around one after another.

Is there a mystery here?

You are a very good person with professional ethics, and endured the pain to code the second update. I hope everyone will cherish and protect her, give more support, and comfort her sincere heart and weak chubby body. Thank you~~

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