I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1463 Ghost Moth


Under the water from shallow to deep, Qin Yu and Yan Zhao quickly went downstream under the protection of the Water Avoidance Art. In addition to the river water spiritual power accumulated for many years, the powerful elements also left behind a lot of complicated spiritual power, probably left behind by those evil spirits before.

How sensitive she was, she found the place with the most spiritual power in minutes - that was the place where these people used to gather underwater, and she probably did something there.

"This way..." Yan Zhao wandered on his own, trying to make Qin Yu follow him, but when he turned around, he disappeared!

What the hell!

What about people?

Was taken away by a water ghost? This rubbish golden core stage, tell her not to come, she must come, now I have to trouble him! ! !

"Tianzhao Lingyuan, look for shadows and hide, Yuanling pupils, open!" Yan Zhao used the spirit pupil technique, which can be seen in a dark place, even underwater. Of course, this spell is not for seeing Light, otherwise it would be better to bring a flashlight, mainly to track the spiritual body - and also to track this hot chicken true biography.

Yan Zhao's pupils rotated, shining golden light, his gaze swept across the water, and he searched quickly. . .

Soon, he found it!

"Qingqiu Yuqing, what are you doing! If your strength is low, don't run around! You don't even know how Jindanqi will die, come here!"

After Yan Zhaoyou passed by, he used the grappling technique casually, grabbed Qin Yu's shoulder, and wanted to grab her and take her away, but saw the other party turn around.

A head of beautiful long hair fluttered in the water.

A face, snow-white and snow-white, with four holes.

The eyes were hollowed out, the tongue was pulled out of the mouth, there were no teeth, and the inside was empty, and the nose was pierced. . .

There are four holes on one side, scaring people to death, Yan Zhao was taken aback, and raised his hand to make a sword move, but he suddenly found that he had no strength in his body, because his hand was grasping the opponent's shoulder, and it was clinging to the opponent's shoulder. Algae, no, it's not algae, it's hair!

His hair was wrapped around his arms, and Yan Zhao himself was poisoned by evil. Not only was his body weak, but he also felt poisonous and painful.


While the algae hair quickly clung to his palm, the underwater female ghost leaned forward, her mouth was opened, the upper and lower jaws were separated like an anaconda, and the inside was pitch black, but it was also squirming strands of hair. Swallowed Yan Zhao's head.

Yan Zhao was in a panic, and immediately wanted to forcibly urge his true energy to sacrifice his magic form to drive away evil spirits, but in this way, he would undoubtedly suffer heavy losses.

In order to save his life, he couldn't care less, Yan Zhaozhi sacrificed the dharma image, the tide surged, and the Nascent Soul dharma image shone deep in the bottom of the river, and it also shone on the female ghost. Her body was terrified and turned into countless Small black dots spread out.


Yan Zhao was seriously injured and vomited blood because of the toxins in his body, and he was about to escape when he suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder. . . have a hand.

Come again! ! This time it's reversed!

Yan Zhao was frightened and had to fight back. . . Crash! Yan Zhao was caught behind this hand, and Yan Zhao, who was weak and stunned, saw that it was Qin Yu who came, and also saw that the scattered black spots in front of him regrouped and turned into that terrifying female ghost .

"Be careful! It has evil poison!" Yan Zhao tried to remind, but Qin Yu didn't respond, he only grabbed him with one hand, and threw something directly with the other hand, which turned out to be a beautiful spinning jade ball carved in the air. Qin Yu recited the mantra silently, and it spun, while Qin Yu's fingers moved quickly in the water, pierced the spell into it, it glowed, swirled the light path, spun out the vortex of the spirit pattern, and then made a clever and mysterious sound. . .

It was a buzzing and trembling sound that could be heard underwater, and then the condensed female ghost showed a painful expression, turned around and tried to escape, but she couldn't, her body was tearing apart, tearing apart like black spots one by one. , and then turned into swirling black streamlines and was drawn into the jade carving spirit ball.

When Qin Yu touched it, it retracted and fell into the palm of her hand, and she hung it around her waist casually.

Yan Zhao was dumbfounded.

What's this? What kind of magic weapon was that just now? So neat and effective!

Qin Yu didn't rush to answer him, and swam forward, motioning for him to follow.

Yan Zhao could only keep up.

Well, he absolutely refused to admit that he was subconscious at the time. . . Damn, why is there a sense of security being protected!

"What is this?" Yan Zhao fed a elixir that restores true energy and qi and blood into his mouth, while looking at where Qin Yu directed him.

A human-height wooden cubic chest.

I don't know what's inside, it looks ordinary.

"Normal? You look to the side."

Qin Yu sent a voice reminder, Yan Zhao looked away, and saw that there was a lot of mud on the side of the cubic box, and they died one by one.

"Go up first."

Qin Yu didn't say much, and led Yan Zhao up.


Jiaojiao was the first to notice that there was a problem underwater, but he didn't show it, because he knew that Qin Yu could handle it, and Xie Shuling had been secretly monitoring the movement of the water body with probing techniques. , Immediately made preparations and was preparing to go down.


People came out of the water.

Qin Yu came out holding Yan Zhao.

Why mention it, because he fainted.

After being poisoned, it is not surprising that he fainted and forcibly used it.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

You especially remember that a few minutes ago, their Senior Brother Yan Zhaozheng told Senior Sister Qingqiu to protect her.

He was a man before he got into the water.

After coming up is a pussy?

Seeing his handsome appearance with bloodless face, red lips and white teeth, those who didn't know it thought he was seduced by the female ghost.

Everyone was shocked, what happened?

They all came forward to see.

Xie Shuling glanced at Yan Zhao, then pressed his hand on his neck, his expression changed slightly. "This is..."

"It looks like an underwater female ghost, but it's actually a domesticated ghost worm, you see."

Qin Yu threw out the jade carving spiritual ball on his waist, Xie Shuling took it, and looked at the tiny, densely packed black dots trapped inside.

It looks like a cloud of black air and ink, but it is the condensed existence of countless small bugs.

"Ghost Mochong, this is not a sneaky thing from the territory of our Great Qin Kingdom, but left behind by those people?"

"It's not just these little bugs that they left behind."

Qin Yu said casually, and asked the other disciples to take care of Yan Zhao on the ground, and then said to Xie Shuling, "Come down with me, we can't do without you."

Xie Shuling didn't want to be driven by her at first, but the words "I can't do it without you" hit her weak point - she is so important, so outstanding and so unique! This woman has vision!

Xie Shuling looked a little happy, and followed Qin Yu down.

Where the water is deep, there is still that box, and there are still hundreds of slopes.

"Are these boxes or these slopes?" Xie Shuling was not stupid in nature, but she also knew that she was not a very smart person, and she was involved with evil spirits, so she asked this question.

"No, there are others." Qin Yu said, Xie Shuling suddenly saw the strange light in her eyes, that look. . .

Xie Shuling understood in seconds, she found it very strange that she had bad teachers, and she hired the best ones since she was a child. From the royal family to Wuque, her teachers are extremely strong. , but she has never tried to see a person's thoughts in a person's eyes.

Is it because you have become better?

No, it seems to be. . . This woman is different from others - her eyes are bright.

She was so divine that she could see a strange green light suddenly bursting out from the dirt slope behind her. . . .

Oh, it's about Xie Shuling's death.

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