I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1464 Are you afraid? (Third watch is here, end)


Why did Qin Yu call Xie Shuling down, because she was powerful, and because he didn't want to do anything, just these two reasons.

When Xie Shuling was fighting the man who turned into a mysterious green light to attack, Qin Yu was observing the box and pondering over the slopes.

That's thirty rounds.

Xie Shuling entangled him to death with her spiritual whip magic weapon.

"This whip is good." Qin Yu slightly praised.

Xie Shuling felt that she should praise her self-cultivation, so she curled her lips: "It's an offensive magic weapon, it's okay to smack people, it's like binding people."

"Normal..." Qin Yu thought about it for a while, and said, "Then what if this person is still out of trouble, evil people have the most means, they are flexible in their hands and feet and their brains are brilliant..."

Her tone was cool and sweet, and she paused skillfully on the word hands and feet, but it was very natural.

Xie Shuling seemed to be inspired, raised her eyebrows, "It's okay, there is a way, look at me!"

Then she broke the hands and feet of this evil cultivator in front of Qin Yu.

Qin Yu couldn't bear it, and sighed again and again.

There is only one sentence on the wall of the golden wall.

——Your talisman should not be a musical instrument in the future.

—but a shovel.

My wife is working so hard and you still mock me, disappear!

Qin Yu had another face in the golden house, but here he showed some sympathy for the evil cultivators, especially the kind white lotus.

Xie Shuling was not surprised, and said angrily: "Hey, you have never seen the world, you met evil cultivators when you came out for the first time, you knew that they were defeated by us, and if we were defeated by them, Do you know what will happen?"

Qin Yu: "What's the end, I ask my junior sister to enlighten me."

You taught me everything and still call me little junior sister?

Xie Shuling sneered: "Naturally rape first and then kill! How about it, are you afraid?"

Qin Yu's eyes slid across her face, and replied: "I'm such an ordinary beauty, I'm afraid they won't like it, my junior sister is much prettier than me, the other party may like you more, please ask me Junior sister must also be careful when walking outside in the future."

"It's really, really difficult for us girls."

Xie Shuling: "..."

I feel that I have been praised, but I am not so comfortable, as if something is not right.

The evil cultivator lying on the ground with his limbs broken: "..."

Since you disabled someone, you will naturally be tortured. What is this box for? Why are you here? Tell me!

Xie Shuling has been to the Discipline Hall a lot, and she has learned a few tricks. In addition, she is ruthless, which is very scary, but this evil cultivator refuses to talk about it.

Xie Shuling was irritable, and started thinking about his third leg, Qin Yu became more amiable, knocked on the wooden box with his fingers, and said, "The golden yin wooden body in 999, plus these 128 soil slopes, if I You guessed it right, nine dead men were folded inside each of these slopes, and all their limbs were packed into a whole by the method of gathering yin and stacking corpses. The array hole arrangement, spread out around this box as the core, is a complete place to keep corpses. I'm done, do you have anything to add?"

Xie Xiu was shocked.

Xie Shuling was also taken aback, "How do you know this? So sure!"

"I watched it when you guys were fighting, so you should take a look too." Qin Yu stretched out his hands and started to move. The water flow fluctuated and controlled all the silt on the 128 soil slopes, as if they were melted and divided. Expose the polyyin pile of corpses below.

The human head and limbs can't be distinguished at all. At first glance, it looks like a big meat ball. It is not decomposed, but this kind of half-dead corpse is the most terrifying.

"The dead body has entered the law, it really is the art of raising corpses."

Xie Shuling actually doesn't know what is the method of gathering yin and stacking corpses, and what is the place where the corpses are raised, but she knows that this is definitely the other party's conspiracy.

"Say, what exactly do you want to do?"

Xie Xiu sneered: "Didn't she say it all? What can we evil people do by raising corpses? This is just our way."

It seems to be true, the evil way is the evil way.

Qin Yu smiled: "Don't avoid the important and ignore the important, some things you didn't explain, for example, the ghost moth is not used as a guard, but it is actually an important part of it, because female ghosts are hard to find, and female ghosts are even more difficult to control. Array layout, so you can use these ghost insects—these insects are all female insects, extremely feminine, with the flesh and blood of women, they can imitate the feminine energy of women after they grow up, and become the only mother in this place of evil and corpses , it can be easily manipulated in the future, this plan is very good. 128 Yinhe corpses, the scale is really not small, if it really takes shape, I am afraid that only our sect seniors will come to subdue it, but there is too little time, enough for you to cause harm One place and quickly hid, so... where is your target?"

I am so. . . I didn't say anything, you got it all!

It's okay, there are things you don't know.

Just as Xiexiu was lucky, Qin Yu tapped his fingers again, "The body is full of breath, it's okay when you are running away, but if you want to hibernate and approach, the first thing is to be short distance from the destination, and the second is to be able to cover the breath, so as not to let the opponent The guards found that to destroy the plan, it is best to go underwater, so the method of raising corpses in Yine that you chose is mainly water raising, not land raising. The water spirit power of this river has a lot of contact with it, and these water corpses can It will be difficult for the monks in that place to find out if you hide in it, and when you get to the gate of Hedao City or close to the city wall, it’s enough to climb over the wall and enter, and you may be able to slaughter more than half of the city.”

"The distance is short, and it can just pass through the waterway. It also needs to be a large capital city. It is qualified for you to engage in such a big battle. Naturally, only the county town of Xiangyang County is the most suitable."

Xixiu: "..."

Xie Shuling looked at this evil cultivator's shit-eating expression, she was silent for a moment, and said to him: "I don't think you are useless at all, you are not worth being tortured at all, you are rubbish."

Xiexiu, who was ruthlessly humiliated, had a mouthful of old blood in his throat. For this reason, he could only sneer stubbornly: "It's just that you were lucky enough to meet us, win us by chance, and see through all of this, so what? You can't stop it!"

Qin Yu listened, with a slightly tactful expression, "From what you said, I think our luck is really good, three consecutive championships."

Xixiu: "..."

Xie Shuling was also happy, "When you are about to die, you are still stubborn, why can't we stop it, just smash your corpse! Then..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Yu reminded her: "I'm afraid it won't work. This is already a corpse breeding ground in the middle and late stages. If they break out by force, they will wake up early-by then, no one will be able to control them. , including this ghost moth."

Xie Shuling blurted out: "Come out, come out, then kill them all!"

Then she saw the person in front of her with a "wow, are you so good?" expression.

Poisonous, this woman, why do I get so angry when I see her expression!

Xie Shuling didn't want to talk anymore, but she still had to ask: "Then how should I deal with it?"

Hey, how could she ask the other party, this woman is only in her twenties, how knowledgeable is she!

But she also knows what kind of mess and what gathers shade. . .

"How else to deal with it, of course... dismantling the formation." Qin Yu said.

Xie Shuling: "???"

Evil cultivator: "!!!"

Are you bragging or dreaming!

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