I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1465 Response (Something happened today, it came slowly, and there is one more slow.)


Whether it is bragging has something to do with whether the cow can fly.

Whether you are dreaming or not depends on whether the dream has come true.

Both are in the future tense, and the assumptions of the two are also in the present, so Qin Yu has always been willing to forgive others

Currently, just do her present.

so. . .

She didn't say anything, she was as diligent as a veteran cadre, and with the solemn temperament of being responsible for the people and serving the people, she was earnestly doing the great thing of saving the people from the fire and water. He picked out bottles and cans one by one, poured this one into that, and poured this into that one, matching them like cocktails, then turned the bottom of the bottles, and then walked to one of the 128 slopes.

She poured the liquid in the bottle down, and it fell on the soil slope, yellow and green, sticky, in one piece, at first glance it looked like. . . An indescribable lump of something.

Then facing this lump of things, she formed a spell, and the spell was successful, it melted the seal, and also merged into the soil slope, walked down the soil slope, and invaded this "Nine People Gathering Yin Corpse".

When invading, Xie Xiu and Xie Shuling were rarely in sync—seven points suspicious and three points nervous.

It was as if there was a time bomb in front of them, and everyone was helpless, and a Chaoyang crowd without a professional certificate suddenly volunteered to defuse the bomb, and he was very sure.

You are making trouble!

But what if?

Xie Shuling held a thought—what if she succeeds? What if she gets killed?

Of course, the former is more important. As for whether you will be killed or not, it has nothing to do with you. If you are about to explode, you have to run quickly!

With such a mentality, Xie Shuling stared at the slope—and then what? what's next? What will this true parallel disciple of Gu Dao Peak do? !

Stare for three seconds.


There was no explosion on the earth slope, no corpses from the Yin-gathering corpses, nothing at all.

It's time to test your patience!

Xie Xiu was silent with a strange expression, but Xie Shuling couldn't hold back and asked, "Why don't you start yet?"

Qin Yudai raised her eyebrows lightly, "Junior Sister, I've already started."

Xie Shuling: "What? It started? Oh, then why don't you continue?"

Another question goes straight to the core.

Talk about dismantling the formation!

You are tearing it apart!

Qin Yu was silent for a while, then raised his hand, and said softly, "It's ready."

What is it?

This time, the evil cultivator couldn't hold back, and directly launched a taunting big move: "Ha! What a Wuque, the disciples who came out are more arrogant than the other! They said... Wait, what do you want to do?!!!"

Xie Xiu was stunned before he could finish his taunting big move.

Xie Shuling originally wanted to give him a kick to remind him not to be too arrogant when he was a prisoner, but he was also frightened when he saw Qin Yu's actions.


stop? how can that be possible.

Qin Yu never listened to other people's so-called "stop", and hit the slope with an attack technique.


It's over, it's over, it's going to explode! No, that's not right, it's the Yin'er corpse that's about to get up! !

Xie Shuling was so fast that Tanshou grabbed Qin Yu's shoulder and wanted to drag her away to escape. . . . .

Huh? There was no movement below.

Xie Shuling, who had already been dragged four or five meters away, reacted quickly, and turned around to take a look.

It's still the dirt slope, there's really no movement!

The "weak" senior sister Qingqiu who was dragged by her said quietly: "He is going to run away."

ah? Xie Shuling reacted very quickly, and rushed out next, kicking Xie Xiu, who was crippled in limbs but tried to escape with the earth escape technique.

boom! Xie Xiu fell like a dog, and the next second, Xie Shuling controlled him with a spiritual whip and kicked him several times.

"You son of a bitch, you still want to take the opportunity to escape! Insidious and shameless! Kill you!"

Xiexiu: You were the one who escaped first! ! You didn't have time to let me run away first! ! You are allowed to escape, but I am not allowed to save myself? ! !

But he didn't have a chance to defend himself, because Xie Shuling's long legs kicked people so often! !

And the most frightening thing is—she will kick you to death if she doesn't kick you to death.

Qin Yu felt that this was too cruel, so he gently reminded: "Little sister, this is not good, after all, we are all human... why bother?"

Xie Xiu was almost moved to tears.

Damn, this is the demeanor of a real celebrity.

The woman who kicked him must be the butcher's daughter!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu briefly added: "It's enough to pick off the small dantian in his left abdomen. It won't hurt his life, and it will make him defenseless. It's good for him, good for us, and good for everyone."

To put it bluntly, it is—whatever you kick, destroy him!

Xie Shuling thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, so she really wanted to abolish the evil cultivators.

At the time of evil repair. . . He was terrified.

Abandoned is an ordinary person!

Has become a monk, whether it is an evil cultivator or an orthodox monk, who wants to be an ordinary mortal?

Absolutely not! Would rather die! !

"Wait, if you are like this, I will never tell you the relevant secrets, don't you want to know?"

"For example, the method of breaking the formation of the Yin and Evil Gathering Formation."

In order to save themselves, evil cultivators are all the same, and they can do anything.

Xie Shuling really fell for it, because it's very important.

However. . .

"You know? I don't think you know." As soon as Senior Sister Qingqiu spoke, Xie Xiu panicked.

This woman. . . What do I want to say again! !

No, what did she see again! !

"128 Earth Slope Gathering Yin Corpse, one of them is where the eye of the formation is. I chose the right eye of the formation, but you don't know that I chose the right one. It is enough to show that you don't know the reality of this great formation, you only know what it is. Since you don’t know, it means that you are not its designer and builder, and the other party arranged for you to guard it here because you are ignorant of it—because even if they failed to intercept us, your sneak attack also failed, and it fell to us In your hands, we can't torture you, because you don't know the real secret, so what do you use to make a deal with us?"

The implication is - you don't know anything, you have no value!

Facing the calm eyes of this golden core female cultivator, Xie Xiu panicked, but when he noticed Xie Shuling's dubious expression, he was overjoyed.

There is still a chance!

"Oh, you're really arrogant. These are just your own conjectures without any evidence. If you lose the opportunity to obtain information because of your arrogance, I'm afraid your master will not be kind."

Righteous disciples are most afraid of the teacher's censure, and evil cultivators are very clear about it.

result. . . What he encountered were two strange creatures.

When Xie Shuling heard this, she didn't say anything, and kicked again.

"You dare to threaten us?! Court death!"

Xie Xiu was stunned by the kick.

He didn't know that the person in front of him was a brutal and habitual criminal who went to the Discipline Hall every day to celebrate the new year since he started.

But he was more willing to negotiate with habitual offenders than that terrifying and gentle nun.

"Do you really think that the method she just used must have successfully broken the formation? No response does not mean success! It's just a coincidence, if the formation is activated..."

Xie Shuling really fell for it again, looking at Qin Yu with all his thoughts.

Qin Yu has a good temper and is quite patient: "Actually, it's easy to verify, one is accidental, seven or eight..."

Xie Xiu and Xie Shuling were surprised again, and just wanted to stop them. . .

Qin Yu still threw seven or eight spells and smashed them on seven or eight dirt slopes.

Um. . . Again no response.

"Look, there's no response."

Look, look, it didn't respond, they still didn't respond!

If she doesn’t respond, it means that she took it apart correctly. Since you took it apart correctly, why can’t you see it? Your body and your eyes have exposed everything about you. Push back—are you kidding me?

Did it work or not?

Xie Shuling's thinking is very simple, and her logic is also very clear.

No response, it is a success!

Now that the success rate is high, you can continue to beat him!

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