I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1472 Taste (the third one is here, ask for tickets and subscription)

Xie Shuling: "You don't care about me! If you don't answer, I won't obey you!"

Oh, are you still blackmailing me? If I don't answer, you won't go in?

But Qin Yu still said it, because the little princess had a single mind.

She thought for a while, and answered seriously: "I can also play the piano, play the flute, embroider, carve, strike iron, see a doctor and cook..."

It's almost like saying that I am virtuous and virtuous and can warm the bed.

It's not as good as some stupid bird flying first!

You poor white lotus, I believe you have ghosts!

Xie Shuling gave her a hard look, then turned around and led her away.

She took half of it away, Yan Zhao was about to follow, someone said slowly from behind: "It turns out that Junior Brother Yan likes you Senior Sister Shushu so much that he is willing to be with her and not with me."

The sad tone of the bones. . .

Yan Zhao had goosebumps, so he could only stop his feet.

They left, but they didn't go directly out of the mountain. Instead, they followed Qin Yu to wander around the mountain, looking at the flowers, plants, and landscape.

"This is the Gusu flower? This miasma seems to be a bit powerful." After removing the technique of preventing Qi from entering the body, some inner disciples also felt quite uncomfortable after actual experience.

"It's not bad." Qin Yu took out a basin and handed it to Yan Zhao, who was puzzled.

"Dig it out and bring it back."

Yan Zhao stared, but after three seconds, he still squatted down. . .

I dug out a Gusu flower and planted it in a pot.

Other inner disciples were not spared either, picking fruits, flowers and digging soil. . . .

It was as if they had come to the countryside to do farm work.

While doing farm work, some more cautious disciples discussed the hole.

They have different opinions. Some think that there is a universe in the cave, which is a natural vision, while others think that it is a conspiracy and may be man-made.

They consulted the opinions of the true disciples - of course, it was Qin Yu, not Yan Zhao.

"Man-made, the impact force on the ground outside the cave is higher than that inside the cave."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he looked at the mountain structure of Qimei Mountain.

This Feng Shui. . . It's a bit weird.

A place where flowers and plants are full of vitality and vitality, but it is also a place of cold death.


After returning to the inn, it was already evening, and this was Jiaojiao's meal. Qin Yu ordered the meal. The others had been staying with her for a long time these days, and gradually developed the habit of eating three meals a day, so they sat down and shared the meal together. dine.

After picking a dish, Yan Zhao, who was at the same table with Qin Yu, still couldn't hold back, "What's in it?"

He had a good face and didn't want to ask those people who deliberately fooled them.

"If you ask me, you might as well ask someone else."

Some of the disciples of the inner sect still had some contacts with people from other sects. After greeting and asking, they knew the general idea.

"About a month ago, they heard from the Tao that a spirit pill would be born in a certain place. After checking all the places, they all locked in Dongliulin Town, which is this place."

Things like spirit pills are hard to come by.

It's as if people are divided into three, six, or nine classes. Once born, the physical talent is doomed. The chances of changing it later are very small. Even if it is possible, it will require a huge price.

And spirit pills are also born naturally, heaven and earth are their parents, what kind of spirit pills can be, actually depends on its breeding environment.

"Spiritual pills? This thing is too rare. Among our true disciples, there are only five of them, two sword pills, one knife pill, and two strange spirit pills. Shit luck can give birth to a spirit pill, so it must be a flower spirit pill."

As a true disciple, Yan Zhao can still tell that he is ugly and Yinmao.

They didn't expect that the person surnamed Qi was poisoned. Before the investigation of the case started, they would catch up with such a good thing.

Yan Zhao thought to himself - if I think that Qi's death was a good one, am I not kind?

"No matter what spiritual pill it is, we can talk about it when we have a chance, but we can't delay the business."

"Yes, we still need to investigate. After all, our Wuque Sect disciples cannot be assassinated for no reason."

Everyone was solemn and serious, Qin Yu glanced at them, "I'm talking about eating."

Everyone: "..."

Jiaojiao who had already started eating almost choked.

After investigation, the standard of living cannot be lowered, they are all good young people, they should eat as much as they should, and they should not starve and lose weight.

Qin Yu completely had an old mother's loving heart.

Disciples: "..."

I feel like I have an extra mother.


At night, Qin Yu stood in front of the window and glanced across the entire area of ​​the inn. The inn is not small, surrounded by all directions, and it is a place for accommodation, but there is also a small courtyard that is vaguely secluded, covered with trees, and the flower garden is also very pruned carefully.

Qin Yu glanced at the flowers and plants, and thought to himself that it is indeed a place where it has been cultivated from the flower garden for many years, and there are masters in the world.

Knock, knock, there was a knock on the door, and a servant outside came with hot water.

"Xianchang, this is the flower bath that every Tianzihao room in our store will give."

Before, the inn asked if it was necessary. After all, Qin Yu was a woman, and there were also two female disciples among the dozen or so inner disciples behind her, so she agreed.

But even if there is no girl paper, the blue boy paper should be more delicate.

"Well, thank you." After Qin Yu let the other party in, he casually asked about the small courtyard.

"Oh, that's where our boss and his wife live, and the garden is also taken care of by the boss."

"Eastern Liulin has outstanding people, and your boss is also talented."

"Thank you for your praise. Our boss is not only talented, but he is also very kind to his wife. He is a well-known good husband in our local area."

It turned out that the white and fat boss had a very frail and sickly wife. Because of her frailty, she could not even bear children. This was quite criticized in the local area. Many people suggested that he divorce his wife and marry another, but he did not agree. , and persisted for many years, took care of her meticulously, and worked hard to manage a family business.

Jiaojiao heard from the side that he was a good person, no wonder the boss she met just now was very popular.

"There are also immortal masters haunting this place. Could it be that even the law of the immortal family can't cure his wife?"

The boy sighed: "I've tried it, but it's useless. It's said that it's a hidden disease for no reason. Medicine and stones can't help it, and fairy magic can't help it, and it always makes my wife very painful. After that, the boss gave up and took care of it with peace of mind. It's safe to be so, and occasionally When it's getting better, I can still take my wife for a walk in the nearby flower fields."

Qin Yu nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and let him go.

As soon as the door was closed, Qin Yu glanced at the garden thoughtfully.


Yan Zhaoda went out at night, passed the inner path, and was about to find Qin Yu, but was stopped by an inner disciple who bumped into him.

"Brother Yan, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Find her!"

Hearing this, the person had a strange expression, "Brother Yan Zhao, we know you must have asked Senior Sister Qingqiu for some questions, but it's too late, it's not proper manners."

"That's no nonsense. I asked her about these things. What kind of etiquette do I need? I won't hit her!"

Yan Zhao's mind is also one-sided, so this disciple has no choice but to drag him. . . . Just at this time, when the door to the front room opened, Qin Yu saw the two of them arguing there. She glanced at it with a delicate expression, and said, "What do you want to do, go back to the room, it's too conspicuous."

Then just go downstairs to the kitchen on the other side.

Two people: "???"

As soon as Qin Yu came out of the kitchen, he saw a cook coming up with a cup of stewed porridge.

"Exactly, I still want to ask."

The cook smiled shyly: "I'm really sorry, there are too many guests today, so I didn't have time to cook some dishes. In addition, you are more particular about the flower and fruit porridge, so it took a lot of time."

Qin Yu: "How many cups?"

The cook was taken aback, "Hey, there are a lot of flowers and fruits, and the boss also said that there are a lot of fairy elders, so I stewed several cups separately, and I have sent them to others just now."

Qin Yu: "Oh, there are quite a lot of flowers and fruits, it's okay, I'll waste your family's rice."


I always feel that this is not quite right.

Could it be that your younger brothers and sisters are not as precious as some rice from my family?

"Master Xian is very polite, I will bring it to you."

"No, I'll do it myself."


As soon as Qin Yu entered the door, he saw Jiaojiao was ready, with a bowl in front of him and a spoon in his hand. . .

Like a pig waiting to be fed.

Qin Yu smiled, and put a cup of flower and fruit porridge on the table, "Okay, it's all yours, eat it."

Jiaojiao felt that Qin Yu was an angel today, so she frantically started, and quickly finished a cup, burping her stomach, "Wow, the cooks in this small place are very skilled, and the taste is delicious."

Qin Yu nodded and praised: "It's not bad, adding poison can make the taste so good."

Jiaojiao replied smoothly: "That's right, it's really..."

He was taken aback suddenly and looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smiled.

"You heard me right, my jiao, he was indeed poisoned."


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