I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1473 Assault (I'm in a bad state these days, I'm not passionate, I need to adjust



Jiaojiao picked up the casserole and was about to smash it at Qin Yu's head. At the very moment, Qin Yu said slowly: "How could that person know that our little Jiaojiao is strong and strong, and he is not poisonous?" Invasion, blinded his dog's eyes and chose the wrong person, but he may be laughing now!"

Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, put her hips on her hips and sneered, "No, he's just blind, Yuyu, let's catch him now!"

Qin Yu grabbed his little tail that jumped out, "No rush."

"No rush?!! Didn't Yan Zhao and the others get poisoned?!"


"Why didn't you remind me!"

"I reminded them, how could they be poisoned, and how dare the people behind the scenes show their faces."

Qin Yu's light answer made Jiaojiao silent.

It sounds logical, and quite reasonable.

In terms of heart and liver, you are still black.


In the dead of night, Yan Zhao didn't know what was going on, he was dragged into the room, saw some disciples eating porridge, he laughed at them for a minute, after a minute he also ate a bowl, and then. . .

Get down.

A group of people lay down and fell asleep, and the candles in the room were flickering.

There is a kind of ghost called sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently.

If a killer in the mortal world also has this ability, let alone in the realm of comprehension, when the dark energy sneaks in from the backyard, jumps onto the eaves, and seeps silently into the window.

The black air condensed into shape, and the eight rooms where Wuque's disciples lived had entered two balls of black air.

The two black shadow monks locked on Yan Zhao first, and raised their flying swords to kill him in one fell swoop.

A flying sword falls into a dream.

No, it's not a dream, it's a sword flying from the window.

Flame like a red flame bird, the sword shuttles back and forth, so eye-catching and dazzling in the dark night, even though it is so fast, it also tears the silent night because of its sharp and powerful sword energy.

There are many inns nearby, all the monks were startled, they flew out from the bed, and saw a woman standing on the eaves opposite to the Yuelai Residence, and many disciples behind her also followed the flying sword of the imperial envoy, piercing several A room, the sound of flying swords coming from the room.

"It's Xie Shuling! Damn it, didn't she enter the cave? Why did she come back!"

"No, it's a trap!"

After everyone dealt with Feijian, they knew that they couldn't kill these unconscious Wuque disciples—in fact, they felt that these disciples were pretending, and they all broke out through the windows in fear of being surrounded and attacked.

The sound of broken windows was loud, and everyone in the inn woke up. When they woke up, they saw disciple Wuque fighting with a group of men in black.

Magic tricks, flying swords and flying shuttles, is the strongest sect after all, I saw that each of these disciples is fierce, Jindan stage has the ability to crush the same level of Jindan stage, Yuanying stage has the ability to kill groups of Jindan stage ability.

Rolled, completely rolled.

Xie Shuling shot fiercely, and quickly looked at one of the rooms, but only felt that the room was quiet and silent, brows clustered, fingertips raised together, and the flying sword quickly shot in.

The window was punctured, and the moonlight spilled into the bedroom, only to see two people on the ground. . . was determined to die.

Not only were they immobilized to death, but they were also entangled by binding spells. The entanglement was like a clinging vine, rapidly sucking their spiritual power.

Unable to move, their spiritual power was being consumed at a terrifying rate. From the peak of the Golden Core Stage to the Golden Core Stage, when Jie Shuling broke in through the window, their internal strength was only at the Foundation Establishment stage.

Xie Shuling was speechless, turned her head to look at the bed, and saw Senior Sister Qingqiu had got up, she took off her robe from behind the screen and put it on.

Qianqian Ruansu, a slim lady, wears a belt casually, undisciplined and seductive.

With just one glance, Xie Shuling was slightly stunned, and then choked out a sentence: "What you have cultivated all these years is not cultivation, but femininity?"

Qin Yu also froze for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Ah, junior sister, are you so straightforward?"

Xie Shuling curled her lips, "You are more charming than the concubines in my father's harem."

She has seen too many women do everything in order to compete for favor, and she has always disliked those charming styles, but this person in front of her is different, this style has nothing to do with others, it is her own self-cultivation and temperament.

But she seemed to realize that her words were not right, so Xie Shuling added: "Of course, those women are just mortals, and they can't compare to you when they are bundled together."

A mere mortal woman in the harem cannot compare with the future master of Gudao Peak.

Of course, Qin Yu would not be angry because of this, and smiled, just as the other two disciples also broke in through the window, they were also stunned when they saw the scene in front of them, but they were kicked twice by Xie Shuling.

"What kind of window are you breaking! Men and women don't understand?!"

"Yes, yes, sister, we were wrong."

"Tie these two out!"

After the person was taken out, Xie Shuling turned to Qin Yu and asked, "By the way, where is that idiot Yan Zhao? Why hasn't he moved?"

Qin Yu: "Probably poisoned."

Xie Shuling was taken aback for a moment, then realized, "Didn't you tell them that the porridge was poisonous?!"

She became suspicious, and the eyes she looked at Qin Yu became darker—couldn't this Senior Sister Qingqiu use a bunch of people as bait?

Qin Yu: "Tell me, I found out after I got the porridge. I sent a sound transmission to you and to them, but you responded, but they didn't. I guess they had already eaten it by then."

After she finished speaking, she sighed, "I didn't expect them to eat so quickly...they said on the way that they really don't eat fireworks."

Xie Shuling, who repeatedly said not to eat but ended up eating every time, blushed, coughed, and said, "I'll whip them!"

The premise of pumping people is that people like Yan Zhao were not poisoned to death—fortunately they didn’t die, because the poison in the flower and fruit porridge is not a severe poison, otherwise the poisonous gas would be distorted by the well-informed disciples of the Wuque Sect. , the drug that was given was precisely a drug that was not highly toxic, but enough to make people stunned and weak.

Xie Shuling was rich and had a lot of pills. After taking out the pills to detoxify them, he waited for them to wake up and tortured the few survivors.

For example, what is their origin, why they were attacked and killed, and why Qi Yunye of Wuque Sect was poisoned.

They didn't say any of these, their mouths were very strict, and Xie Shuling's patience was quickly exhausted, and he picked up the whip and prepared to whip people.

Qin Yu, who was drinking water beside him, suddenly asked.

"How many legs does a blood centipede have?"

The people who were questioned were all taken aback. How many legs can a centipede have? But the blood centipede seems to be some kind of powerful poisonous insect, which is different, so. . . How many legs are there?

Their expressions were weird, Xie Shuling noticed.

She suddenly stood up, "You are not from that wave! Damn it, lie to me!"

All the prisoners: "..."

What did you lie to you? It was you who asked us why we poisoned the people of your sect. . .

If we don't recite this blame, we can't cover up our true identity!

"Then they are..."

Qin Yu didn't mention the matter of monitoring the magic weapon, but said indifferently: "It's not the enemy of the sect, it's our enemy. Have we offended anyone else recently?"

Everyone suddenly realized, Xie Shuling stared at these people coldly: "You are the group of Yin'e raising corpses..."

They still didn't speak, but their expressions were cold and their eyes flickered.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, turned his teacup, and said calmly: "If you are really strong, you should kill yourself. If you don't speak, you just want someone to rescue you. In addition, you poisoned and attacked again this time, but there is no Yuan in the people who came. Baby, it seems that you are just a wave of cannon fodder who came to test, and the real people may be nearby."

Just after saying this, Xie Shuling and the others suddenly sensed a ray of evil. . . .

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