I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1474 Stop Chatting (Second Watch is Here, Good Night)

brush! Xie Shuling rushed out immediately, and the rest of the disciples also came out with their swords.

Three seconds ago, about three streets away from Yuelaiju, a few black shadows suddenly shot out from the inconspicuous courtyard, because they suddenly noticed a ray of evil spirit escaping from the front yard of the courtyard they were in. They were surprised. The cold-faced man sitting at the top was naturally the one manipulating the surveillance magic weapon to stare at Qin Yu and the others. After he sensed the evil spirit, he frowned. Everyone thought that someone was listening to their second attack plan, so they all brushed up. I swept out, but I felt it before I found the listener. . .

"Not good! People from Wuque Sect are here!"

They didn't have time to escape, Xie Shuling had already landed on his sword, and a flaming mad technique fell, covering the entire courtyard.

Inside the house, the cold-faced man raised his hand and cast a blood rejuvenation spell, which deprived the surrounding trees and plants of their vitality, turned them into surging blood, devoured the flames, and turned into a fire tiger to rush towards Xie Shuling.

Xie Shuling slashed open with a sword, and scoffed coldly: "Rejuvenate blood? Who am I to tell you? It turns out that it is Yang Kui, the rejuvenating hand of the Xuehu sect, the lackey sect of Qingmen in the past, who can't be changed and eats shit."

This is also an enmity with Wuque, and Qin Yu and the others smashed the plan not long ago, it can be described as a new enmity and an old enmity.

But they didn't expect that before their second-level sneak attack plan was implemented, their hidden position was exposed by an inexplicable ray of evil spirit.

this. . . It's so weird!

But Wuque's Xie Shuling is really annoying, and his words are too unpleasant!

Seeing that Xie Shuling only had one Nascent Soul, and the number of Wuque disciples he brought with him was only half of the original number, the members of the Xuehu Sect knew that the poison had worked after all.

"act recklessly!"

The members of the Xuehu sect faced each other head-on, and the two groups immediately fought.

But no one knows. . . A fat cat came out of the dog hole in the yard silently. It ran out of the yard, circled around, returned to a certain room, and jumped into someone's arms.

"Woooooo, it's so dangerous. Just now, they reacted so quickly."

Jiaojiao deliberately made a look of lingering fear and trembling in order to let Qin Yu boast more about herself, but in the end

Qin Yu Qin Yu suddenly replied.

Qin Yu: "Well, that dog hole is so small, and you're so fat, it's quite dangerous to get stuck there for a while."

Jiaojiao: "..."

Just when Jiaojiao was about to scratch Qin Yu to death, Yan Zhao woke up again with the expression of who am I and where am I and what did you do to me.

Qin Yu: "There's no need to think too much about it. The evil people who are out there are beating you up and poisoning you. Go away."

Without further ado, Yan Zhao raised his sword and stepped out.

The other disciples were slow for a while, and went out one after another.

The strength of Xie Shuling and others increased greatly for a while, and the two Nascent Soul disciples joined hands to restrain the two Nascent Souls on Yang Kui's side, but the other disciples killed the other Xuehu Sect members who were helpless, and the awakened people in the town There were more and more monks, and some people recognized Xue Huzong because of Xie Shuling's voice.

Under the mass attack, the members of the Xuehu Sect retreated steadily, Yang Kui secretly hated, and said decisively: "Withdraw!"

He was about to take another Nascent Soul to retreat, but he didn't want to fly a sword of Lingguang. He couldn't dodge it in time, so he pushed the Nascent Soul beside him up and dodged by himself.

The Nascent Soul took a blow from the sword, but was wounded instead of dead. Before he could react, he was killed by the two swords of Yan Zhao who was chasing after him.

When the head flew up, Yang Kui had no choice but to take out a yellow spell and burn it on his fingertips. While reciting the spell silently, he undid Shuling's sword "The Red Light of the Sun".


Houses were cut down, but people disappeared, leaving only the burning ashes of the spell.

After all, let him run away.


"Just now, thank you fellow daoist for your support. I don't know the name of your friend?"

"Wenchang Mountain Baisu."

Bai Su seemed gentle and elegant, but he was actually not very sociable, and he didn't know what to say after he finished speaking, while Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling talked incoherently, and they were cold for a while.

It was Qin Yu who came forward to talk to him one or two.

In fact, when Bai Su reported his background, everyone was a little surprised.

Wenchang Mountain is not a big sect, not even a sect, but it belongs to it, but its reputation is not small, because the ancestor Wenchang Gong who created this lineage has a great reputation for thousands of years, and he can be regarded as one of the famous cultivators of the Great Qin Kingdom. One, this person doesn't like sects, but he has a heart to help the world and save the people, so he simply recruited disciples himself. There are not many people, and each generation accepts a few, and the most important thing is to be good. In Baisu's generation, there are only a few people only.

But even these few people were wiped out thirty years ago. It is said that only Bai Su survived. He has been looking for his enemies all these years, but he has not found them. He has saved many people.

Bai Su's reputation is not small, his cultivation is good, and he actually has a Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, it is a Nascent Soul formed within a hundred years, and it is still under the condition that the division is destroyed and it is equivalent to a loose person.

Such talent is no less than that of the true disciples of the Wuque Sect.

Yan Zhao compared himself with him and felt uncomfortable.

But this uneasiness quickly turned into luck—fortunately, there is still a True Inherited Golden Core Stage to embarrass in front of him, hehehe.

Rejoicing quickly turned into unhappiness—how could they chat so well!

That's right, not only Yan Zhao and other inner disciples felt this way, even Xie Shuling couldn't stand it anymore.

Not only because Qin Yu and Bai Su had a good chat, but also because she was chatting with him in her pajamas and casually drooping her loose robe.

That smiling face is like a flower, and that Qianqian is gentle, which can soften a man's heart of steel.

A little princess like Xie Shuling, who has seen all the beauty of her concubine, thinks that a woman like Qin Yu with an unobtrusive appearance is charming, let alone a man.

She paid attention to Bai Su.

His expression was very natural, his eyes didn't look around, and he seemed to be fine, but Xie Shuling felt that there was something wrong with it—are there any lecherous men in this world?

What Yan Zhao and the others felt at this moment was—fuck, how could our Wuque true senior sister be taken advantage of like this!

then. . .

Yan Zhao: "It's a big night, let's talk later!"

Other disciples: "Senior sister, it seems that our poison has not been fully cured."

Xie Shuling: "There are still people alive here, let's go to torture and torture, stop chatting."

Qin Yu knew the intentions of these people, thought it was funny, and didn't take it seriously, but he didn't continue to talk to Bai Su, instead, he said, "You guys have a hard time interrogating, and tell me what you find out tomorrow morning, but there is no need to force it too much."

Everyone was puzzled, and Bai Su also looked at Qin Yu curiously.

Qin Yu clasped his hands together, gathered up his loose robe, and smiled faintly: "Don't you already know that it's the Blood Hu sect, since it's an evil way, and its master is famous, besides, didn't you run away with a leader? If you really want to ask about secrets, these The little guy may not know, the rest is left to the sect to negotiate, why bother to ask thoroughly."

Several young men who were beaten and pinned to the ground: "..."

Before, there was evil to raise corpses, and later, there was attack and killing, and it was evil again, which was enough to make a move without fault.

Once the attack is made, the sect must be destroyed, so there is no need to ask about all the ties - of course, if the opponent is a righteous sect, everything has to be sorted out.

It makes sense to say that, after Qin Yu left, Yan Zhao and the others really started asking questions that were not very particular about technology, and the pattern was - would you say it? Don't say yes! beat!

Who hit?

Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling are two thugs doing their part.

I played for two hours, about 2:10 in the morning. I was tired, so let's wash up and sleep.

"Although Yang Kui escaped, it is expected that he would not dare to come back."

After all, there are many masters in this inn now.

Except for Xie Shuling who offered to take care of the captives, the rest relaxed their hearts and went to rest. Oh, I thought that following the true biography of the three spicy chickens was out for paddling, but I didn't expect that every one of them would have a lot of credit. So cool!

You must have slept well tonight.

In fact. . . It seems not.

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