I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1491 Tibetan Mountain Wood

Her gesture didn't look like she was moved, but she didn't mock, she only asked for confirmation calmly.

It was as if she had seen such a thing, such a scheming, such a trick thousands of times—or, was it because she herself was the one who used such a scheming?

Because sometimes, the people who know you best are not your friends, relatives, let alone your enemies, but your fellow-men.

Bai Su was silent for a while, and said: "Because of this, Fellow Daoist Qingqiu must suspect a person who came to save you regardless of danger?"

Qin Yu: "Is it dangerous? It's quite dangerous, but for you, it's not this Gusu Flower Trend that's dangerous, but me. Therefore, when you face me from the beginning to the end—your blood You have always been ready to use your spiritual power, Fellow Daoist Bai Su."

The so-called sincere worry and thoughtfulness he showed since saving her were all to test whether she was dead, whether she believed in him, and whether she was really exhausted and unable to fight back.

This is not a storybook novel. After the villain kills the protagonist, he goes to find the corpse. After finding the corpse, he is very proud and unguarded, but is killed by the protagonist who faked his death.

Of course, there is no protagonist who does not conform to the core socialist values ​​like Qin Yu.

But she is indeed Bai Su's target.

There was a little helplessness on Bai Su Junya's face, and he said: "Then what good is it for me to come looking for you? If I am really that vicious person, I will attack and kill you when I deserve to find you, or let you enter the waterway That's it."

Qin Yu: "Ah, it's probably because of my physique."

Bai Su paused, staring at Qin Yu.

I saw her trembling smile, like the Gusu flower trend rolling and rushing beside her, both beautiful and dangerous.

"It may be in your interest to have a full-purity wood-type inspired physique, and cultivate a pure cultivation base under the nourishment of unlimited resources. You can draw spiritual energy to absorb it directly, and you can also refine wooden corpse puppets with your flesh and blood. It may also be the interests of Mrs. Liu, who can control the Gusu Flower, anyway, it doesn't matter anyway, your cooperation is really good, one link after another, it seems that you can get as much money as you want."

When she mentioned people, she was naturally herself, and it probably included the lives and bodies of some Wuque people, as well as wealth. . .

What kind of wealth can there be here, it can't be the murderous corpses all over the mountains and plains.

It is undoubtedly the spirit pill.

"You actually know that she controls Gusu Huachao... Then you probably guessed it too..." Bai Su's expression was subtle, but Qin Yu said for him, "She deliberately used me to fight with her to control the demon. Break through the mountain and let the spirit pill leak out, otherwise it would be such a coincidence—I am suspicious by nature, but I don’t really trust the word coincidence.”

When she was unlucky, she drank water and got stuffed between her teeth. In the end, it didn't prove that there was a reason for all the bad luck.

So, it's better to be suspicious.

"Suspicion, this is a good habit, I am also suspicious, so you have tried a lot of friends Qingqiu, who is obviously only at the Jindan stage, but I didn't expect that the suspicion would become true. You are really so powerful, but..."

Bai Su's eyes seemed to have considered Qin Yu carefully, "You are not flustered at all, and you can still deal with me. Is there something wrong with your chest, or are you pretending to be mysterious?"

From the very beginning, he noticed that Qin Yu seemed to be chatting with him on purpose. After chatting for a long time, her survival rate will be higher? It was still to create an atmosphere, to make it appear that she had a lot of trump cards and was not afraid of him.

So, that requires judgment.

The basis of Bai Su's judgment is——

"You have been reluctant to use your aura until now, are you afraid of revealing your flaws? But do you know that there is a technique called aura-observation technique, even if the body hides the aura fluctuations, the aura-awareness technique can spy on the strength of the aura of the body from the shadow .”

As Bai Su spoke, his expression was dark, and he slightly hooked his fingertips. Qin Yu immediately noticed that a qi-observing pupil had gathered in the mid-air behind him at some point.

Because it has existed for a while, it has seen it. . .

"Your main body, the aura is probably not as good as the foundation building period."

Bai Su Junya showed regret on his face, and then drew the long sword on his back, the light of the sword flowed like graceful autumn water.

"Even if you may have a deeper way to hide it, I can't just let it go. There are no absolutes in this world. It's either risky or regretful."

In order not to regret, he can only. . .

When the sword came out, the sword was full of murderous intent, completely different from the elegant, gentle and upright gentleman in the past.

One sword can tell reality, and one sword can divide life and death.

When he struck out with a sword, the light of the sword flew straight to Qin Yu's eyebrows.

No matter what method Qin Yu uses, it must be supported by aura in the final analysis. No matter whether Qin Yu has aura to hide or not, her strongest method is nothing more than the technique of killing with sound, but she hasn't even brought out the flute now, let alone the lethality Huge self-explosive one-time magic weapon.

so. . .

He didn't expect Qin Yu to move his hands.

Using both hands and five fingers to slide afterimages is like drawing out of thin air with dozens of hands at the same time.

The basis of the technique is aura, her body has no aura, the shadow did not lie to him, and the Aura did not lie to him.

But he didn't expect that there was a golden cube in Qin Yu's body, which contained a huge spiritual energy.

It was even more unexpected that Qin Yu, who was best at assisting spells, changed to a different spell this time.

The river section is rushing, the tide is noisy, the flowers are fragrant, and the miasma is running away.

This is an environment, an environment that is conducive to evil ways, and even if Bai Su was not born in an evil way, he is also associated with evil ways, so this environment is considered to be conducive to his environment.

But Qin Yu's technique came.

Even if it is an environment created by evil ways, even if it is an environment preconceived by evil ways, she will take it away in an instant.

That is her technique, there are trees in the mountains and forests, the wood hides the mysterious spirit, shakes the wild back, and kills all directions!

For just a moment, Bai Su felt that all the energy of the mountains and trees in this valley was drawn and condensed, and at that moment, he also saw the terrifying spiritual power erupting from Qin Yu—it would never be inferior to any Nascent Soul Stage in this mountain.


Bai Su's flying sword was bounced away in an instant, and the power of the huge mountain trees that surged over was like giant trees in the mountains and forests becoming domineering swords.

A sword strikes.


Bai Su flew out backwards, and the defensive middle-grade spirit weapon armor automatically popped out from his body surface, but it shattered the first second it popped up, explaining what it means to be the peak when you appear on the stage, and the peak is over.

boom! Bai Su's body fell to the ground, a bloody hole was sunken in his chest, and a powerful mountain tree force was still clinging to it.

It roams and ravages in lands the size of the chest.

At the moment when the body's vitality was annihilated, Bai Mo had only one thought.

He recognized the technique.

""The Art of the Five Elements" - Cangshanmu!"

This technique is very famous and known to everyone, but Bai Su never thought that he would die under this technique.

I never thought that I would die suddenly in the hands of this person.

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