I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1492 Means

There are five mainstream systems of spiritual roots, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder ice wind are non-mainstream. Although they are rarer, but since the development of cultivation civilization, the monks of the five mainstream systems account for 99% of the number and power ratio. Therefore, regarding the five mainstream systems Wu Que's technique is also the most prosperous, discarding the false and keeping the true, discarding the inferior and keeping the good, Wuque's foundation is deep, and the cultivation of disciples is the most important, so the masters and seniors of the past dynasties have set about sorting out the skills and techniques, of which the Five Elements technique is the largest system, Among them, the patriarch who was the most skilled in magic arts spent 800 years in retreat and compiled "Five Elements Youshu" by himself.

This is one of the high-end great exercises in the Wuque School, and its special feature is that it is open to all aspects of the inner sect, and does not require the authority of true disciples or elders, as long as the inner sect disciples can learn it.

The reason why the authority is not extended to the outer sect is that the aptitude of the outer sect disciples is limited, and the loyalty of the outer sect disciples obviously does not need the inner sect, because it is easier to leave. If you eat ordinary ice cream in the Wuque outer sect, Then someone else left with a Haagen-Dazs hook.

This is an inexhaustible strategy, but it also proves the versatility and basicity of "Five Elements You Shu", but it does not mean that it is easy to learn.

"The Art of the Five Elements" is divided into three stages, elementary, intermediate, and advanced. It is extremely powerful for ordinary inner disciples to understand the basics of the elementary school, and they will be directly admitted as true disciples, because the study of magic is equal to understanding, which is already inexhaustible. The practice is also common sense among the disciples.

The difficulty of entering the inner sect, and the high-end of Wuque, can be seen from the "Five Elements Youshu" published by the inner sect. Everyone in the cultivation circle of the Great Qin Kingdom knows that this book is very powerful, because the disciples from the Wuque inner sect Basically, there are people who have used their brains to copy it, used traitors and arrested and interrogated them, but they all failed in the end, because ordinary inner disciples can only remember the most basic things, and the core essence is invisible. In the lectures on the elders' techniques that Que often holds, he often learns and often realizes epiphanies, so that he can fit in with the "Five Elements Youshu" jointly produced by Wuque's generations.

If it is an intermediate level, it must be the leader among the core disciples, like Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling, the two last "junior sisters and younger brothers", both of them have the upper-middle-level talent in spells (compared with the Wuque True Biography disciple group). Get up), better at kendo, in the learning environment that comes with the true disciples, being spurred and taught by the master-level teacher, these two people are also like stubborn bulls in the "Five Elements Youshu" that the inner disciples must learn At first, he cultivated to the elementary and high level, in order to crush most of the inner disciples, but Qin Yu was different.

This guy's talent in the most direct way of killing such as kendo and knife way is definitely not as good as her talent in the first department of magic, so she distracted herself from learning "Five Elements Youshu" while learning other side knowledge systems, and conquered the elementary level in a month. , conquered the intermediate level in half a year, and has reached the intermediate and high level so far. There are five strongest spells in the intermediate and high level, which are the highest spells of each of the five elements. Tibetan mountain wood is the strongest intermediate spell of the wood attribute.

If we talk about the advanced level of "The Art of the Five Elements", then it is about the elder level.

Bai Su's astonishment did not lie in Wuque's disciple's ability to use such a powerful technique as Tibetan Mountain Wood, but two aspects.

The first aspect: Qingqiu, a disciple of Wuque, is only at the Jindan stage, but she has the explosive power of Yuanying-level aura. There are no more than two possibilities. One is that she has a special magic weapon for storing spiritual power, and the other is that she hides her cultivation. The Jindan stage, but the Nascent Soul stage.

If it's the first type, it's nothing more than what her master Gu Daofeng gave her. It's understandable, but I can only be jealous.

If it is the second type, it would be a bit scary. She has been a child for 19 years, and she has been married for 19 years. This speed is far faster than Xie Shuling, a rising star that the sect is optimistic about.

This is the first aspect.

The second aspect: Regardless of whether she is in the Jindan stage or the Nascent Soul stage, even if she dies, it took her 19 years to study the intermediate and advanced stages of "The Art of the Five Elements", and skillfully used the most powerful wood attribute. Strong "Tibetan Mountain Wood".

Nineteen years, nineteen years of exhaustion!

When Bai Su landed on the ground, his body and soul came into contact with the vast but earthy earth, sighing deeply in the depths of his soul, and then. . . With a flash of blood, a thin layer of blood mist appeared on his corpse.

The soul leaves the body, the blood escapes!

Only at this time, this person no longer has the temperament of the breeze and the moon before, the soul is bloody, and he has evil spirits. This is not like what a disciple of the righteous way does.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, but she was unmoved, because. . .

In the Gusu tide on the nearby river, a fat paw grabbed a dead branch, and then a round and fat plush creature jumped out of the water, with beautiful hair like a fat cat that had just been groomed Jiaojiao exploded in an instant, like a stream of light in mid-air, a flash of light flashed between her brows, and time stood still!


Bai Su's soul body was instantly frozen in midair.

It was also at that moment that a talisman was gently pasted between the eyebrows of Wen Su's soul body by a plain hand.

The stillness can only be for a moment, but it is enough. Qin Yu practiced this soul-absorbing talisman to deal with the enemy-many evil people know the art of soul escape. She experienced it before entering the realm of cultivation. Naturally, she has psychological shadows, so ah , in this regard, she has worked very hard.

You see, this will come in handy.

Bai Su's soul body was controlled, and he was very weak and pale. Looking at Qin Yu, he said directly, "Leave me alive, and I can explain what you want to know..."

Before he could finish his words, Qin Yu pinched his seal directly and activated the burning soul-absorbing talisman. Bai Su was horrified and wanted to make a sound and send out his message, but there was no way.

Qin Yu's method was too fast, too fast.

His soul was burned.

Leave no room for it.


The fat cat landed on the ground and bounced on the ground. He jumped up, patted his buttocks, and muttered: "Damn! This trend of breaking flowers has almost paralyzed my body, my buttocks are numb, and I don't feel it when I pat it ... Dead Yuyu, can you hurry up, what are you talking about with him!"

You must let him lie in ambush in the water, and if this guy wants to leave his body, cooperate to stop him.

Well, their cooperation is very foreign media, but there is a long way in this world, he is so boring.

"Don't you feel your butt? Ask Bibi to give you a thunderbolt prick on your butt? It's like acupuncture, it's good for you."

"No, no, let's talk business."

Jiaojiao covered her butt and shook her head violently, her plump face and cheeks swayed, and then ran to the ashes of Bai Su's melted soul, "Hey, why don't you keep him for a while and ask for some information, what's wrong with this person? It’s evil, I thought he was a good one.”

"He didn't want to change his life, but he wanted to convey information about me to others... This person must be very close to here, who can save him, besides Liu Rushi, maybe there are other people."

"Then you were arguing with him before! Don't you know that the villain died because of talking too much?"

Jiaojiao subconsciously regarded Qin Yu as a villain.

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