I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1493 Duo Ling Pill! (fourth more)

Qin Yu didn't correct him, but said indifferently: "Don't look at me killing him with one blow, but this man's strength and hole cards have not been fully displayed, but he is 120% wary of me, from the beginning to the end I've never been relaxed, if I don't divert his attention, let him have the determination to kill me with one blow, and let him free up most of his aura, I can't lock him."

Lethality is one thing, but whether it can be targeted or hit is another matter.

This Bai Su is no ordinary opponent, Qin Yu has been planning how to kill him since he noticed that he was chasing him in the tide.

Fortunately, the basic result did not deviate from her expectations.

But this person. . . Kind of weird.

Qin Yu was very suspicious and extended her doubts about this, but even if she suspected that there was a secret behind this person, she was quite decisive and killed Miehun directly. As for the information needed, it did not harm the overall situation or her plan .

Jiaojiao saw that Qin Yu didn't seem to be planning to change clothes, so she put on that loose robe, bent down and squatted down, oh shit, she saw everything.

"Can you be more careful, at least you are now a true disciple of a famous and decent sect."

Jiaojiao blamed her with her hips on her hips, hating iron for being weak.

Qin Yu glanced at him, "You are still the son of the gods, the little prince, and I have never seen you wearing clothes. You are naked every day."

Jiaojiao: "..."

What you said is so reasonable, I am speechless.

Qin Yu squatted down to show off her good figure, so she observed Bai Su's face.

Not only observing, but after frowning slightly, she even touched it with her hands.

Jiaojiao stared, her tail swayed crazily, and she patted the ground, "Oh, dead Yuyu, you're here again! You still touch him! He's still good looking, what do you think!?"

"What else can I think, I'm not here to touch him, but..."

"Even if he is a cultivator, his flesh and blood cells will begin to change after death. His face, however, has not changed very much."

Jiaojiao's ears swayed up and down, "Huh? Disguise?"

It's not disguised, it's obviously a bit more compelling.

Qin Yu stroked Bai Su's face with the palm of his hand, and performed the spiritual cleansing technique on his palm several times. Finally, he found a small spot of spiritual energy under the earlobe. After inputting the spiritual energy, it disintegrated its seal, and then. . . Bai Su's face changed.

Reverted to the face of another strange man.

It turned out to be another person!

Standing up for Bai Su's identity.

"I'm afraid, the real Bai Su has already been killed, but I don't know if he was killed on the day after his sect was destroyed, or on the way to escape, but this person is very clever, and he disguised himself perfectly, just like the most orthodox A righteous and comprehensible person."

Qin Yu sighed and took off Bai Su's clothes.

Jiaojiao was shocked and turned into a face-covering emoji.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu searched out all the belongings on Bai Su's body, burned the body, and dealt with the traces. . .

Erase it all? She deliberately left some clues—for example, she was suspected of not being dead, but being taken away.

Then she glanced in the southeast direction and dodged into the dense forest.

After a while, a stream of light fell down, and Xie Shuling landed on the big rock with sharp eyes.


In the dense forest, Qin Yu's speed was extremely fast, far exceeding what Yan Zhao and others had seen before.

In the forest, Qin Yu dealt with the things he got from Bai Su, such as Lingshi pills and so on. Although it was a lot in the eyes of others, it was only a fortune for Qin Yu, who was rich. Xiaocai is still a little surplus to make up for her loss in this enchanting mountain.

To her greater delight she found two things.

One is that this "Bai Su" can confuse the audience and successfully use Bai Su's identity to confuse the righteous way, and the evaluation is a secret method "Shadow Puppetry".

The second is that this "Bai Su" is probably afraid that he has pretended to be Bai Su for too long, his identity is secret, and there will be no records on his backstage in the future, so he always keeps a proof—unless like Liu Jianming in "Infernal Affairs", for the sake of Own security had to start clearing all his undercover records.

Bai Su is safe now, and he is still willing to do things for the evil way, so he always keeps a token.

Qin Yu looked at the Qingtian imprint on the token and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The man from Qingmen is interesting. A fugitive who exterminated the sect is so active. Even if he has a heart of hatred, he will not be so intense... It seems that Qingmen still has culpable crimes, or there is a deeper background behind Qingmen. .”

Qin Yu thought for a while, opened the "Shadow Puppetry" and looked at it for a while, and then learned it. When she came out of the forest from the other side, her appearance had changed a lot, Bai Su's clothes and Bai Su's spirit sword.

The collected Chao Ci finally broke away from his recent glamorous attitude, and couldn't help complaining, "It's been so long since I've been accepted, and I've never drawn my sword, so I flew with my sword. sword!"

Seeing her complaining, Qin Yu smiled, and said, "Extraordinary things, extraordinary appearances, don't you want to have a chance to amaze everyone?"

Chaoci was taken aback, and then he realized, "Oh, that's it, that's fine, next time you say in advance, I'll be ready, although I can surprise everyone without preparation, just draw your sword - I don't even need it An attack can blind everyone's eyes."

When Jiaojiao heard this, she rolled her huge eyes.

Whoops, you think you are a laser sword, with 30,000 watts of luminosity.

But Chaoci is really easy to coax, like a silly girl who was fooled by Qin Yu's simple words, obediently nestled back to Jiezi's space, and continued to be her quiet beauty sword.

And Qin Yu. . . After getting out of the forest, counting the time, it was only 20 minutes since she fell down, but the blood on the top of the mountain was so strong, it was obvious that there had been a fierce fight.

I don't know how many people died.

Qin Yu hid himself sideways under a big mulberry tree. With a sweep of his eyebrows, he had already seen the situation above.

Wuque had the main advantage, but this advantage was diminishing, because Liu Rushi relied on the many murderous corpses controlled by Qi Mei and Zhou Liang to restrain Yun Chuxiu.

But they can't get the spirit pill now, because the place where the spirit pill is hiding has a layer of spiritual vein restraint that has been condensed by the Meimei Mountain for many years. This is a manifestation of the spirit of the spirit pill - it is protecting itself.

When it was exposed before, there was a damage gap in the spiritual vein restriction, which could be broken, but it was not so easy to break.

Once the time elongated and outsiders arrived, Wuque would be the biggest loser if he couldn't get the spirit pill - because they had already paid for the life of a true disciple with a special status.

In the territory of the Great Qin Kingdom, Wuque cannot lose.

Qin Yu's eyes were full of thoughts, and when Jiaojiao asked her what she wanted to do, she asked back, "Why do you think I have to change my identity?"

Become a white house.

Jiaojiao was taken aback, and thought for a while, "Snatching the spirit pill, that's for sure. Snatching it with Bai Su's identity, that's..."

He froze for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Qin Yu smiled, tiptoed, and disappeared into the shadow of the mountain under the night.

And Huang Jinbi naturally thought of why Qin Yu wanted to change his identity, but it thought deeper than Jiaojiao—it was thinking, if Qin Yu had seen that Liu Rushi was using the fight with her to solve the spirit pill early on, Then why does she still cooperate? Naturally, she used the conspiracy of Liu Rushi and others to break out the spirit pill, and she wanted to seize the spirit pill from the beginning!

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