I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1603 Autopsy! (Qi Shutong, book fan N times and Shibi, ask for a monthly ticket, everyone sh

When everyone realized it, the fifth knife feather had jumped up and drew the knife in the air.

As soon as the knife came out, the blades as huge as the Hengduan Mountain Tower descended from the sky, and cut the Yanhua fish schools around the boat in all directions.

Cut once!

The edge of the blade shattered, and even though the fingertip of the fifth knife feather was controlled, the shattered knife energy turned into countless split light of small knives in the water, and shot out from the inside and outside.

bang bang bang!

Underwater critical attack, the blade pierced through many Yanhua fish.

Yanhua fish has a sword-like physique, and a layer of skin on its body is an excellent defensive magic weapon material, which shows its tenacity.

But this layer of blades fired wildly, and still penetrated dozens of Yanhua fish that are closest to the blade.

On the surface of the water, there was blood, but the ice had crossed the border, the blood water and the body of the Yanhua fish were both frozen, and the slender and beautiful fingertips hooked, slam!

These blood-water blocks are separated from the water and suspended in mid-air, so as to prevent the escape of blood energy and attract more underwater beasts.

On the other side, Fang Yourong stood at the bow of the boat, with his right hand clasping the long sword around his waist.

She didn't move, and Yun Chuxiu's powerful fighters didn't move either.

At present, only Fifth Daoling and Ying Ruoruo are allowed to start, because they have a premonition—there are not only Yanhuayu here.

The fifth Daoling and the two cooperated almost perfectly. Thinking about it, they had fought a lot in the past, and they were familiar with each other. Qin Yu had already seen it when he was in the wooden house. will be a problem.

But the real problem is. . . .

"We have completely isolated the breath, but these schools of fish can still lock and attack actively, and someone is manipulating them behind!"

Feixi is the spell controller, and he is still mastering the concealment and isolation ability of the ship at this time, so he is sure that there is nothing wrong with them, that is, something is wrong with the fish school.

The problem of fish schools is not an accidental disaster, they believe that there are man-made disasters!

"I'm looking for."

Yun Chuxiu is good at physical skills, and his figure floats above the boat, constantly peeping out to explore the skills. . . .

When the dozens of ice cubes controlled by Ying Ruoruo were suspended in mid-air, Ying Ruoruo's face was also a little pale, and his spiritual power was rapidly consumed.

Yun Chuxiu finally locked on the opponent.

"In the southeast corner, on top of the Feng Shui tree..."

With one sentence, she controlled the golden wheel and blasted it out!


The Hefeng Shui wood exploded, and a mysterious figure flew out of the water tree, just about to escape, Yun Chuxiu was about to chase it out, with a sword aura.

From then on, it came out from the back of the person.


It was Fang Yourong, but after Fang Yourong accurately killed the opponent with a sword, he was not happy. Instead, he frowned, and drew the edge of his sword, trying to wrap the opponent's body, but he was a step too slow, and this person actually took the initiative to dissect the corpse in mid-air!

"Distraction corpse dissection technique! Hurry up!"

The other disciples became nervous when they heard the words, and cooperated with all their strength.

Jiaojiao was asking Qin Yu what the distraction autopsy technique was.

Qin Yu briefly described: "It is knowing that I am doomed, and in order to take revenge on the other party, I dismantled my own corpse and used the distraction talent of the distraction stage to curse, turning into a dead body and bleeding to attach to the other party, so..."

Qin Yu didn't say much, Jiaojiao had already seen it.

I saw that the corpse fell into the water after being dissected, and the bright red water flowed through the water like a vampire. Before everyone stopped, it ignored the isolation of the spell and directly attached to the ship.

This is the power of the autopsy method, especially when the opponent is in the distraction stage, and the consciousness can be separated from the body, so it is even more difficult to get rid of it.

This monstrous venomous blood is attached to it and cannot be peeled off.

Such cursed blood will drive these spirit beasts to chase and kill them crazily!

Now, they have two options.

1. Abandoning the ship, everyone left with their swords. But no, there are many miasmas in the flower sea of ​​spiritual species, even if there is no miasma, there are many flowers and plants and ghosts inhabiting it, countless and hard to guard against, especially the Gu insects, which are very powerful, otherwise why would all the cultivators choose the waterway?

2. It is feasible to abandon this ship and change to another ship, but it is too late.

The blood from the corpse entangled the boat, and the blood was so violent that the Yanhua fish went crazy.

Crazy crash.

It's a huge force.

The first wave of impact caused the ship to shake violently, and the magic barrier maintained by everyone was abruptly broken.

Can't afford a second wave.


Crash! Numerous disciples threw several treasures up, and the spiritual light appeared, urging the wind spirit, and the strong wind made it madly, as if there were wind wings, pushing the boat forward, crazily shuttling through the Yanhua forest.

The front of the ship also pushed and tore a sharp water wave, and the surroundings passed quickly.

Of course, the water vapor came oncoming, rolled with many petals, and fell on everyone's faces, with the smell of water and the fragrance of flowers.

It's a pleasant thing, but it's actually an escape.

It's not that I'm afraid of these Yanhua fish, but that for an environment like Yanhualin, it's actually a whole ecology, and every move will affect the whole body.

Underwater sea spirit species, insects, birds and beasts in the forest, every ecology is a terrorist group that Qin Yu and the others can't afford to provoke.

You see, when Qin Yu hugged Jiaojiao and supported the pole of the boat, facing the rain of flowers, they didn't even need to look ahead, they saw it. . . A huge shadow.

"It's a spirit-eating bat!!!"

Xie Shuling and other disciples spontaneously sacrificed the fire method without reminding, or put it into the fire-type spirit sword.

The sword qi surged wildly, dispelling the first wave of spirit-eating bats.

But just as the spirit-eating bat neighed as it was burned by the flames, it turned its head. . . Crash!

A ferocious beast with wings flew out of the forest, opened its mouth, and swallowed a dozen of these big bats exuding the smell of barbecue in one gulp. Its claws grabbed the branches of Yanhua Mizuki The head, the branch trembled, and it opened its mouth and roared at the ship.

Sound attack!

hum. . . .

The spells of Xie Shuling and others were all interrupted, because they were attacked by the sound, their spells were interrupted, and even their souls were slightly damaged. If they didn't withdraw in time, their souls might be injured.

As soon as they withdrew their hands, all these various beasts, birds and birds came out in a mess.

Can't bear it!

Absolutely can't bear it!

"Take the path to the left!" Zhuang Silin, who was in charge of controlling the boat, frowned when he heard Qin Yu's words, and didn't listen immediately, but Fifth Dao Ling also said in a deep voice, "Left!"

Only then did he change his route, avoiding the group of spirit beasts ahead, and fled to the Pianmen Waterway.

There are also spirit beasts, flying insects, and sea spirit fish in the path on the left, but it is much less than the path just now. The pressure of everyone was relieved immediately, and they took the time to take pills to recover.

But this wave of elixir has not been digested half of it just after eating it, the front. . .

"There's a turbulent downhill!"

The turbulence was rapid, and the boat was going down and down at an extremely fast speed, but the spirit beasts behind were chasing after it.

Almost crazy!

Everyone can only refine the elixir crazily.

"Hurry up! Pass through this tunnel and in front of you is Huadu Yaoyang."

Once they reach Yaoyang territory, they will be safe.

But first, they have to get out of this tunnel. . .

Crash! When the ship jumped down the highest slope and almost suspended and fell, there were many eddies in the turbulent flow below.

And behind them. . . The sky is densely covered with spirit beasts, and there are large groups of fish in Yanhua below, and there are a lot of black and white.

Huge movement!


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