I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1604 Twenty-five characters


Flowers are shining.

A land of shining sun, a sea of ​​fragrant flowers.

Hundreds of rivers flow into the sea, and the flowers and colors are all in sight.

Magical treasure ships criss-cross the sea, and flying sword spirits roar in the sky. This is Huadu Yaoyang, and it is also a place that must pass through the Seven Kingdoms Highway.

At that time, Huadu Yaoyang's huge city gate was sitting in front of the gate, which was a wide sea area. There were several huge rivers flowing in the sea area, which could accommodate many magical ships from many rooms and regions.

At this moment, if he casually glanced over the Yaoyang city wall, he could see dozens of magic weapons ships on the sea in front of him.

"Hey, it's just the reserve of Tianzang, so there are so many monks coming and going? This is too exaggerated!"

This is a country bumpkin cultivator who doesn't know where he came from. He got lucky, because Huadu Yaoyang catered to the current situation and expanded the city guards to deal with the sudden large number of monks. This person was selected as one of them. .

But obviously knowledge has not grown.

"It's just a reserve? Ha, you really don't know anyone. Do you know that five hundred years ago, there was a son of the city lord of Huyue City next door. Back then, he was full of vigor and vowed to win the first place."

"Ah? The son of the city lord?!"

Huyue City is a large city of comprehension in the Huayuan Kingdom, and there are many cultivators, almost in the same class as Fulong in the Great Qin Kingdom.

So in the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a big reason.

However. . . Just afraid of one however.

"That's right, Ke Rao is the son of a city lord who has a talent for cultivation since he was a child and has no shortage of resources. Back then, he was prepared to participate in the reserve selection, prepare and win the first place in the finals."

"As a result, he lost the election."

The old city guard smiled slightly, and added: "On the first day of reserve selection."

Xiao Chengwei: "???"

Scary isn't it?

"Boy, this world is very big, don't sit and watch the sky."

Xiao Chengwei scratched his head, thought for a while, and looked at the treasure ship on the sea ahead, "Then look at those geniuses from the kingdoms ahead, who are stronger?"

The old city guard took a sip of wine, thought for a while, and said: "The selection of the reserves is only the entry selection for the selection of Tianzang. Under the three states, there are four divisions in one state. For example, the fourth division of our Lielu Dajing State, first of all, the Eastern Seventh Division. The selection of the kingdom, because Baili is the strongest, is the main selection field in Baili, which also gives them the home court advantage, from which 100 people will be selected for the battle of the four divisions, and then the real battle of the Three Realms will take place."

What he mentioned was probably, but he didn't answer Xiao Chengwei's question, but it's probably very important, and the next thing is the details.

"Thus, in our Eastern Seven Kingdoms, Baili is the strongest, but they are local and will not pass by us. Only the monks of our Six Kingdoms need to travel long distances to participate in the Baili territory. You ask me who are these people in front of me? It's hard to say who is strong and who is weak. After all, I don't know who is coming, but as far as I know, under a hundred miles, there are Haina, Huayuan, Jingliu, Daqin and Zhongzhou, Daliang, and Xiaoguo. The Seven Kingdoms, speaking of them, were the Eight Kingdoms in the East a long time ago, but the Xiaoguo Kingdom was swallowed by Daliang thousands of years ago. It is said to be a mixed domain of the Three Kingdoms, but in fact Daliang was the main one, and the Middle Zhou Dynasty was supplemented, so the Eight Kingdoms became the Seven Kingdoms. There are only six countries under a hundred miles."

"Among the six kingdoms, Daqin and Haina are the strongest, but after Daliang swallowed the small country, they deliberately created a three-nation mixed domain, and their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. Now, there is a meaning to force Daqin and Haina, especially the three-nation mixed domain It is adjacent to Daqin, so there are conflicts from time to time, and then we Huayuan and Jingliu, but that is the situation of various countries, if you ask the list of geniuses."

When the old city guard mentioned that his country was at the bottom of the ranking, he was a little disappointed and didn't want to talk about it, but when he mentioned genius, his eyebrows immediately beamed.

"Let's not mention what happened five hundred years ago. Five hundred years later, there are rumors: Qianchuan was raised in the sea, kites sacrificed to Wanlin, Wuliu at the end of the Three Kingdoms, mirrors flowed into the painting building, and the sword of the Great Qin Dynasty. These twenty-five The word represents the situation of the top talents in the past five hundred years."

The old city guard mentioned that Huayuan was in the second place, and he was very proud of himself. Seeing that the small city guard was still confused, he suddenly wanted to explain in detail, but he was about to say something when he heard a loud noise.

The mountains and rivers are rushing, and the sea is full of loud noises.


In fact, it was a minute before the old city guard was frightened.

On a ship above the sea, a shirtless young man waving a folding fan and playing chess with his opponent glanced out the wide open window.

"The gatekeeper of Huayuan Yaoyang is really ignorant. What kind of Jingliu Yinghua Building sounds quite connotative and pleasant, but it is ranked fourth? Min of the first Yingguang Gorge in the magnificent Jingliu Kingdom. The painting building is actually in the fourth? I really don’t know how these storytellers arrange it, are they all blind!”

Min Hualou's name is very literary and elegant, but who would have known that this person was not only shirtless, but also had his legs rolled up, and the hair on his legs was quite coquettish, fluttering slightly in the sea breeze.

Of course, chess is like a god. . . .

"Paralysis! You take advantage of my inattention and ignore my army again. This round doesn't count. Come again!"

The middle-aged man on the opposite side frowned, glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Fame is based on real achievements. Your achievements are not as good as others. If others are strong, naturally you will be the last."

"The last? You are the last! I am fourth, fourth! Then Daqin is only fifth, which is ridiculous! Daqin is so strong, but Wuque of this generation is so weak?"

The middle-aged man put down the chess pieces, pondered for a moment, and said, "You probably don't know anything about Daqin."

"What?" After regretting the game, Min Hualou, who was holding a big watermelon and eating it with a spoon, raised his face.

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "The little prince of Baili died, the Tianhu sect forced Wuque, Wuque's true disciples killed a group of masters in front of Wuque's door. You don't know about this matter." Know?"

Now the countries have already been uproarious.

"Ah, is there such a thing? I've heard about it, but it's just killing a few distractions... When I killed the distraction stage, they were probably still wetting the bed, hahaha."

"That only means that your cultivation age is far longer than theirs, and you are also older than them."

Min Hualou couldn't eat anymore, put down the spoon, curled his lips, and muttered: "It's just a small achievement, I'm afraid of a bird...don't let me meet them, what is the fifth sword Ling so annoying, the name is so Very domineering, can't be a soft persimmon, hahaha."

His laughter suddenly stuck in his throat, and in a second he appeared on the deck of the big ship with a big watermelon in his arms.

"Big Brother..."

Many disciples of Yingguangxia True Inheritance were not surprised to see their elder brother's clothes disheveled, they were just surprised that he was so abrupt. . . Not yet asked.


Come forward.

Many ships, many monks, came from all over the world, and they all saw a magic weapon ship criss-crossing the remote path in the upper reaches of the river in the northwest, rushing out of the rushing river, bringing a dense and urgent rain of flowers, and. . . Lots of crazy spirit beasts and fish.

"My God, what's going on!"

"Spirit beast tide? Look at the direction, it should be Yan Hualin over there."

"What did this group of people provoke in Yan Hualin?!"

Many monks were surprised, Min Hualou's eyes were poisonous, and he could see the mystery of the other party at a glance.

"Distraction Corpse Dissection! Ha, this group of people are poisonous, and they have provoked such a ruthless opponent."

"This is killing them!"

"It's over, they're dead."

Min Hualou was quite interested. He was watching a play with a big watermelon in his arms. He had just scooped up the spoon and hadn't delivered it to his mouth. His hands stopped and his expression became serious.

Because I saw it. . . .

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