I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1614 Which one to choose? (Ask for a monthly ticket)

Some people didn't know, because they had arrived at Yaoyang before, and they were not at the pier, so they didn't know what was going on there, but then the news spread, and Wuque's true disciples became famous, but many people just went to retreat and cultivated themselves. Ignore it, this time the exit is also because of Yunyi Pavilion, otherwise they would have to leave after exiting the customs, and would not pay attention to these at all.

But now that they have encountered it, they only asked about it, and they were quite surprised when they learned about it.

They all looked at the box opposite.

"Wu Que of Da Qin? Da Qin Que Dao Rong, I've heard of it, the fifth Dao Ling and Fang Yourong."

The speaker's voice was crisp and tender, he was actually a very fair-faced young man, lying on the railing of the box, his brows were delicate, in terms of appearance, he was not particularly conspicuous, no different from the young man next door, but many disciples around him respected him, He actually called him big brother.

This person is also a first true biography.

The age may not be the oldest, but the cultivation base is definitely the strongest.

If the old city guard was here, he might be able to see the origin of the other party with cloudy eyes.

People in the mixed domain of the three countries.

The second son among the ten sons, Jian Shaoxiu, is the youngest among the ten sons, but he is already ranked second, and he is also second in the mixed domain talent list.

If Qin Yu was here, he would recognize a familiar face among the disciples behind him.

It is Qiu Yu with a leopard.

At this time, she was drinking tea, and when she heard her senior brother mention these words, she thought of some experiences in Dongting Mansion. As for what happened to Xiaoxiang Yeyu later, it was just a continuation of the incident in Dongting Mansion. Wu Que was involved, so she paid more attention to it. Hearing this, she thought for a while and said, "This Qingqiu is so powerful at the age of nineteen, so scary."

When they were nineteen years old, they were still thinking about how to break through the Jindan to Yuanying.

However, the opponent had already forcibly used Yushuangshu in the Nascent Soul stage to use the forbidden technique to assist the same sect in beheading the Transformation God stage.

It's scary how big the gap is.

Jian Shaoxiu was also obviously quite surprised by this sudden appearance of Qingqiu, his eyes stayed on the opposite side for a while, and said: "But she suddenly called such a high price, it seems that Wuque is very kind to her, and has entrusted her with many spirit stones, maybe It was also given to her by Gu Chen."

Qiu Yu heard the meaning of these words - this girl's achievements are probably related to the cultivation of Wu Que and Bottom Line and Gu Chen's vigorous cultivation of her only disciple.

Most people think this way.

But Qiu Yu also knows very well that such things as magical talents cannot be cultivated.

It's just that most geniuses are arrogant, and nine out of ten also have character flaws. There are too few people who can frankly admit that others are superior in talent and better than themselves.

So she didn't talk to her.

"If you give it, you will give it. It's just that this Qingqiu is so ostentatious because of his good talent."

"It's hard for such a person to survive."

Qiu Yu didn't talk to her, but the rest of the younger brothers and sisters flattered her very much.

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

Qiu Yu frowned, and couldn't help reminding, "Da Qin Wuque is not weak. It is rumored that they have very strict control over their disciples. I think she must have a plan for her behavior. Besides, even if she is public, there are Fang Yourong and the other two to protect her. We don't need to provoke."

She just wanted to restrain her disciples, not to let the trouble come out of her mouth, there were too many people they couldn't afford to provoke on the way to Baili Kingdom, even if it seemed that there was nothing to worry about now, they couldn't afford to provoke them.

Qiu Yu was cautious, but other disciples felt that she was too timid. Jian Shaoxiu frowned, glanced at her, and said indifferently: "There are many people who don't like her, Junior Sister Qiu Yu should be worried about that Qingqiu."

Jian Shaoxiu's words are true, because someone has already criticized him.

"What a big tone, Fifth Daoling, your junior sister has a really big appetite."

The news came from the box opposite Mr. Jiang and Hai Jiabai. Hearing this, Mr. Jiang raised his head and saw a young man in red lying on the railing of the other party.

Who is this person?

Haijiabai's family has some background, and he has a lot of knowledge, glanced at it, with a slightly cautious expression, and said: "It's from Huayuan Kingdom, and the other party is from Yaoyang City, Yaoyang Chiyan Hand Lin Suo, have you heard of it? "

Mr. Jiang suddenly said, "It's him. He is very famous and rumored to have a bad temper, but because of his high strength and talent, Huayuan Kingdom indulges him from time to time and runs rampant. Only Wanqu can suppress him." .”

The flower kite offering sacrifices to Wanlin refers to Wanqu and Chi Yan's hand Lin Suo.

Don't look at Jian Shaoxiu who was surrounded by people in the mixed domain of the Three Kingdoms just now, that's because He Wuliu, who was famous for Wuliu at the end of the Three Kingdoms, was not there.

Different from the duo of Hua Yuan and Wu Que, there is only one person who is the strongest in the Three Kingdoms mixed domain, and even the others dare not go up, which shows that the other party is strong.

But those who can go up are basically the top geniuses among the best in the kingdoms, such as the Red Flame Hand Lin Suo.

His malicious banter immediately aroused a delicate atmosphere among the cultivators of the Huayuan Kingdom and the Wuque group.

Faint sharpness.

"The root of the disaster" Little Senior Sister Qingqiu hadn't expressed panic, fear, or anger about this, and the other Wuque disciples became impatient.

"Aren't others allowed to charge high prices with money? Is this person sick?" Xie Shuling was quite hostile, so she just opened her mouth.

But Qin Yu put his hand on her mouth and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I won't be bullied."

Compared to the unknown evil organization, these individuals are like ants to her.

Jiaojiao: "Oh, you have a lot of ways to deal with them, why do you have to be so public, unless you want to make trouble!"

Although there is a huge unknown danger, Jiaojiao still likes to be extremely arrogant with Qin Yu.

So he jumped at it.

Qin Yu: "What nonsense are you talking about? I just want to buy something. Because I have money, I want to set a high price, can't I?"


It's just that someone is very upset.

Want to bully her, as for whether she will be bullied. . .

Probably not.

The fifth Dao Ling was named, and he looked up at Lin Suo.

"Her appetite has always been small, but it's always bigger than Your Excellency's."

This indifferent look pissed me off.

It seems that Wuque's tradition is for those who are in high positions - so cold.

From Gu Chen to Fang Yourong and Fifth Dao Ling.

One is indifferent to the other.

Cold people, very annoying.

Lin Suo was hostile towards Wu Que, especially towards Dao Rong who had become famous a few days ago and seemed to want to get rid of Dao Rong who had finally risen to fame and counterattacked.

"I just don't know if she can be so arrogant in the future."

Lin Suo sneered, and gave Qin Yu a gloomy look.

Qin Yu rested his cheek with one hand and leaned against the handrail with his waist, drinking water.


On the other side, Min Hualou met the front and back, and asked the middle-aged man next to him with great interest: "I am very interested in this Qingqiu, but that Fang Yourong is also very good, so beautiful, which one do you think I should choose? "

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, frowned, and looked at him with strange eyes.

"Do you think... Wuque will promise two future peak masters to people from other countries?"

"what are you thinking?"

The combination of the two sentences can be understood as—are you an idiot?

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