I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1615 Sister Scumbag

It’s as if you are a small domestic boss with a little money on hand. You can eat abalone and shark’s fin, but if you want to eat top-quality foie gras, you have to spray it with a thick stack of black truffles and it has to be imported by air on the same day. . . .

Kill me!

Min Hualou was so angry that he blushed, and then snorted softly, "That Qingqiu is excellent, but he is also young. It is not certain whether he will be the peak master in the future. Besides, does Wuque have a future?"

The middle-aged man was silent.

I don't know if there is a future, but it is true that Wuque and those two are not easy to mess with.

The middle-aged man just thought so.

The price of the first set of Yaotiao fruit was set, and 40,000 middle-grade spirit stones were sold.

The second one goes into the process very quickly.

The auctioneer tapped the hammer again, just about to open his mouth to stir up the atmosphere.

"forty thousand."

Ah, the voice is so familiar, it sounds pleasant and moving.

It is quite annoying.

Lin Suo couldn't bear it this time either, he narrowed his eyes and stared sharply at the past.

"Gudao Qingqiu, are you courting death?"

The killing intent is awe-inspiring.

Everyone looked over together again. . . Many monks didn't have a good face.

I think this woman is here to make trouble.

but. . . I saw Junior Sister Qingqiu, who had been protected by the fifth senior brother before, leaning on the railing, with a calm and gentle expression, without any frivolity, and only slowly said a word to everyone.

"Compared to rushing to participate in a competition and being chased and killed by people from all walks of life, now I buy something like this and charge a high price to attract your killing intent. After all, it is more natural for the latter to come."

This sentence is very rich in connotation, which can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Whoever chased and killed people in Wuque and people who had nothing to do with them along the way, actually got faint news, knew who they were, and those who were related, made them feel even more guilty.

And Qin Yu brought two things together, in order to connotate whether Lin Suo, as a member of Huayuan Kingdom, also participated in it.

After all, Yaoyang's high-level executives didn't go out in time to attack and kill at the gate before, which is enough to make people guess.

Lin Suo heard something, and his face was rather ugly, but he didn't continue to speak.

Because he always has a brain.

In the matter of attacking and killing Wuque's true disciple, even if Hua Yuan had a different intention, they couldn't provoke it on the bright side.

Huayuan is not Baili, and they are not Tianhuzong.

Can't afford to offend Wuque, who is in a delicate state.

It's okay to step on two feet, because everyone steps on it, and the law does not blame everyone, but once the other party decides to bite you, it will be troublesome.

Hua Yuan also didn't want to make her whole body smelly.

It was quiet again.

The second Yaotiao fruit was sold for 40,000 yuan.

When the third one started, everyone was wondering if this Qingqiu would raise the price again. . .

"fifty thousand."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then looked again, it was still her!

What the heck, it has increased by 10,000!

She paid a high price of 130,000 for the three slim and slim ones!

Yan Zhao and the others were stunned, so what, is Senior Sister Qingqiu so rich?

Together, these Nascent Soul Stages are less than one-tenth of this wealth.

But Win Ruoruo must have some money, because he is a magician, and he can make a lot of money by getting some runes.

She intended to buy this slim fruit, but when she saw the high price, she backed off.

Even Yunchuxiu, the 5V, was silent.

Until Qin Yu bought all three Yaotiao fruits in the first set, and the second set came up, the auctioneer was a little excited, and immediately looked at Qin Yu.

This little rich woman is his nobleman, and she paid such a high price for the first game.

simply. . .

But the first set should be the limit, as for the 130,000 middle-grade spirit stones, it stands to reason that the transaction price of these three slim fruits should be 70,000 slim fruits.

Don't look at the high prices of the above materials, it is a small quantity, it is difficult to pay a price for a large quantity, this is the law.

Should be satisfied.

The auctioneer is just a little greedy, hoping that this little rich woman can. . .

"fifty thousand."

Is she is she or is she! !

The entire auction house exploded!

In one of the boxes, Liu Rushi, who was alone, held the skin of a little boy, stroked his eyebrows, and suddenly Zhou Mie, hummed softly.

"It seems that the asking price is really low."

"Is she... is plotting against me?"

Liu Rushi's complexion is not very good-looking, who among the other geniuses can pass this test.

Something is wrong!

The slim fruit who usually survived more than 20,000 yuan was paid a high price of 50,000 yuan!

These are just alchemy materials, not forming resources such as kung fu magic pills, etc., and they have to be processed twice and three times. The investment is huge, and it stands to reason that they will not pay a high price!

Fifty-five thousand fifty thousand!

The second round with a total price of 150,000 mid-grade spirit stones was sold!

Jian Shaoxiu, Lin Suo and others wished they could eat Qin Yu.

"This Qingqiu... is so weird."

"Brother, what do you think?"

In one of the boxes, there are two people, a man and a woman. Both of them are young, but they are more stable, and they are not as strong as people like Jian Shaoxiu and Lin Suo.

The female nun who spoke just now had a beautiful face, and she was quite guessing.

The man drinking tea looked sideways and said, "Perhaps he was afraid that the price of Yaotiao fruit would soar in the future, so he bought it at a high price in advance. What she wants is Yaotiao fruit, and she doesn't care about the high price."

The female cultivator was quite envious, "Wow, is he so rich?"

The man smiled and sighed, "She is very rich. This woman may be Danxiu...or she has a powerful Danxiu friend."

It is possible.

Most of the people guessed and talked about it.

The third plate of Yaotiao fruit came up.

This time, it was still a female voice.

"fifty thousand."

Everyone didn't wait to hear, the first reaction was to see people.

Glaring at each other!

There is no end!

You Wuque are too much, to love a disciple who has practiced for 19 years so bottomlessly?

But this time. . .

Young Senior Sister Qingqiu is eating a small fruit, her fingertips are white, the fruit is bright red, she puts it in her lips to chew casually, and glances at it.

"Ah, it's not me this time, I have no money."

not you

That is. . . .

"It's Fang Yourong."

Qiu Yu had already stood up, looking at Wu Que in surprise in front of the railing.

Didn't Wuque's disciples take an unusual path? Spending so much money for Yaotiaoguo?

At that time, among the Wuque group, Xie Shuling and the others were speechless.

I always feel that my brothers and sisters have been led astray by someone.

But Fang Yourong, under the suspicion of everyone, drank the water by himself, but didn't speak.

Can I get 50,000?

Actually it is possible.

One is that most people are unwilling to spend such a large amount of money to buy an alchemy material.

The second is. . . Probably because Fang Yourong was the one who bid.

Lin Suo waited and watched, but didn't shoot.


After eating a piece of fruit, Qin Yu felt angry and asked intentionally, "Why did so many people come out against me when I offered a price of 40,000 yuan? Sister, you offered a price, but they didn't say a word?"

Fang Yourong lowered her eyes and said lightly, "How do I know?"

Qin Yu smiled: "I think they are too superficial, they care too much about the beauty of the skin, it really goes against the nature of our cultivators who are pure-hearted and ascetic."

Yun Chuxiu could see it, "Qingqiu, are you turning the corner again to praise senior sister for looking good?"

Yun Chuxiu likes to find faults with Fang Yourong, and by the same token, she is also interested in finding faults with Qingqiu.

So one sentence ridiculed two people.

Fang Yourong looked up at Yunchuxiu.

Yun Chuxiu: "Look at me, it's not me praising you, it's the little senior sister Qingqiu."

Fang Yourong didn't bother to talk to the two of them, but heard a young senior sister's tone very innocent.

"Huh? Did I turn the corner? I'm very direct."

Yun Chuxiu: "Senior Sister Fang didn't hear it, she didn't want to talk to you, and rolled her eyes at you."

Qin Yu: "Well, the rolled eyes look pretty."

Fang Yourong, who was infinitely molested by the two at a 365-degree angle: "..."

One or two junior sisters are so worried.

She was silent, put down the glass, and glanced deeply at the two of them.

"Since I'm a senior sister, I can beat you in the name of exchanging ideas."

"Don't worry, I won't hold back."

The two scumbag junior sisters immediately shut up.

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