I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1625 Get Rich! (Second update, Qi Shutong and Shibi, vote, vote, continue to vote)

Qin Yu actually has his own way, but since Wu Dao Ling has already done it, let's follow his way.

It seems to be okay.

"Thank you, brother." Qin Yu sincerely thanked him.

Fifth Dao Ling was noncommittal.

And at this time. . . In the direction where Fang Yourong and the others were located, there was a loud noise.

Everyone looked sideways at the same time, even the people in the Lord's Mansion of Yaoyang City poked their heads, where is it?

"Shenhua stage." Yuejin Huaiyu said lightly.

Nangong Zhiyun's face changed slightly, "Anyone who attacked Wuque in the Transformation Stage?"

This is not what she said, but other monks.

Their expressions were very strange—forget it, in just a few days, Wu Que's group of people have encountered so many god transformation stages one after another.

"Although this is not a good thing, I always feel that people have this value to make certain forces so crazy, but it seems that we are insignificant." Although Jian Shaoxiu complained, it was sour.

"It's better to be insignificant than to be annihilated by fly ash."

There were also malicious expectations.

But their expectations were dashed.

The flying shuttle ahead.

Brush a large piece down.

Fang Yourong came back with Wuque's disciples. Compared with the disgraced sects of other kingdoms, Wuque's pedestrians were much more embarrassed, but it was the greatest honor to survive the attack of the Transformation God Stage.

more importantly. . . The fifth sword feather is not there!

How did Fang Yourong survive with these people! ! !

Everyone was astonished, and even thought that Fang Yourong had been hiding his strength before.

Could it be that she has the power to independently forcibly resist the transformation into a god?

Everyone was uneasy, Nangong Zhiyun was startled, but at the same time, he inadvertently caught Yue Jin's eyes.

She paused in her heart, and turned her face away.

The mind is a little subtle.

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Fang Yourong looked indifferent, and stretched out his hand in front of Qin Yu in a state of exhaustion of internal energy.

He didn't say much about the rest, he didn't even ask questions, he just showed what he had in hand.

"Take it."

Qin Yu: "Senior sister, what are you...?"

"The sect gave two of them, it seems that you need them very much."

Fang Yourong's posture was indifferent, and his tone was calm, neither generous nor mean, but very aura.

Qin Yu smiled when he saw it.

He stretched out his hand, but didn't grab Xiao Ling, tapped Fang Yourong's wrist with one finger, and pushed it back.

"I think I need a good senior sister like Senior Sister Fang even more."

Fang Yourong has always been very unaccustomed to this junior sister's tender and affectionate appearance, she would rather she be like Yun Chuxiu's yin and yang weirdness and trouble her, rather than be so greasy with her hands and feet.

She was not quite used to it and froze there, trying to withdraw her hand calmly.

"Junior Sister was joking, it was Brother Fifth who protected you."

However, Qin Yu withdrew it first, and said deliberately reserved and elegant.

"Really? But Fifth Senior Brother said that it was Senior Sister Fang and you insisted on him protecting me."

This smile is moving, and there is always a sense of playfulness.

When did she say that? But she did say that he didn't have to go there, and just take care of that annoying and eye-catching one.

If this Junior Sister Qingqiu insists on understanding it this way. . .

She can't seem to explain it either.

Fang Yourong glanced at Fifth Dao Ling beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and said plainly, "That's probably because I don't like collecting corpses like Junior Sister Xie."

Xie Shuling, who was innocently lying on the gun, and the client Qin Yu: "..."

So that's why she likes to tease Senior Sister Fang.

A serious and black-bellied person is very exciting to tune!


The members of Wuque Sect talked and laughed happily for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

The rest of the people focused on the small order in Fang Yourong's hand.

"That was the murder order just now?" Min Hualou asked the middle-aged man beside him.

"Yes, I didn't expect Wuque to be so generous, but it's understandable."

It is a one-time special magic weapon, which can form a self-protection magic weapon that disintegrates the opponent's attack according to a certain intensity of spiritual power input. It is a very expensive one.

No one can make Wuque, so they can only buy it, so it is a non-renewable resource, obviously for the two disciples to protect themselves, but the fifth knife feather was given to Fang Yourong, and now Fang Yourong gave it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn't want it.

Fang Yourong didn't push back and forth like the peasant women in the mountains. Seeing that Qin Yu didn't want it, he directly accepted the murder order.

His eyes swept across the auction house, his eyes were very dark.

Just in time, the great master from the City Lord's Mansion has returned.

After staying in the sky above the ruins of the auction house for a while, I took a look at the many geniuses present, probably because the difference in cultivation level was too great, the other party would not come down to entertain them, and turned into a streamer and flew back to the city lord's mansion.

But Qin Yu pondered. . . This person seemed to have glanced at their Wuque side just now.

Eyes are a little cold.


Into the night, very deep.

Although there was an order to remove the evil, Qin Yu had seen the state of Xie Shuling and the others before and knew that the token in the early stage must be useless.

It's been a real battle.

These people consume a lot.

As for whether it would be useful in the later stage, Qin Yu didn't know. Anyway, as soon as they returned to the inn, everyone washed up and took pills to replenish their vitality.

So did Qin Yu.

After taking the pill, her qi, blood and spiritual power increased rapidly. Qin Yu, who came out of the bath, tore off the tulle robe on the screen, put it on, and sat cross-legged on the futon. In Qin Yu's arms, one person and one cat bathed and burned incense, starting with a very pious attitude and mentality. . . .

——Isn’t it just dismantling corpses to search for treasures, making it so fresh and refined.

Gold wall spit rate MAX.

One person and one cat ignored him, obsessed with calculating property and unable to extricate themselves, where did the property come from?

Huang Wei!

Do you think Qin Yu just caught someone and killed him?

Huang Wei is the leader, and the auction treasures of Yunyi Pavilion are basically in his hands this time, and the items are listed in order. Unfortunately, the blood dragon brought by Qin Yu went on a killing spree before the midfield, so the treasures are all in his hands.

Now, it falls into Qin Yu's hands.

"Oh, oh, there are still 50 slimy fruits here!"

"Rootless water? Tianfuling? Lingshuang licorice! Oooohoo!"

"A lot of spiritual fruits! Yuyu, I want to eat, this one, that one, and that one! Just eat one of each! Oh, two are okay..."

Qin Yu is not only an alchemist, but also a craftsman, and can also make arrays. She has a comprehensive range of occupations and the materials she needs. Almost all the materials in Huang Wei's treasure bag are useful to her.

Calculating the price casually, it is worth at least four to five million middle-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention the last box. .

"Damn it, three spirit pills! So many!"

"Yuyu, Lingwan!"

Qin Yu was also surprised, three spirit pills, so many?

This is not getting rich, this is a blood fortune!

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao couldn't help but be overjoyed.

However, apart from these expensive and rare materials, Qin Yu knew that the necessary wealth for a monk must include - Lingshi!

One person and one cat were all looking for it, and soon, Qin Yu found a pouch, opened it, took a look, and raised his eyebrows.

From her expression, Jin Bi had a guess.

Get rich, look at her polite yet slutty expression.

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