I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1626 A Family of Three

——With your wealth, you can show this kind of expression. This Huang Wei's wealth may be quite a lot.

Qin Yu smiled: "It's average."

--How many?

"Almost one million middle-grade spirit stones."

Lin Suo's geniuses are all leaders in sects or powers. They are among the best and have a lot of resources at hand. Even if they are in the distraction stage, their resource level is actually comparable to the low-level monks in the transformation stage.

They all have more than 100,000 or 200,000 or 300,000 middle-grade spirit stones, and the wealth level of the general god-forming stage is also around this level.

Huang Wei is different, Yunyi Pavilion is extremely rich, he can rule seven or eight stages of transformation, his weight is not light, wealth is calculated in proportion to status, this level is not too much, not to mention that a large part of it may also come from auction revenue.

"Get rich, get rich, get rich!"

"Yuyu, let's go buy two large sea view villas. We will sleep in one and use the other as a storage room."

"Okay, my fat Jiaojiao."

One person and one hair are too loud.

Huang Jinbi sent an emoji of rolling his eyes, but Qin Yu also knew that this guy was actually happy.

Killing people, getting rich, and getting rich.

Today's wave kills three birds with one stone!

Although there may be a little hidden danger, but. . . Refer to the energy of risking life and death with the three spirit pills before, today's wave did not waste much energy at all.

Jiaojiao: "Well, it's brainpower at best, with Yuyu's precise calculation and my super positioning teleportation, it's perfect!"

It's really perfect, and I did my best to achieve all the goals, no damage and someone is responsible. . .

"I don't know what happened to the blood dragon."

Qin Yu, who is sitting on a huge amount of wealth, feels the keel hidden in the golden cube, fingers

Rubbing the curve of his side face, he looked worried.

Jiaojiao: "Why, are you worried about him?"

Could it be because this stinking dragon looks a bit good-looking?

Qin Yu: "No, I just want to know whether he is seriously injured or not."

Worry? dream.

She wished that this great threat would disappear.

but. . .

"Compared to the previous strength, this blood dragon has made great progress. It seems that he has learned experience from the competition with the masters of the human race. He is also a monster race. The future of this fellow is limitless."

Jiaojiao heard a hint, thought for a while, and said, "I am a god, not a demon. They are no match for me."

Oh, and the logic is nothing compared to yours.

Qin Yu just complained casually, but in fact, this little fat man's talent for timing is enough to make him proud of the universe.

Qin Yu was in a good mood while tidying up his belongings while stroking the cat. Suddenly, he frowned and looked towards the window.

somebody is coming.



What happened to the blood dragon?

At that time, he was chased thousands of miles away by the master of the Yaoyang City Lord's Mansion, jumped into a river and went deep into the sea, and then crossed the waterway to a remote lake in the mountain, but he had no intention of going back.

The huge dragon's head emerged from the water, and the scarlet dragon pupils implied murderous intent.

As I said before, this dragon has two personalities, one is innocent and the other is cold and ruthless.

He was thinking about what happened today, after much deliberation, he came up with a result.

he. . . . Maybe it was used by that cunning bone thief.

"The human race is indeed the most cunning and shameless."

He lowered his eyes, as if thinking of something, a layer of water filled the bloody pupils, and then sank deeply into the lake.


"In the middle of the night, Mrs. Liu came here uninvited, it's not good."

Qin Yu said lightly, Liu Rushi, who had entered the window silently, came in shallow steps, with a hook of her finger, the futon moved to an island, and she sat opposite Qin Yu with her clothes up, her movements were quite smooth and beautiful.

He also poured a cup of tea very elegantly and calmly, and poured a cup for Qin Yu as well.

"I have such a skinny appearance, you call me Mrs. Liu?"

"Then next time, Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, you disguise yourself as an old man, should I call you that too?"

Qin Yu looked at her, "Then Mr. Liu, are you here to amuse me so late?"

Liu Rushi smiled, "I'm here to buy Lingwan."

Smart people, no need to explain.

This Liu Bichi obviously figured out the key point and came to Qin Yu. . . .

Qin Yu touched the small delicate teacup and smiled slightly, "Threatening me?"

Liu Rushi: "A person with low cultivation like me, how dare I forcefully buy and sell with you Qingqiu girl who can kill the transformation god stage. I just want to buy and sell reasonably."

Qin Yu: "Take my money and buy my things?"

Liu Rushi: "You want to kill me."

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes.

Liu Rushi took a sip of tea and sighed, "I dare to come, I have made preparations - such as sealing the news in the magic bag, once I die, the magic bag will be automatically sent to Hanhai Chaoyi , I think, with her background and ability, as well as her curiosity about you, she must be happy to investigate to the end, and do more business with you."

The implication is that Hanhai Chaoyi's appetite will be much, much bigger than hers.

After all, he is the lord of a city with a background as high as the sky, and the other party's appetite is by no means a small spiritual pill.

But the most terrible thing is. . .

"You think Fellow Daoist Qingqiu might be even more afraid that she doesn't want anything, and just wants to investigate one result."

Liu Rushi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Qin Yu meaningfully.

Qin Yu looked at her calmly for three seconds, and said: "The heart of a woman, the body of a man, don't make such playful winks. It looks sissy. The so-called doing what you do and loving what you do, can't you be more professional?"

Liu Ru was pissed off, and she felt awkward, but soon relieved.

After all, what she wanted was the spirit pill.

"Since Fellow Daoist Qingqiu likes it, I will naturally listen to it. I will do whatever you like with me."

Liu Ru looked like a gentle, refined, and infatuated son, and Qin Yu turned off his appetite.

Apparently, the other party took advantage of her personality traits and intentionally made a similar one to disgust her.

Hold on, can you not vomit!

"Oh, I like it when you take off your body and reveal your toned chest to play with a boulder on your chest. Show me one."


Don't you want to disgust people, come on, hurt each other!

Liu Rushi was still stymied in the end, unable to answer in a daze, and could only look at Qin Yu speechlessly.

Qin Yu was satisfied, and didn't intend to continue to argue with Liu Rushi.

The other party was not stupid, and she was prepared. She couldn't pay the price of refusing, and the best way was to acquiesce to the deal.

As a human being, you can't be perfect and take advantage of all the benefits.

As a hush money slightly.

So Qin Yu took out a spirit pill.

"This is in line with your spiritual root attribute, the spiritual attribute of flowers and plants."

Liu Ru was a little surprised and glanced at Qin Yu.

Qin Yupi smiled and said, "Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. You are not easy to deal with, and I am not easy to deal with. Fighting each other will only drain each other's energy. We will still be good friends when we meet in the future."

Liu Rushi did not object either. After the transaction was completed, she showed a friendly smile.

"I think so too."

Oh, the perfect ending?

Qin Yu's money came back, and what was traded was the stolen spirit pill. No one lost, and everyone gained.

The atmosphere is so harmonious and friendly.

Liu Rushi got up and was about to leave, when suddenly, both of them heard movement outside.

Qin Yu's eyebrows twitched, and he was trying to tell Liu Rushi not to leave for the time being, but he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and just happened to overturn the teapot in his hand.


The two people who happened to pass by outside the door were silent for a moment, and quickly dodged, one broke through the door and the other broke through the window.

Then I saw a man and a woman inside the house.

Two cups of tea on the table.

By the way, there is also a fat cat.

A family of three is neat and tidy.

It seems that the meeting late at night was very harmonious.

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