I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1644 Take care of her (fourth)

Fang Yourong might be very familiar with this kind of look.

People like Wuque Xie Shuling are also familiar with them, because they grew up in such an environment since they were young, and they were questioned and recognized one after another.

But apart from Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling who had the confidence to be as stable as Mount Tai because of their own strength, the others, especially the three of Jingdongmen, felt uncomfortable with the hostile and veiled eyes of everyone.

It was a feeling of danger and creepiness.

but. . . This atmosphere was quickly broken.

Because their senior sister Qingqiu said, "Is it because of the money in my hand that they are all staring at me?"

Disciple Wuque: "..."

No, sister, I think they all want your life.

That kind of jealousy that wants to be killed in the cradle after seeing a genius.

Those above, those in the sea, are still on land.

Grab a handful.

Everyone wants to kill her!


Qin Yu was so familiar with this feeling.

She lowered her eyes, smiled slightly, and put away the pouch.

But the small flying formation behind her started suddenly, and the person flew up. The two gravity formations reversed, and the force of the ejection made her go directly from the bottom. . . Easily climb to the top of the Wall of Wangchuan.

She pulled out the Chao Ci and used the two gravity formations to unload the force, anyway, she didn't know how she did it.

Anyway she did.

With the most beautiful sword of Daqin, a bunch of characters were carved on the top of the wall of Wangchuan.

The pen goes ahead, and soon.


Withdraw the sword and drop it.

As if remembering something, she lowered her head and raised her hand, and said with a smile, at a certain position on the wall of the Forgotten River, or the most original position, she carefully finished carving what she couldn't finish before. . . picture?

Fang Yourong glanced at the one above, his expression slightly moved, and his gaze at Junior Sister Qingqiu softened a bit, and he lowered his head to look at Qin Yu's engraving on the bottom.

Dazed for a moment, he took a step and floated to Qin Yu's side, looked at it carefully, and confirmed it at a close distance.

She turned her face away, and was about to speak to Qin Yu, but she saw a person standing on the other side of Qin Yu, and that person also came to watch.

It's pretty close.

She remembered that she had carved the words on the side before, but now she was too big-hearted and dared to come along.

But the background is horrible.

Fang Yourong knew that the other party was mysterious, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, he noticed that it was because this person was next to his junior sister.

She glanced at it, and looked up at her when she was facing the other party. She seemed embarrassed and smiled shyly.

Fang Yourong felt that the other party's eyes were a little strange, but she was noncommittal, and looked away at Qin Yu.

"Are you serious? This is the only thing you've been painting for a long time?"

Qin Yu: "Well, isn't it very vivid?"

Fang Yourong: "..."

The pretty little brother next to him couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Fang Yourong frowned, glanced at the other party, and slightly reprimanded Qin Yu: "You are such a big man, yet you have such a childish temper..."

Qin Yu: "Senior sister, you are unhappy, is it because I didn't draw you and senior brother?"

Fang Yourong: "No..."

Qin Yu: "Okay, I'll draw one for you right away."

Then he drew two on the side with a knife. . . Matchstick Men.

Fifth Dao Ling didn't mind watching Fang Yourong pass by, but saw that there was a young man next to him, frowned, and passed by too.

So I saw it.

One person, one cat.

It is said to be a person, but it is actually a stickman.

On the contrary, the outline of the cat is somewhat similar, with a lot of strokes.

By the way, there are two stick figures on the left and right next to one person and one cat.

One of them is my own. . Matchstick Men?

Fifth Dao Ling was silent.

The so-called expressiveness?

Jiaojiao is still very satisfied.

I am a pet, with the most strokes, Yuyu is the most attentive.

So he proudly looked at Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling.

The mood of the two of them was even more subtle.

I was despised by fat cats.


Anyway, after the engraving was over, Qin Yu put away the knife and hugged Jiaojiao.

turn around.

Still the same person.

But the expressions and eyes of He Wuliu and others were completely different from before.

It was doubt, wonder, shock, and fear.

Including many veteran monks.

They were all dumbfounded.

What means?

Of course, it wasn't the stickman they shocked.

It is engraved on the very top.

This nun. . . Nascent Soul Stage, how did she do it?

Formation? Formation alone is not enough!

what is going on?

Under everyone's horrified eyes, Wu Que's group walked quietly to Ting Yiting.

Everyone enters.

Huh? Didn't it mean that you have to engrave your name on it to enter and stop a kiosk? Why is there nothing wrong with it? . .

"It's already engraved."

"one slice."

"Everyone's name is on it."

An old man in white stroked his beard, showing deep emotion, "This woman, I'm afraid she has found some trick."


After stopping for a while to transmit, the white light flashed.

A group of Wuque people appeared in an elegant bamboo forest.

The huge teleportation array has bright textures on the ground, smelling the wind, carrying a scent of green bamboo, and looking at the pavilions, pavilions, leisure gardens, especially some rare little spirit beasts roaming freely in the forest.

Not far away, there are small lakes rippling and sparkling.

very beautiful place.

that is. . .

Xie Shuling and the others had no intention of admiring it, and held it back for a while, but they couldn't help it now.

Yan Zhao: "Senior Sister Qingqiu, you are really too rich! You bought a lot of formations! If Wei Rui and the others don't leave, do you really want to continue fighting?"

Another disciple: "Sure! Senior Sister Qingqiu has already taken out three pouches."

They talked excitedly, and the eyes of Ying Ruoruo and the others were full of admiration—it was the recognition of the super rich woman.

But there is an anomaly, which is Wuque's recognized cancer. Yun Chuxiu spoke in a very gentle tone, completely different from before.

She asked: "My little senior sister Qingqiu, is there really 300,000 in it?"

Yo, this guy is so realistic.

Qin Yu saw through the other party's blatant money-worshipping nature that he could even call his father.

smile slightly.

"Yes, I have."

Then everyone in Wuque saw that the guy's smile was slightly tinged. . . . Gentle to the bone.


Everyone: "???"

Fang Yourong paused, then turned to look at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "A fight with 300,000 mid-tiers? How can it be possible? Virtue, virtuousness, diligence and thrift are virtues...by the way, someone will help me, I'm a little imbecile..."

Her complexion was indeed not good-looking.

Spirit power exhausted.

Every time after a fight, you have to be empty, there is nothing you can do, the Nascent Soul Stage. . The pinnacle.

So Fifth Dao Ling, who was just beside him, had a keen insight, stretched out his hand in advance, put two slender and beautiful fingers on Qin Yu's shoulder, supported her body, and then took her to Fang Yourong's side a push.

"Junior Sister Fang, take care of her."

Qin Yu pretending to be dizzy: "..."

Is she disliked? What the hell, my old lady spent a hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones milking you all the way, killing the milk?

Why did the slightly positive men she met in so many dungeons show no mercy to each other? ! !

Can I get a nicer one instead?

——Zhu Bajie?

Gold Wall gave advice.

Oh, forget it.

Fang Yourong was astonished: "..."

Is she taking the blame? Why push it to her, knowing that she is not good at getting along with this little junior sister.

Also, Junior Sister is quite heavy.

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