I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1645 Sixth Young Master (fifth watch, end, sleep!)

Junior sister, you are quite heavy.

The "weak" little senior sister Qingqiu opened her eyes as beautifully as Lin Daiyu three days later, bathed in the sunshine outside the window, and senior sister Fang who had taken care of her for three days said this.

Qin Yu almost spat the medicine all over her face.

she weighs?

Such far-fetched words. . . Senior Sister Fang, you are drifting away.

Or am I unable to hold a knife?

"Senior Sister Fang, what did you just say?" Qin Yu sat on the bed with one hand resting on the mattress, looking sideways at Fang Yourong, with her black hair hanging down her shoulders, it made me feel pity.

Without blinking, Fang Yourong poured a second bowl of the bitter and unpleasant concoction and repeated it.

"I mean, you're pretty heavy."

"Although she doesn't look fat."



Qin Yu expressed his refusal with his expression, "Senior Sister Fang, it may be because I hold Mao Mao in my arms, he is so fat..."

When Jiaojiao, who had been sleeping with her for three days, heard this, she turned over, lay on Qin Yu's waist, raised her fat claws, and showed her sharp claws.

Qin Yu changed his words naturally, "Puffy, but not heavy, it must be because you were also weak at the time, senior sister."

Fang Yourong came over with a bowl, and didn't bother with Qin Yu, saying, "Maybe, drink it."

Qin Yu knew medicine by himself, so he naturally saw the medicine - on the basis of ensuring the efficacy of the medicine, it was prepared in the direction of bad taste and stench.

Qin Yu was thoughtful, "Senior Sister, don't your older sisters like to boil particularly nasty medicine for younger sisters?"

This word. . . very owed.

Fang Yourong's eyelids moved slightly, and he said calmly, "That may be because you, a young little sister, like to offend many older ladies."

After a pause, she looked deeply at Qin Yu.


Qin Yu: "Now add you, two."

One with the surname Hanhai.

But she was in many worlds before. . . There may be no less than a dozen young ladies who like to do this.

"Then little junior sister, you may be a little exaggerated."

"After all, 300,000 low-grade can deceive people, but 300,000 medium-grade."

Fang Yourong took the medicine bowl that Qin Yu had finished drinking, stood up, looked back at her, and slightly curled his lips: "Miss, you can't make one out of nowhere."

Fang Yourong soon realized that he had underestimated this Junior Sister Qingqiu.

The young lady didn't come.

Two little brothers came.

The one in front, surnamed Liu, was the one who finished things at night.

A surname behind. . . . Jing.


The Wuque people had many speculations about Jing Qianchen's intention, but Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling had no intention of speculating and directly refused.

The reason is that my junior sister was seriously injured and dying. . . .

Three days later, the little junior sister, who was seriously injured and dying, appeared in Jinyumantanglou, a very prosperous food street in Wushuang City, with a fat cat in her arms.

It is said to be a street, but in fact it has a very large area. After all, it is a cultivator, who comes and goes quickly, and the size of Wushuang City is also calculated based on the scale of cultivation.

I guess it's about seven or eight times the size of New York.

One of its streets is equivalent to a town.

Qin Yu wandered around this gourmet town, eating from family to family.

By the way, I ate it with a certain fat cat.

On the way, I heard many people mentioning the Wall of Forgotten River.

No Que became famous.

Wuque and the three became famous.

Jiaojiao: "It's a pity without me. When can we really use our full strength?"

Qin Yu: "Probably have to wait for my fusion period."

Jiaojiao thought about Qin Yu's cultivation speed from scratch, Oh, it's not too far away.

"But you made a lot of noise this time around, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

Qin Yu: "The selection of Tianzang has great benefits, and it must be of great help to me. I have no intention of losing the selection, and even want to play in the finals. In this way, it is inevitable to expose some, and it is bound to be repeated. I went to the list of people over there, but I think that the evil election is an evil election, and it is still an evil way in the final analysis. You see, Wei Rui is a member of the devil way, and he can participate in the selection of Tianzang. I think it does not restrict the so-called good and evil camps. Yes, then the number of evil candidates I encountered in this process is a lot, and it doesn’t matter whether I am exposed or not. The only difference is that I can be on that list, like other geniuses, but I can’t make them think that I am Qin fish."

Jiaojiao thought for a while, "Indeed, you don't look like Qin Yu at all now, except that you are young, powerful, and... a lovely me."

Jiaojiao, who made a cute expression, suddenly thought of herself, paused, and covered her chubby cheeks with concern, "Ah, Yuyu, what should I do? I suddenly felt that I might be exposed and bring you danger , then do you want me to become something else? Pendant? Jade pendant?"

Qin Yu touched his head and said lightly, "No need."

"If I want to wrong you like this... I don't care if those people come to me."

"These people, at best, can only make me weigh the pros and cons, but far more than make me afraid."

Qin Yu looked up at the majestic Miyagi in the distance, the huge capital of the king, and the gathering of strong men.

She smiled slightly.

"What's more, the current high profile can save your life."

"This Baili...is not very kind."

Could the Baili Kingdom be kind to Daqin? It is not kind to any country.

However, there was Tian Huzong's attack before, and it is unknown how the Baili royal family and even the Baili cultivation circle will treat Qin Yu and his group.

Anyway, it can't be kind, because she is not the Virgin.

After all, a young prince of the royal family died.

Will it be as calm as a superficial splash in the royal family, and will it be handled by Tian Huzong at the sole discretion?


clang! The teacup splashed to the ground and shattered.

A young man with a golden crown on his head and wearing an octopython robe looked angry, "Father is so partial, why did you go together, the old man is greedy, wants to have sex with a woman, and finally dies, I have to take care of you!" Undeserved responsibility, but the sixth child doesn't need it! Just because he joined Jian Zun's sect? I can do it too! If the emperor recommended me at that time..."

"Seventh Young Master, be careful with your words." The staff on the side reminded in a low voice.

The Seventh Young Master of the Baili Royal Family held his breath, his face flushed red, and he smashed all the furniture in a fit of rage. Not long after, the staff came out and called a few beautiful maidservants in, and waited for some maidservants to scream in horror and sorrow until they died. , The staff member entered the room and smelled a bloody smell mixed with obscenity. He lowered his eyes, swung his sleeves slightly, and burned the female corpses scattered on the ground and on the bed to ashes.

With a calm expression, he bowed to the naked Seventh Young Master and said, "Seventh Young Master, this "Ultimate Bliss Kungfu" you have cultivated has reached a critical stage, if you go further, it will definitely impress the world, and then Sixth Young Master will definitely not be your opponent. "

The Seventh Young Master looked relieved, he tore off his outer robe and put it on, walked two steps, moved his palm, and said with a sneer: "That's natural, after practicing this "Ultimate Bliss Kung Fu", my strength has improved by leaps and bounds, unfortunately, these women are still too old Next time, I only have a little cultivation base, if a few female cultivators with pure cultivation bases come, then..."

It seems a little unwilling.

He dare not.

Hunting female cultivators to practice exercises will be listed as evil spirits and eradicated by the current world.

Not to mention that the royal family can't tolerate him, the entire cultivation circle can't tolerate him, unless he falls into evil ways.

The staff lowered their eyes: "If it is a large number, it is naturally unwise, but if it is one or two, then it is harmless. After all, the current situation is special..."

Seventh Young Master was taken aback, as if he had thought of something.

"you mean..."

The staff member looked up and smiled slightly.

"Subordinate, I have already found a few very suitable candidates for you, the seventh son. They are all leaders in the single spiritual root of the wood system. Just one is enough for you to ascend to the sky, son."

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