I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1650 Seven Solutions to the Art of Art


This one is the true solution tower of swordsmanship, which is suitable for Fang Yourong, but it seems to be suitable for Qin Yu as well—her swordsmanship. . .

"Aren't you going in?" Fang Yourong was a little surprised when he turned around and saw that Qin Yu didn't intend to go in.

Qin Yu had no choice but to say, "I won't go in. My master used to learn swords better than me, so I had a headache. It took me nineteen years to hold back that sword. I really don't want to force myself on this path."

Fang Yourong felt that what little junior sister said might be a bit irritating.

"Your sword... Ordinary people may not be able to learn it in a hundred years-I mean, your younger brothers and sisters can't do it."

It's not that she belittled Xie Shuling and others.

"Absolute Sword" is Wuque's benchmark for sword repair, which measures the talent of swordsmanship and also the will.

If you learn it, you can prove everything. No matter how hard the little junior sister said "study hard", Fang Yourong already believes that the little junior sister is very talented.

However, the junior sister insisted, "No, no, no, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.".

"Since you don't enter the way of the sword, why come with me?"

Fang Yourong didn't want to speculate on Qin Yu, so he asked directly.

The latter also answered directly.

"Accompany you."

Junior Sister Qingqiu understates it, it looks like it. . . Pick up a conversation to please those male cultivators who run the train with their mouths full of mouth.

Fang Yourong glanced at her shallowly.

"Your fifth senior brother is still afraid that you will be hooked away."

"In my opinion, we Wuque can never lose money."

"Junior Sister Qingqiu, you... will hook others back."

Fang Yourong went up, Qin Yu stood there thinking for a while, and then said to Jiaojiao: "Pangjiao, did she just praise me for being attractive?"

Jiaojiao licked her paw, and said perfunctorily, "No, what she meant was that you are very disorderly, and you go out and hook up with people everywhere."

Qin Yu: "..."

You put down your trotters and say it again.


Qin Yu was about to go out to another tower of true understanding, but found that there was a teleportation array in this hall, which went directly to all other towers of true understanding.

It just costs money.

"Isn't this superfluous? Who would spend money on such a short-distance teleportation array for a few steps?"

Jiaojiao complained.

Qin Yu: "Yes, like some rich women."

Then she went in with Jiaojiao in her arms.

With a flash of light, one person and one cat disappeared.

After they disappeared, one of the monks among the many people in the hall frowned and sent out a voice transmission: "She didn't enter the third tower of true understanding of swordsmanship, but just sent it directly. I wonder if she noticed our tracking?"

"Impossible, otherwise there would be no reaction at all."

Several spies summed it up and came to a conclusion—maybe she is rich only because of her, and they don't care about sending 100 middle-grade spirit stones once.

Indeed, Qin Yu didn't care.

Too rich, really.

But she does know those little mice hanging behind, she doesn't care, anyway, she controlled some low-level spirit beasts here, and hung behind these people.

She didn't have time to pay attention to these fools herself.

Jiaojiao looked at the tower of true understanding, "Hey, Shufa, I just thought you were going to enter the way of swordsmanship, but you don't want to go to the way of swordsmanship, it's free."

Qin Yu: "I want to go, but not now. There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for three or four days. There are too many geniuses here. It's enough to show off the limelight in the eyes of those official bigwigs in Tianzangzhixuan." , I have to lie in the emergency room if I hang up all the time."

At the Wall of Forgotten River, Qin Yu made such a fuss, and it was true that he was outrageous, and another purpose was to get a good reputation with these big guys—you see that Wu Que's disciple is still very good, and it is worth it. pay attention to.

Valuable people have the value of survival, and no one knows where in Wushuang City the worthless ones will die.

The sect of the Baili Kingdom in the important place is still under the hands of the royal family, and the only ones who can protect them are the big bosses selected by Tianzang.

At that time, Fang Yourong and the others probably thought of it, so they changed their low-key personality and cooperated with Qin Yu to make a fuss.

The effect is good, now no one dares to do black hands, it's all obvious.

Wen Dou is not afraid.

No matter how the children lose, these seniors and brothers can win back.

"But this tower of true understanding of spells...isn't easy."

Qin Yu saw the news on the light curtain in the hall.

This light curtain was placed there, and messages popped up from time to time, which turned out to be some real-solved problems, some problems that had been solved, and the names and identities of some problem-solvers were hung on the back.

Qin Yu took a look and found that three people often appeared on it.

"It's amazing."

"Wu Tai and Lu Qiu Mingduan are really amazing."

"I think these two people seem to be different from each other. After all, Wutai is from Ziyangzong, and Luqiu Mingduan is from Chixiaolou. These two sects are the first and second sects of the Baili Kingdom, and no one dares to fall behind. "

"It's common for two cases to compete, but they don't have the ability, and they can't fight like this. Look at the problems they solved. It's terrible. I can't even do a single problem."

"Wu Tai and Lu Qiu Mingduan are powerful, but I think Tian Huzong's Yuan Xingguang is even stronger. You can see that although they don't solve as many problems as the two, it is obviously more difficult..."

"Tch, you can't understand any of the questions. Do you know which one is more difficult? Hey, I just want to know how many real solutions they can get after solving so many questions."

Really solve the secret strategy? Qin Yu was not interested in the fighting spirit of these geniuses. When she heard others mention the secret strategy of the true solution, she knew that the benefit of the real solution tower was probably it.

After listening for a while, Qin Yu spent a thousand middle-grade spirit stones and entered a small door. With a flash of light, she appeared in an aisle.

One thousand is not cheap, but it is not worth mentioning to Qin Yu.

There is no other route, only one passage, no one is there, and there is nothing on the walls.

Hey, what is the real solution?

Qin Yu walked in, and soon saw the stairs, not just one, but seven openings.

There are notes on the side.

"Seven solutions to the way of art, seven lines of art."

The way of swordsmanship or the way of magic is a huge system. It is said that there are many kinds of geniuses in swordsmanship. For example, Fang Yourong is a sword formation. She is highly talented, but I don't know where she is talented.

"Why is there no one, you can't just test the true solution of spells, fish, fish."

As soon as Jiaojiao said this, Qin Yu slapped her forehead, "You little fat man who can teleport, can't you use dim sum?"

Jiaojiao rubbed her forehead, felt it, and rolled her eyes, "Oh, it's a private and independent space, no wonder no one is there, it's so good, it's highly secretive, no one knows which one you chose, Yuyu."

Indeed, Qin Yu noticed that whether it was the teleportation array in the hall or the private independent space here, Tianzang Zhixuan obviously paid great attention to protecting the secrecy of the monks.

It is estimated that it is also to guard against the sect forces in various places to eradicate good seedlings in advance.

"Let me see, the seven routes...five elements, heterogeneity, fusion, life, destruction, curse, secret flow, five elements are easy to understand, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The heterogeneity is wind, thunder, ice and other mutant elements. What is fusion?"

Obviously, this is the system listed by Tianzang Zhixuan under the high-quality platform. Qin Yu thinks that this should be the cognition of the cultivation system of the Tianzang world-these bigwigs have divided the spells into seven routes.

She thinks it makes sense for the predecessors to plant trees and the descendants to enjoy the shade.

We should still be in awe of these predecessors.

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