I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1651 Problem Solving Maniac

Qin Yu: "It should be fusion spells such as wind and thunder, wind and fire, ice water, etc. This is also very difficult. It is difficult for ordinary people to comprehend one way, and they can still fuse..."

Jiaojiao: "Then do you want to do it?"

Qin Yu: "Get a hammer, don't be so ambitious... Let's take a wave of vitality first and see how difficult it is."

Vitality is what she is best at, and it also matches her physique.

Although. . As a fairy body, the five elements are all mastered, and the five elements can be walked with certainty. It is not difficult to be a different species, but Qin Yu likes to lay the foundation and walk steadily.

Then let’s get to the true understanding of the life system first.

Qin Yu then walked towards the first step.

Stepping up one step, in an instant, she felt as if a warm current poured into her body on the stairs, reaching her whole body, and then, she——was locked.

Locked on the ladder, you cannot move unless you finish answering the questions or you confirm that you failed to solve the problem and exit.

She saw a row of questions appear on the wall to her left.

The first question of the true solution of the life department.

It's about the principle and prompting of a wood-type spell—1, she must understand the principle, and 2, she must know how to use it.

Isn't this very simple, just know one technique?

fuck it!

Jiaojiao stared at the topic.

"Crazy, the first question is the medium technique?"

It's Xie Shuling and the others. . . I must have cried in the toilet.

Not to mention middle-level skills, those with low-level skills would have to cry and faint-they are not very good at principles at all.

"That's not right. If the five elements go to their basic attributes, the first step should start with elementary spells, not intermediate spells."

Qin Yu's suspicion was echoed by Jinbi.

——I just got to know this tower of true understanding, the five elements are the foundation, and the true understanding of life is higher than one end, so I directly skipped the elementary spells and started with the intermediate spells.

Qin Yu understood, "It doesn't matter, I also want to know how many questions I can solve."

It took Qin Yu three seconds to answer the question based on the principle analysis, and it was not perfunctory, because with her brainpower, her reaction was extremely fast.

After the analysis was completed, she played the spell with her fingers.

"Pass, unlock, you can go to the second level."

A cold voice came from the stairs.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, is this an NPC?

Go up the second step.

The same three seconds, pass!

After walking seven steps in succession, we reached the transit platform, and there are seven more steps up, but the color of the steps is slightly darker.

Qin Yu paused, because the NPC reminded her.

"The seventh stage of the true solution to life has passed, and the small platform can rest."

Qin Yu closed his eyes when he heard the words, and said to Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao: "The time taken to pass the level is also calculated by the other party, and it probably affects the score. Fortunately, I didn't delay just now."

Although it is only the seventh level of the lower stage, if you think it is simple when you are ignorant and waste time chatting casually, the total score will still be affected.

After knowing this, Qin Yu stopped talking to Jiaojiao and the Golden House, and devoted himself to solving problems.

Ah, I saw such a fish again!

Jiaojiao and Jinbi also immediately became as quiet as chickens, but Jiaojiao was suspended in mid-air, her fat cheeks were propped up with her hands, and her eyes were full of little stars.

Huang Jinbi thought about it for a while, and felt that this was probably the admiration of the first prince in the heavens, the elementary school scum, when he saw the grassroots number one university bully.

but. . . He is indeed a master.

Next, Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao saw that Qin Yu quickly passed the seventh step of the upper stage at a speed of three seconds per step, and with a flash of light, he passed the first level of the True Solution of Life.

Jiaojiao recalled, Oh, this seems to be a seven-story magic tower, so there must be seven floors.

The first layer is over, now start the second layer.

The second level, the first step is to solve the problem, the difficulty is higher, although it is still a medium-level spell, but it is a side door in the medium-level spell, and not only to analyze and perform, but also to think and cast its malleable spell ——That is to say, in addition to this technique, you have to use another technique with the same principle.

This is super classy!

Jiaojiao felt that if Xie Shuling and the others came, they probably didn't faint from crying in the toilet.

That would have to cry and faint in the toilet.

By the way, shout like Ying Ruoruo - I don't know how to do all these questions! ! !

For Qin Yu, she could do all these questions.

Depends on how much time it takes.

The lower part of the second floor, an average of five seconds.

On the upper part of the second floor, an average of five seconds passed.

Compared with the first two seconds, it was just spent on casting another spell.

Next, the third layer.


Platform breaks.

Most people's brains can't take it anymore, too high a frequency of problem solving and calculations, just like a senior high school student who stayed up all night to finish three sets of simulation papers, his brain can't stand it, and he was in the ICU in the early morning.

Qin Yu doesn't need ICU, her current state is equivalent to-my old lady is obsessed with solving problems and can't extricate herself, it's like a complete set of horses and chickens!



On the lower part of the third floor, an average of twelve seconds passed.

On the upper part of the third floor, an average of 15 seconds passed.

Jiaojiao thought for a while, and chatted privately with Huang Jinbi, "Is this an increase in difficulty?"

——Well, the third layer is approaching advanced techniques.

——The problem solving in the previous paragraph is almost equivalent to advanced techniques.

——It is estimated that the fourth layer must be at least an advanced technique.

—Can't you see?

Just as Jiaojiao was about to answer, Huang Jinbi took the lead in asking and answering.

—Oh, I forgot, these questions are all the same to you.

——Anyway, I can’t understand any of them.

Jiaojiao: "..."

Your grandpa got angry, glared at you, and whipped out a bag of potato chips!


The difficulty of the third floor has been greatly improved, which is much higher than the second floor.

But Qin Yu knew that this was not too difficult for him, far from the limit, but the difficulty of the fourth floor might be. . .

"Damn, it really is an advanced technique, Bibi, you are a wall made of black iron ore!"

This mouth is so black.

But Qin Yu was very excited when he said that.

Finally came the problem!

Jiaojiao: "..."

Her fish may be a pervert.

Seven floors in the lower part of the fourth floor, an average of one minute.

The upper six floors of the fourth floor take an average of three minutes.

The last layer remains.

Jiaojiao was very sensitive and realized that Qin Yu was stuck.

This question seems to be difficult.

Because the walls are densely packed with unknown ancient scripts, and each ancient script is like a magical transformation.

——Twelve kinds of spells are integrated into the text, twelve permutations and combinations, she is explaining.

——This difficulty is not low, no wonder she gets stuck for a while.

——But it is estimated that it will not be too long, maybe. . .

Qin Yu suddenly raised his hand, and the spell came out. He lifted his foot and stepped out of the seventh step.

She passed.

Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao: "..."

Fuck, is it so powerful?

Problem-solving maniac, you.

This technique is very powerful, but this question is even more powerful, and then. . . Problem-solving fish.

——You seem to have no idea about this question.

——You were not good at this type of spells before, and you don't like the ones that are more holy in the life system.

It sees that she won't, so it's stuck here.

"I don't like it, I almost got stuck here just now."

"Fortunately learned."

Jinbi stopped talking.


How did you learn it?

——Have you learned by solving problems?

Qin Yu: "Well, I found that these questions are actually instructive. From the principle to the application, it is actually a kind of teaching—even if it seems that it is a direct question."

Jiaojiao: "What the hell are you talking about? I'll just listen hard, and you can bear it yourself."

Can others understand? Understood, can it be done?

In the end, it's not just - I can't do it!

Hey, Jiaojiao keeps quiet and eats by herself.

Huang Jinbi typed out a row of characters slowly.

——The secret flow of soul growth. . .


Tomorrow will look at the situation. If the situation is good, we will continue with the five shifts, complete the five shifts in three days, and complete the promise of adding three large rewards to Hualuo Xiaobai.

Thank you for your support, I hope everyone will continue to give votes~~

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