I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1652 It's just too much water (make up for yesterday's update, end, sleep.)


It's very powerful, it's almost fried.

From cowhide to NPC, they contacted Qin Yu again.

"The fourth floor is a gate, and there is a public rest area. May I ask if you want to enter to rest."

From coldness to "you", NPCs are actually quite realistic.

Qin Yu: "Is there a rest area only available through the fourth floor?"

NPC: "Yes."

Qin Yu: "Is there food and drink in it?"

Jiaojiao was pulling her sleeves.

It is estimated that the snacks are finished.

NPC: "Yes, many."

Go in then.

After the NPC opened the independent space, Qin Yu merged into the light door, stepped on the high-grade mahogany floor in the blink of an eye, and saw a high-end area comparable to the Chinese-style hall of the World Trade Center.

At the counter, there are anticlimactic ghost Xiu Xiu mixing various wines and drinks, and there are also many delicacies floating on the counter, and there is also a spirit chef cooking on the spot.

This is the service that comes with the Tower of True Understanding. Qin Yu glanced and saw many monks coming and going, but basically. . . At least the stage of distraction, most of them are the stage of transformation.

The cultivation base represents the realm, and is generally proportional.

Qin Yu is also proportional, the only difference is that the realm is several steps faster than the cultivation base.

Probably Qin Yu's eyes were unfamiliar. The people in the hall saw a stranger at first glance, and they didn't mention whether they were young or not. As long as they wanted to, they could be as young as a six-year-old child at any time.

Look at the temperament.

This nun doesn't seem so simple at first glance.

After the not-so-simple female cultivator entered the lobby, she walked to the counter and ordered. . . A bunch of food.

She ordered a bunch of such expensive food, so this difficulty may be related to-money?

No one has the temperament of a local tyrant.

Where did the nun come from, what background? Could it be that she was born in the palm of a big family?

But for such a character, they usually have seen each other's appearance through various channels, so they are afraid of offending others.

This nun is very unfamiliar.

Under everyone's scrutiny, Qin Yu took Jiaojiao to choose a seat and sat down. Jiaojiao picked up a piece of crisp cake on the plate and took a bite. Wow, wow, it was delicious, he immediately jumped on Qin Yu's lap and stood up. Straighten up, and stretched out his hand to put the crispy cake in front of Qin Yu.

"Yuyu, this cake is delicious. It tastes like matcha. If you like it, here it is."

Qin Yu ate it and raised his eyebrows. It was not bad.

Well, it deserves the price.

"Eat slowly, and continue to buy after eating."

When Qin Yu is busy, she usually takes care of Jiaojiao. Before, she solved the problem by herself and ignored Jiaojiao. When she is done, she naturally has to take care of her little ancestor.

At this time, it is also the stage when Jiaojiao can act coquettishly and eat as much as she likes.

"You have cleared four floors in a row, do you want to check your points?"

The NPC took the initiative to ask if you want to check the score?

Huang Jinbi considered it from the perspective of an NPC, and secretly speculated that this cold NPC must have come from a kind of shock - Qin Yu's points may be abnormal.

"Well, let's talk."

Qin Yu took a sip of the flower milk spirit tea, felt the aroma between his lips and teeth, stretched his brows and eyes, and waited for the other party's response.

"The first floor took 42 seconds, and the answering speed was perfect. On the basis of the full score of 100 points, an increase of 15 points was added, and the total score was 115 points."

"The second floor takes 70 seconds, and the answering speed is perfect. On the basis of the full score of 200 points, an increase of 55 points is added, and the total score is 205 points."

"The third floor took 189 seconds, and the answering speed was perfect. On the basis of the full score of 300 points, an increase of 120 points was added, and the total score was 420 points."

"The fourth floor took 28 minutes, and the answering speed was perfect. On the basis of the full score of 600 points, an increase of 300 points was added, and the total score was 900 points."

"Adding up the four levels, your current total score is 1640 points."

Qin Yu didn't really care about her score, what she cared about was. . .

"Oh, is there any reward?"

NPC: "The rewards can be redeemed by yourself, as long as you finish climbing the tower."

"That's not in a hurry, the fifth floor can still be climbed, wait for me to finish eating."

Qin Yu was eating the delicious food on the table with Jiaojiao, but he heard some people whispering.

It seems to be talking about four things.

1, Is Wuque so awesome now? There are three powerful disciples.

2. These three disciples led a group of disciples all the way to block and kill Buddhas and Gods. When they arrived in Wushuang City, the family's chassis swollen the faces of the two first true disciples of Tianhu Sect.

3. One of the three disciples is here right now, eating and drinking with a cat.

4. Coincidentally, the number one of Tianhuzong is also in this Zhenjie Pagoda, visually, he is coming soon.

Jiaojiao: "Are they crazy? They know we can hear, but they deliberately don't use sound transmission."

Qin Yu: "You said you did it on purpose, so it's not crazy."

On purpose, there is always a purpose.

It's just to make them want to fight and hurt a few, then they will have a chance.

"Come on, maybe you won't come."

Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, what if someone gets stuck on a certain question?"

This is the same as the comforting essence of thinking that if someone has something to do, they might have a car accident.

Jiaojiao thought for a while, ate a piece of pastry, and was convinced.

But one person and one cat were disappointed.

People from Tianhuzong came.

And with a girlfriend.

Yuan Xingguang is still very famous in Baili. He is young and has super talent. He has been well-known in the monk circle of Baili Kingdom since he revealed his cultivation. At present, he is also a member of the younger generation of Baili Kingdom. The youngest one.

I heard that it has just reached a hundred years.

Such a person's cultivation base has already begun to rival Lu Qiu Mingduan and others. At that time, such a person appeared in Tianhuzong, which caused a commotion in the country. There were quite some rumors that Tianhuzong had such a genius. What, the first thing the third child wants to do is the second child.

Later, it also caused the relationship between Chixiao Tower and Tianhuzong to be very delicate.

Many people thought that the two sects would fight, but it turned out that there was no big reaction from Chixiao Tower, which also made Tianhuzong's reputation soar in recent years, and the little son who was very popular with Baili King joined Tianhuzong , everyone in the world thought that Tian Huzong was not long away from challenging Chi Xiao Tower.

So Yuan Xingguang, as the source, is still very extraordinary.

Qin Yu glanced at the other party, and it was indeed unusual.

Eighteen or nineteen years old looks young, fair and delicate, with proud eyebrows and eyes, and the female cultivator next to her is also very young and beautiful, with a noble temperament.

Everyone pointed and pointed, Yuan Xingguang naturally saw Qin Yu very quickly, his eyes were cold, neither agitated nor turbulent, he just said something to the female cultivator beside him in a soft and gentle voice, and then walked over.

"Are you the female cultivator from Wuque?"

He looked down at Qin Yu from above.

Qin Yu was drinking a cup of scented tea, took a sip and swallowed before looking at him, "What do you want from me?"

Yuan Xingguang: "I'm not looking for you, because there is no need for that, but since you happen to be here, I would like to remind you of one thing."

Qin Yu smiled: "Please tell me."

Yuan Xingguang: "Some creatures, born in the shallows, are kings and overlords. They accidentally gave birth to two feet, landed on the shore, and traveled a long distance to a sea area. When they entered the sea, they thought that this sea area belonged to them, but they didn't. Understand that the shoals can be its, because the shoals are small, but the sea is different, the end is obvious, it dies quickly."

These words. . Neither direct nor tactful.

Everyone understands it.

The cat also understood, Jiaojiao put down the pastry, scratched her butt slightly with her paws, and wanted to ask Qin Yu if he wanted to kill this idiot through voice transmission.

Qin Yu smiled in front of everyone.

Gentle and highly educated.

"The sea must not understand that if some creatures born in the shallows can travel long distances on the vast land to reach a seashore with one pair of feet, then the sea must not be the only one for it, and it is only a temporary scenery. The mountains and rivers are endless, the air space is full of sky, the mountains and seas can be seen during the day, and the stars can be seen at night, if he dies, he will be different from the arrogant mayfly who thinks he was born in the sea."

"A person who has been floating in the water all his life has seen the great mountains and rivers in this world?"

Qin Yu looked at Yuan Xingguang with a smile, "I think he must have never seen it before, because the so-called sea is actually a well, it's just that there is a lot of water."

Because the so-called sea is actually a well, but there is a lot of water.

Her words are so understated, so elegant and Confucian.

But it's like a knife.

The huge hall was suddenly silent.

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