I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1668 Wuque is in chaos! (The third update, the other two updates will be later.)


Qin Yu was not angry. She could understand that Wuque's sect was worthy of the fear and vigilance of Tianhuzong and other forces. Choose to grow too fast to form a fixed and stable team.

Early strangle is the most explicit.

Changing places, Qin Yu might do the same.

It's understandable not to be angry, but it doesn't mean that she won't fight back because of her current "being bullied" position.

"Fat Jiao, take your little notebook and write down the names of these local thieves."

"Okay! Yuyu, tell me your name, I'll remember it!"

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, put his fingertips on the strings, and plucked the first string.

Sound out.

One sound, soul-stirring.

The sound of mountains and seas.

Brazenly entered the hundred-mile airspace between the Xuejian Mountain and the sea.


Next door, brother Xiaoniao and his old man were enjoying the scenery, and didn't care about these monks fighting each other or fighting each other, as if it was commonplace.

Only when Qin Yu was picked up by Wei Rui, Brother Xiaoniao frowned slightly, as if a beautiful woman was in a state of melancholy, slightly worried.

Later, a certain strong knight stopped him.

Brother Xiaoniao's brows were relaxed, and he drank the fragrant tea. He hadn't had a few sips of the tea when he saw the sea, and Hai Ling came.

He saw Baijiayunle, but it made him look sideways at the next door alone.

It's not like he couldn't see Le next door in his life.

But it's not the same.

He watched it for a long time, savored it quietly for a long time, and gradually there was a feeling of sorrow between his eyebrows and eyes.

"My son..."

"Uncle, many people in this world are very difficult, and there are always sad things."

The old man was startled.

sad? The joy behind Wuque's two backs is not bad, but in terms of sadness, there is no such thing.

However, my young master has always been keen, he is psychic, and he is even better at the human heart, maybe he feels it.

"Young master, you want slaves..."

"It seems that there is no need for it."

Because he heard the sound of the piano.

When the old man heard it, his eyebrows stretched.


The sound of the piano sounded, and the little notebook began to memorize it.

"Zi Yangzong."

"Wei Rui."

"Tian Huzong."

"Akasaka Tower."

"Duanmu Palace."

"Shattered Feather Mountain Range."


"Daqin Yuejin is pregnant."

She played eight times, and listed eight already-defined forces.

Even though these forces may not be so direct, and some of them are very subtle, Qin Yu still recognized them one by one.

Flick and slow twist, put them on the blacklist.

Jiaojiao: "..."

Is this an enemy of everyone?

No, everyone is against Wuque.

It is also an enemy of Qin Yu.


Since it is her enemy, it is not too much for her to be their enemy!

Qin Yu transformed the rules of the Golden House into his own logic, and the golden wall did not say a word.

That is to say. . . All counterattacks are reasonable, even if there may be some chosen among these people.

The small list was made. After Qin Yu entered the arena, he separated Fang Yourong and Fang Yourong as soon as he joined.

Indeed, independence, not alignment.

Why is she independent? Didn't she find a feeling that fits those two people?

Probably because—Shanhaiyin is more distant, more domineering, and more able to suppress the audience.

Because, here are mountains and seas!

How many monks, how many geniuses, how many previous generation monks who were geniuses and got old were all shocked by Qin Yu's sound of mountains and seas.

Nothing more than surprised at three o'clock.

1. The sound of mountains and seas, the land of mountains and seas, intends to crush the audience, and is bold!

2. Such a bold and ignorant person is actually Wuque's lonely Qingqiu who wants to be gentle and courteous!

3. Gudao Qingqiu has such powerful piano skills and such a magnificent mind.



"court death!"

Five or six out of ten of these people were mainly probing, trying to suppress Wuque secretly. They were afraid and refused to admit it.

So the audience made it clear—fuck her!

Sound, let's kill!

Sound, overbearing system!

Sound, smash it!

At that time, the snow sees the mountains, the snow sees the sea, the mountains and the seas, the music is infinite!

The tide rises in the vastness, the spiritual light ceremony is clean, the mist billows like a roar, the sea spirits are shocked by such a surging sound, and they gather in large numbers to form a huge sea spirit flow, hovering in groups at a height of ten feet. Shengtian's eagerness to move, but also the ignorance of being attracted by Yin Shachang.

Can such a powerful sound kill crush her?


Seeing this, Wu Que and other disciples thought that those who originally wanted to sacrifice the way of swords, such as Xie Shuling and other fighters, changed their minds and took out various instruments and magic weapons one after another.

Hit them!

Xie Shuling is definitely a fighter in the fight. She took a piano and sat down. She moved her fingers and injected spiritual power.

Doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not, whether it has spirituality or not, she just wants to use spiritual power to activate the instrument and attack directly!

Fuck Hai Ling!

Go to your uncle's monks from all countries!

All the Wuque disciples were annoyed, angry, and attacked by any means.

Attack together.

This is the righteousness of Wuque Shimen.

In the eyes of outsiders. . .

"The arm of the mantis is like a cart!"

"Ignorance and incompetence!"

"Ha! Wuque is messed up!"

Many monks. . . Especially the strengths of Tianhuzong, Broken Feather Mountain Range, and the Mixed Domain of the Three Kingdoms, etc., who were clearly enmity with Wuque, were all overjoyed and wished to make trouble. . . That's no ordinary stone, it's an iron stone scalded with kerosene!

Defeat, Wuque deserves to lose!

Yuan Xingguang's eyebrows were sharp, he was eager to try, his spells were thunderous, and the halo of stars wandered around, approaching the attic where Qin Yu and others were.

This is clearly about to attack.

Well, Tianhuzong, this is not the first time.

It's just that this time is the closest on the surface.

But isn't there a ban on the attic?

Yes, but it's almost useless, because under the group sound killing, such a majestic power can reduce the forbidden spiritual power, crush the soul, and even a little soul damage, the forbidden control may not be perfect. At that time, he will have a chance.

Even if he is killed, he can just use the chaos to evade it, even if he knows that he did it on the surface. . . There is no evidence.

This is Baili Kingdom, isn't it?

It was Wuque that Qingqiu took the initiative to confront all of them with the sound of mountains and seas.

Righteously damn!

What about Tianzang's Choice?

Yuan Xingguang's thoughts wandered extremely fast, and his star spells wandered even faster, seeing that the opportunity was coming. . .

One of the attics.

Nangong Zhiyun saw Yuejin Huaiyu meddling in the chaos with her qin, she frowned, and when she was about to say something, she was stopped by her friend through sound transmission.

"Zhiyun, the situation has been decided. You have offended your father, Lord Fulong. As your friend, I don't want you to put yourself in danger."

This friend is a monk from the Baili Kingdom, named Cao Ping.

Like a ranger, he slays demons and eliminates demons. He is very righteous. He used the potential of a murdered friend to chase down a demon. He risked his life and finally avenged his friend. He has a good reputation in the monk circle.

Nangong Zhiyun also met the other party by chance, and admired the other party's personality, so they made friends.

Cao Ping was worried about Nangong Zhiyun, Nangong Zhiyun appreciated her, and finally chose to forbear, because she knew that even if she didn't approve of Yue Jin's actions, it would be useless to stop her.

The other party will not listen to yourself.

And the situation without Que. . . Dangerous.

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