I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1669 Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound


After Nangong Zhiyun was so emotional, he was suddenly taken aback, frowned and reflected.

like. . . This feeling is not the first time.

But I always feel this way, and in the end I have been slapped in the face.

Could it be, this time too?


It seems that this is not the first time that Wuque's situation is in danger.

But it's not the first time it's been overturned.

Nangong Zhiyun was inexplicably thinking, before he could figure out why, he suddenly paused for a moment when he heard Shan Haiyin being "beaten by a group" outside, and then. . . Fan Ran strong.

Because of this song.

Uncommon song.

The sound is the sound of mountains and seas.

Qu is. . . .

What the hell? What song is this?

In fact, no one recognized it, and was only shocked by the power of this song.

Because it arouses mountains and seas.

The spiritual power of Xuelingmu in Xuejian Mountain has been withdrawn!

The spiritual mist on the Xuejian Sea also surged up the mountain.

Gathering clouds, as strong as a giant spirit, converging with the sound of the piano, ups and downs, surging, heroic!

Directly defeat the music power of everyone.

Why can it be defeated, this is not in line with common sense, she is a Nascent Soul. . .

"Yes, she is in the Nascent Soul stage, but the problem is, it's not a competition of spiritual power now."

"We are fighting spirit music."

"Hundreds of families sacrifice spiritual music, invincible to mountains and seas."

Finally, there are some people who understand. These people have seen through the essence of everyone's decline.

This is no loss of dignity, because they are not majoring in this way themselves, but are surprised by two things.

1. What kind of music score is this? It can lead mountains and seas.

2. This Qingqiu is so extraordinary.


"Mountain Sea Butterfly Sound"

"Isn't that an isolated copy from the age of saints?"

"It is said that it was lost thousands of years ago!"

"It appeared..."

"It's actually in Qingqiu's hands."

"She also learned."

Except for the first sentence, the following words came from the mouth of an old man who called himself a slave.

Brother Xiaoniao said the first sentence. Obviously, both of them recognized "Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound".

The two looked at each other in surprise.

"Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound" is a score.

This is true.

It is rumored that it is a one-note spiritual score, which is very precious, and it is also rumored that it is just an ordinary human score, which is extremely difficult to repair, and those who are not gifted with a superb sense of sound can only draw tigers, not anti-dogs.

It has been passed down from the age of saints, and saints like to praise it.

And because it was too difficult, it was listed as one of the top ten forbidden songs in the age of saints

Everything is about inheritance and essence.

For example, in the eyes of everyone now, "Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound" is a qin melody, suspected to be a spiritual song, but they can't tell it.

That meaning is the same as - it is a bottle, whether it is a precious palace vase or a chamber pot, no one can be sure, but it is certain that it has inheritance. Qin Shihuang used up Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Wu of the Han used up Empress Dowager Cixi. . .

Pushed by the sage, it is located in Gaoge.

What's more, it has been lost.

Appearing again, it gave them a very strong feeling.

"Is it Wuque's foundation? Bestowed on this Qingqiu?"

"It seems that this unquenchable predecessor background...in the age of saints..."

The old man murmured to himself, Brother Xiaoniao pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm afraid not, when it comes to the talent of Le Dao, I'm afraid that Fang...Fang Daoist is taller, even if she doesn't like this way, Wu Que won't surpass her. If such a precious score is handed over to Miss Qingqiu, even if it is passed, she will be informed, but just now, she and the fifth brother obviously didn't know about it."

He could feel that when "Mountain Sea Butterfly Sound" was just released, even though Fang Yourong and the two of them stabilized the music, there were slight fluctuations. This fluctuation actually represented their emotions. . Actually surprised.

I probably didn't expect my little junior sister to be so capable.

"My son, you mean that she got this "Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound" by herself?"

Brother Xiaoniao smiled cleanly and spoke softly: "She should be a formation mage, she has already become wings, and is very rich. Since she has a spirit stone to clear the way, why can't she get it? Even with this reason, it is logical. "

The old man pondered for a moment and agreed.

As for whether this is the reason, his master has already reminded him not to inquire, so he doesn't have to think too much about it. . . Still very pleasing to the eye.


"Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound" opened the way, and the music of the heavens was defeated, leaving only some tricks to fish in troubled waters and attack Wuque.

Unfortunately, the ban is still there.

They were exposed.

When they were exposed, they felt chills and palpitations.

Fortunately, Wuque didn't respond.

Only music.

At some point, the wild dance of demons from Xie Shuling and the others stopped, including Fei Xi and the others.

It's not that they don't want to play, but because they find that they can't play under the sound of mountains and seas.

The whole place was contained.

In the Duanmu Palace, Duanmu Qiling's face was very ugly, and she was about to communicate with a certain master, but found that the other party ignored her.

And her sister. . . He had already stopped pressing the strings, and his eyes were cold.

"Sister, that Wuque..."

The other party got up.

Just walk out.


"Brother, there is nothing wrong with this... It is simply too unexpected."

The brothers and sisters of Zangbingu were also present, but they were born in Zangbingu. Since ancient times, military strategists are most afraid of emotion, and the mainstream of music is emotion, so they are not good at it, very bad at it.

So sacrifice the sword.

After the kendo sacrifice, the sword energy is still there.

Yu Jing held his sword behind him with one hand, his posture was full of heroism, and his weapon was imposing.

Standing in front of the railing, look sideways at the Wuque Attic.

After hearing what the junior sister said, he was silent for a moment, and then he said: "Before I came to the east, the owner of the valley once said that the core of the turmoil in the east lies in Daqin Wuque, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Daqin Wuque's future is unexpected, but I think that Daqin Wuque If Que's disciple is so unexpected, it is her own fault."

"Junior sister, you and I should understand that the meaning of the sect to a person is only about the past, not the future."

"And the future of this woman is so broad."

He never believed that the formations she created were obtained through other contacts.

Arrays, techniques, music repairs, these are the domineering and open-minded minds that lead mountains and seas.

Both aptitude and heart, almost perfect.

All in all, it's amazing.


If the world understands it, they will be shocked; if the world doesn't know it, they will be shocked.

But no matter how these people feel.

Fang Yourong and the two of them did not move.

Xiao Sheng is still the same, and the harp is still the same.

The end of the piano sound came later.

Mountains and seas gather spirits and rivers.

But the fog covered most of Xuejian Mountain, in the haze, in the beauty.

Qin Yu flicked her fingertips, her brows lightened, and she muttered something with her lips and teeth.

"Mountains and seas return to mountains and seas, and the world belongs to the world."

Many people have heard this sentence, and perhaps even a single person has heard it.

Fifth Dao Ling glanced at Qin Yu, and his voice turned slightly, from distant to comforting, it was also shelter.

Fang Yourong didn't look at anyone, her brows were still lowered, and the gleam in her eyes might have captured the past.

The world of mortals is chaotic, who has no story?

So she responded lightly.

"Mountains and seas can dance with butterflies, will the song be exhausted forever?"

Why this sentence, did she recognize "Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound"?

No, because she saw the first butterfly.

Butterflies born in mountains and seas.

One, countless, lingering and coming out, the butterfly flies and is gorgeous, gorgeous and beautiful.

Beautiful and lonely.

So sad.

Like a boundless sea of ​​snow.

Snow will fall and it will melt.

But people die.

In her heart, someone may have died.

So there was a snow of loneliness in my heart, which could not be melted away.

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