I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1681 Kill it! (Third update, I am working hard, ask for support, ask for a monthly ticket)


In the imagination of the little junior sister who let her family support the wall and stand soft and helpless, Fifth Dao Ling saw Fang Yourong who had heard the news at the gate of the gate of Xuejian Mountain.

The latter had just killed someone, and the movement was not small, but it was overshadowed by the matter of Baili Yunhai.

That person surnamed Cao, a casual cultivator (on the bright side), even if there is someone behind him, because Yue Jinhuai's evil deeds were exposed, the other party would not dare to show his head, so if he killed him, he would kill him, and the mountain gate would not intervene. Even praise.

Fang Yourong was fine, but upon hearing the news that Baili Yunhai had died, she realized that her sect was going to take the blame, so she came here.

When they met Fifth Dao Ling, the two of them didn't need to say much, just a look in their eyes and it was clear.

Just when he entered the door, he heard Sui Yu's vice-mountain leader talking about his words, pointing his sword at nothing.

Fang Yourong remained silent.

She didn't like words at all.

These people also have the junior sister Qingqiu who made her talk too much because of her hypocrisy.

The fifth Daoling didn't speak much, just a few words when he entered the door, and then he glanced at everyone.

Most people don't say a word, because they have someone to blame, and it has nothing to do with them. They talk too much, and there is no need to offend the unfathomable Wuque now.

This is the time for the likes of the Baili Kingdom and the Broken Feather Mountains to show their strengths.

So the deputy mountain master continued to smile, "It's so timely, the two juniors of Wu Que don't have to think that I'm deliberately putting suspicion on you, it's just a reasonable guess."

After speaking, he looked at Baili Jinwei.

"What does Sixth Young Master think?"

Baili Jinwei was a little embarrassed and helpless, but he also said with a serious face: "You two, it was my seventh brother who died. My Baili royal family must investigate, but I have no intention of wronging innocent people. I just hope that Wuque will cooperate. Is it..."

It was he who paused.

It seemed that he wanted Fifth Dao Ling to respond and back down by himself.

The fifth Dao Ling did pick it up.

"Investigate, I will cooperate naturally, how to investigate? Let us give up the choice of Tianzang and go to prison to wait for questioning?"

Baili Jinwei was taken aback.

This is not easy to answer.

Quite difficult to pick up.

Fifth Dao Ling said lightly: "If freedom is not restricted, you investigate yours, we participate in ours, and if there is evidence, tell the world."

The deputy mountain master said: "We have to investigate first to have evidence..."

Fifth Dao Ling: "Is it the evidence of the present, or the evidence of the future? Now is the present, and the future is the future."

He doesn't talk to them about those false and false routines.

To limit or not to limit?

Evidence or no evidence?

Now or later?

You understand.

Needless to say the rest.

The deputy mountain master couldn't say anything, so he looked at Baili Jinwei secretly.

Baili Jinwei lowered his eyes, and said with a serious face: "Of course I want to see the evidence, and I can see it now."

He turned to ask the people at the mountain gate.

"I once remembered that the restriction of the attic in the mountain, and even many methods, are all controlled by Master Shanling. In short, no matter what happens, Lord Shanling actually knows everything."

As soon as these words were said, all the people present were shocked.

What the hell, doesn't that mean they are all being monitored? Know everything? ! ! !

It's not about undressing and taking a bath or having sex with a cultivator partner, they care more about the secrets of their own cultivation, and if it is known to others, it feels more like engaging in sex in public.

When everyone was shocked, the person from the mountain gate took the lead in explaining, "You don't have to worry, the mountain spirit is a natural spirit god. It never cares about the secrets of human monks, and it is not that interested. Besides, the mountain spirit is in charge of the prohibition center, and it doesn't always pay attention to everything. People, it will only spontaneously record when the vision occurs-this is also one of the forbidden methods."

Having said that, everyone murmured suspiciously in their hearts, not knowing how to express their views.

Mountain spirits are not related to their human race, but they are afraid that these things will be controlled by others. . . .

An old man at the mountain gate glanced at everyone, noticed some people's taboos, felt helpless, and said: "The mountain spirit is on the same level as the Venerable."

In a word, sonorous and powerful.

The meaning is also very obvious - the big boss at the venerable level, would he be so bored to spy on the privacy of you monks who are below the integration period? Save it!

Everyone was embarrassed for a moment.

Especially after the other party finished saying this sentence, the Venerable True Understanding who had appeared before came.

"I can testify to that."

"You are not very important, Shanling still doesn't care about your secrets."


Shan Ling looked down on it, and it seemed reasonable.

Does Shanling care about Baili Yunhai's murder?

Everyone looked at the old man, and the old man said: "I will contact Mr. Shan Ling, please wait a moment."

After he saluted Venerable Zhenjie, the latter nodded slightly: "Go, I am also curious about who is so bold."

He only felt that he was in this mountain, and there were still people who could do such a mysterious thing, without leaving any evidence, and disappeared in an instant, which might be very powerful.

After the old man left.

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other and each had taboos. Of course, many people glanced at Wu Que and the other from time to time.

In fact, they knew in their hearts that if they really wanted to talk about magic techniques and kendo, they would only be half compatible with these two people.

No matter what kind of spells to insist on, it seems that there is only Qingqiu. . .

But Qingqiu only had that one time not long ago, and now he has to support the wall.

How can they be involved.

Too reluctant.

So in front of everyone, the Venerable Zhenjie said slowly: "Conjectures can only be conjectures. If there is no ironclad evidence, no one will be wronged because of this. After all, there will be no one whose life and death are more useful than Tianzang's selection at present. That's more important."

This is overbearing and ruthless.

Indeed, what a mere young man is.

Compared with Tianzang's Choice.

Even the Baili Kingdom is nothing more than a platform chosen by Tianzang.

This is the truth, so no one thought it was too much, and Baili Jinwei even lowered his eyebrows to agree.

Soon, the old man came out.

"Shanling Dao said that it did notice that the Seventh Young Master was killed by someone and recorded it, but it thought it was a grievance between the human race, and it never cared about such things."

Baili Jinwei hurriedly said: "I don't dare to bother Lord Shanling, all I need is for Lord Shanling to call up the relevant photos and let us know who the murderer is. After all, this matter is related to the stability of our Baili Kingdom, and I am afraid that there will be some evil spirits." Doing evil, and causing many monks to be wronged, this will also leave hidden dangers for the selection of Tianzang."

These six sons are very good at talking.

The old man also expressed this meaning, "I also said the same, Mr. Shan Ling means that he agreed, and signaled, everyone, please come."

Then all the people entered.

Fang Yourong and the two walked behind.

It wasn't the two of them who killed the person, Fang Yourong knew it well, but he was afraid that the other party would do something wrong, especially that the technique was also practiced with seeing. . .

Always feel that it means someone.

Even that certain person does not have such strength and conditions now.

Fang Yourong looked at Fifth Daoling, who returned a look.

Fang Yourong understood now - what the other party meant was that nothing happened.

That is to say, their unlucky junior sister won't be involved?

Fang Yourong felt relieved.

Eyebrows are slightly slow. . . Less than ten seconds.

She was deadpan.

Because I saw my unlucky little junior sister appear in the video.

He was almost bullied, but suddenly shot to kill, and suddenly killed Ninliang and his staff.

suddenly. . .

In fact, seeing this, many people were shocked. After being shocked, their first subconscious reaction was - this Qingqiu is too scary to stay!

So most of them were resentful, and they all looked at Fang Yourong and the other two!

Especially the people of the Baili Kingdom, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"It's true that you are flawless!"

"Wuque Qingqiu!"

"It's hidden so deep!"

"Kill my son of the Baili Kingdom, kill him indiscriminately!"

Fang Yourong and the two's qi were instantly locked.

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