I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1682 Punishment

The audience was furious, and some even wanted to rush out to catch a certain real murderer.

Baili Jinwei spoke upright words, wanting to avenge his brother and the Baili Kingdom.

Wang Daughter Na Qingxin and other people who were watching and eating melons were quite surprised by this surprise, and could not make a statement, they only glanced at Fang Yourong and the two of them.

These two people. . . Not even scared?

what for?


In a certain room, someone from Qingqiu, the "culprit", was eating fruit while stroking the cat comfortably.

Do they know what's going on at the mountain gate?

I wanted to know, but because the venerable was present, Qin Yu didn't use any means to peep.

Jiaojiao is very curious, her heart is itchy, she can only be patient, babbling a hundred thousand reasons why.

One of the most repeated questions was - "Yuyu, will those people take the opportunity to kill Fang Yourong and them? No chance to defend themselves."

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Jiaojiao was shocked: "Then what should I do, I finally got two capable and smart people who can support you, in case you die..."

Qin Yu: "It can't be done, no matter whether the fifth Dao Ling is aware of anything, whether he is prepared, whether he is sure, the situation will not be reduced to that - first, because the Venerable True Understanding is present."

Jiaojiao curled her lips: "Do you expect that venerable to protect you? No, you will not rely on others. There must be a second. What is the second?"

Qin Yu: "Spirit of the Mountain."

Jiaojiao was surprised, "The old man can't even rely on the Venerable, how can he rely on a Poshan God?"

He has a noble status and a high status, and he doesn't think too highly of these mountain gods in his bones.

This is a status restriction, and there is nothing to comment on.

It's as if the current Qin Yu wouldn't take idiots like Baili Yunhai as cannon fodder.

Status and strength, sometimes the same meaning, are a kind of capital.

"Yeah, he's just a mountain god, and he won't help people who have nothing to do with interests."

"But I didn't ask him to help. Isn't it just to take pictures? He didn't favor help. He recorded it. Some people wanted it, and he gave it. It's as simple as that."

Jiaojiao thought about it: "Oh, so those people will see the things in the photo, for example, after you kill someone, you finally showed your appearance to the curtain..."

Qin Yu smiled: "Yes, what that person looks like."


At the same time, at this moment.

When a person and a cat look at each other and smile wretchedly.

The eyes of the people who had just locked on Fang Yourong and the two of them trying to kill them directly were not blind, and the next second they saw that "Qingqiu", who was hiding the terror and could kill the god of transformation master Ren Liang, showed a strange side.

That kind of evil, that kind of cruelty, that kind of complacency.

And the swipe at the staff, and the strange reaction of the staff.

All brought another brainstorming drama to the people present.

The atmosphere was suddenly like a duck being choked by the throat.

The duck was strangled.

The duck's morale was gone.

Baili Jinwei's expression froze.

He didn't understand why things happened like this.


"I think Baili Jinwei's mood must be like this, divided into three stages."

"The first stage: She didn't get unconscious! She was able to kill Baili Yunhai! Although it was beyond my expectation, it was the best, because she did kill Baili Yunhai. Originally, I just wanted Baili Yunhai to kill Baili Yunhai. She murdered, and then let Wuque become an enemy. Even if the father protected him, the Baili Kingdom and Daqin Wuque were in dire straits, and there would always be damage. Destroy Wu Que's two opponents—because they are now in the territory of my Baili Kingdom, the choice of heaven? Don't even think about it, it is impossible to leave Baili alive."

"The second stage: everything is under my control, Baili Yunhai is dead, no matter what, if he dies, the mountain spirit must have taken a picture, as long as his death is related to Wuque, my goal will be achieved, and , Others also wish Wuque would pay the price for this, everyone will become a tiger, I don’t need to take action, Wudao Ling and others will die.”

"The third stage: I'm afraid I'm drunk. Why did the old thing Shanling record the "Qingqiu" become my Baili Jinwei! Impossible, could it be that Shanling faked it? Or that Qingqiu? Qiu saw that it was my design behind the scenes, and she turned into me? Impossible, she can't be so powerful! It must be, it must not be her, this captured Qingqiu is a fake, there are masters who pretend to be her and then disguise me. Come to murder me, who is it? Who is it? Wuque? Could it be Wuque? Or the rest of my brothers..."

Qin Yu's nonsense talk with Jiaojiao is actually exactly the change of Baili Jinwei's mentality.

He's kind of broken.

It wasn't that he was overwhelmed, but because the change was too great-he was the chess player who was finally hidden behind the scenes, wasn't he? How did he suddenly become a pawn that others play with at will! And on the premise that his performances were so perfect and upright, the other party wiped his face. . . .

ruined him.

Indeed, Baili Jinwei was destroyed at this time.

It was more shocking than when everyone saw Qingqiu in the photo.

All eyes were on him.

Baili Jinwei's expression was stiff, and he tried his best to regain his composure in the shortest possible time. He said, "Everyone, I'm afraid I've been slandered. The other party's disguise is so powerful, I... can't explain it."

He's trying to pretend he's innocent and upright.

But in the next second, Fifth Dao Ling pointed out one thing unceremoniously.

"People, if they die, they die from sword qi wounds. It's common sense that the wounds are not easy to check, and the sword qi is not easy to check. This is common sense. After all, there are thousands and thousands of swordsmen in the world. We are not great venerables or supernatural beings, so we can't see the whole leopard."

"But now it's a living person killing a living person, and the sword moves used by the other party, you really can't see it?"

"Anyway, my Fifth Dao Ling saw it. Where are you seniors from the Baili Kingdom?"

Fifth Dao Ling didn't give these people face, not at all.

And it kills people.

I can see that all of you self-proclaimed powerful seniors can't see that you are all trash?

The whole audience was solemn, and the monks of Baili Kingdom, no matter the older generation or the younger generation, felt embarrassed and suffocated.

After a while, someone spoke slowly.

""Hundred Miles Flying Sword", the Eastern Seven Kingdoms, who will know it except the royal family?"

"The evidence you want is now available—the evidence is available, what should we do now?"

These words come from the princess Na Qingxin.

After she finished speaking, under the complex and indifferent eyes of the people of Baili, she smiled faintly and looked at Venerable Zhenjie.

"What does His Holiness think?"

"If you don't speak, I, the people of Haina, might think that what we are here is not the selection of Tianzang, but the selection of Tianzang of Baili Kingdom."

These words, every word punishes the heart.

So humiliating.

He has been cultivated for hundreds of years, and he has never been humiliated like this.

The monks of the Baili royal family are not without temper. They are the monks of Baili, not the servants of the royal family.

They're not stupid either. Thinking carefully about the front and back—it's terrifying to think about it carefully, this is a conspiracy! A conspiracy against Wuque and Baili Yunhai kills two birds with one stone!

Unfortunately, the plan went awry and was reversed.

They were played in the hands of a so-called son in the early stage. If the interests were the same, it would not matter, but now the interests have collapsed, and they will be blamed.

They must be untied!

So these monks changed their posture one after another, quickly separated their relationship, and quickly expressed their position - Baili Jinwei, you are a big grandson, you are not a thing!

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