I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1691 Kill her! (The mind of Zen is like water, Wuhen and Shibi, there will be four more chan

About Wuque, about the territory of Baili Kingdom, and about other kingdoms.

Just three things.

For Baili Xianshang, it was only one thing.

"They are all here to participate in the selection of Tianzang. No matter who they are or what their status is, they will either live or die, or win or lose. There are so many ways... Hey, my nephews, the older one will live a long time."

Baili Xianshang stroked her eyebrows, but there was no wave in her eyes.

Why live long.

It's just one reason.

After Duanmu Qinglie left the princess mansion, he raised his eyes and looked ahead.

The direction of the palace.

She didn't answer Duanmu Qiling's question because the answer was always vague.

Little Son: Stupid, perverted, was used as a pawn and died in the Rift Valley.

Seventh Son: Stupid, lustful, ambitious, and thought he was smart, so he died too, still a pawn.

Sixth Son: Smart, good at using scheming, but always likes to use scheming to plot, so he is smart, but not self-disciplined enough.

There is one big boy left.

"Smart, can be used and will use scheming strategies, but not used, as stable as Mount Tai."

"Such a person can live a long life."

Duanmu Qinglie saw through all this and left.

Baili Xianshang had already bathed and changed her clothes. She was not in a hurry, but when she got a sound transmission, she froze for a moment and narrowed her eyes.

"Wuque Qingqiu...does this recruit people?"


She was silent for a moment, and sent a voice transmission to Duanmu Qinglie.

"Heaven's Choice, you go down."

"Close to that Qingqiu."


At this time, Qingqiu, who recruited people, was killing people.

It has been killed.

The moment He Zuoyun was hanged up, he didn't understand what happened to him, anyway. . . he died.

The corpse was still hot, not a single drop of blood was left, but Qin Yu hooked his collar with one hand, his lips were slightly pale.

Jiaojiao said: "Qiuqiu, fortunately you have accumulated spiritual power, otherwise you would really be no match for this person."

Qin Yu replied: "Well, fortunately, I hope I won't meet anyone else in the future, I have to recover my spiritual power."

She leaned on to dodge, spat out a mouthful of blood, and was about to take medicine.

is locked.


One person and one cat turned their heads.

People who saw Zhou Jinshuang and the Broken Feather Mountain Range.

The other party came and lurked for a while, seeing that Qin Yu killed He Zuoyun in an explosive manner, they were surprised, but they also seized the opportunity, did not waste time like the Sabi villain, and locked on directly, taking advantage of Qin Yu not yet taking pills The moment the medicine restores spiritual power.

kill her!


Zhou Jinshuang is not weak. After all, he is a person cultivated by the Broken Feather Mountains, and he hides behind him. He is not only a substitute for Shaozong, but also a hole card.

People who have been dormant for too long, at least have a passable temper, are not stupid, and are not aggressive.

The action against Qin Yu was the result of his deliberation - because he knew that Yuejin Huaiyu had died, and he also heard that Wuque's tough sixth son had retreated completely, so he dared not underestimate Wuque.

So when he saw Qin Yu, who was extremely weak, he didn't make a move and asked He Zuoyun to do it first.

As a result, He Zuoyun died

At that time, Zhou Jinshuang was ready to give up.

He didn't want to take risks, and was about to retreat, but found that Qingqiu was dying.

And the box exudes more and more powerful aura!


It's hard to give up.

Opportunity, opportunity is here!

Zhou Jinshuang quickly changed his plan, and was decisive - do it!

He brought three subordinates of the Broken Feather Mountain Range, all of whom were in the distraction stage, and they acted very quickly.

The results were disastrous.

A man who was just so weak that he was about to take drugs. . . A sword comes out.

The sword light penetrated directly between the eyebrows, penetrated the skull, and defeated the spiritual consciousness.

Before Zhou Jinshuang fell down by himself, he was grabbed by a hand, and his body disappeared immediately.

On the other side, the three distracted spirits also died, killed by Jiaojiao, and their bodies also disappeared.

Together with He Zuoyun.

Destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

After finishing this, Qin Yu didn't waste any time, "This broken box was set up to emit breath spontaneously, deliberately attracting people to fight, and someone will come later, hurry up!"

Qin Yu asked Jiaojiao to block and see the surroundings, while he tried his best to break the seal of the treasure box.

Time passed quickly, and Jiaojiao kept sensing the arrival of other monks.

"Yuyu, there are at least twenty-five waves of people, and two of them are very strong. I'm not sure if it's those old guys."

"How long are you? They should be here in fifteen seconds."


Seven seconds, Qin Yu gave himself seven seconds to unseal the seal crazily.

But in the end. . . fifth second.


The seal was released, and Jiaojiao hugged Qin Yu, and one person and one cat moved to the area they had passed through in an instant - they walked through many areas, Qin Yu could have walked out of the maze, but it was not for treasure hunting, so he didn't go out, but Let Jiaojiao leave a brand near the exit, and teleport over if she encounters danger.

It's almost there now.

Qin Yu doesn't want to confront those big guys yet - they haven't been reduced to less than 500 years old yet.

So ah, let's go!

One person and one cat disappeared in less than three seconds.


Two afterimages appeared instantly. Seeing the small hole where the treasure box had been taken away, the two looked at each other with uneasy faces.

who is it?

Who can avoid the eyes and ears of the two of them and disappear without a trace, let alone the breaking of the seal is not disappearing, the other party is so powerful?

"This year's Tianzang Selection is probably a bit dangerous."


Qin Yu and Jiaojiao had just appeared near the exit and were about to go out when they suddenly noticed someone approaching.

very close!

Terrible, bad luck, just happened to meet someone nearby, and the other party seemed to have noticed the movement of the two of them coming. . .

With such a little movement, the opponent approached extremely fast.

"is her?"

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, and he hugged Jiaojiao and ran in the other's direction in embarrassment.

It was already very close.

directly on the collision. . .


The opponent was also quick to strike, and took Qin Yu's throat.

Qin Yu showed a panicked expression. . . The other party was taken aback, turned his wrist, and retracted it, but the fingertips were half-empty, buzz! The light mirror rotates, cutting to kill the little ghost who is chasing Qin Yu behind.

As soon as the ghost died, she saw Wuque's Qingqiu girl take two steps back, supported the wall to ease her breathing, looked at her, slightly surprised.

"Are you... Your Highness the Queen of Heiner?"

Na Qingxin nodded lightly, looked at Qin Yu, "Fellow Daoist Qingqiu may not be in a good condition."

Jiaojiao secretly asked Qin Yu: "Yuyu, she wouldn't kill you to search for treasures, would she?"

Others would, but this woman probably wouldn't.

One is that Haina Kingdom has a little influence on the current situation with Wuque. She helped Wuque once because of the current situation, and now there is no need to kill Qin Yu when signing up.

The second is that others are extremely poor compared to Qin Yu, and Qin Yu is also poor compared to the future heir of a kingdom.

They are all rich women, and the other party is richer than themselves, so there is no such thing as killing people and seizing treasures.

So as soon as Qin Yu realized that it was Na Qingxin who was coming, she was sure that the other party would not kill her.

Although it doesn't kill, it still has to be pretended.

"It's okay, it's just old injuries, small things..."

As soon as Fellow Daoist Qingqiu said that, he leaned against the wall in front of Her Royal Highness, turned around, covered his mouth, and blood dripped from between his fingers.

Obviously seriously injured.

That haggard, that weak, that dying.

Very poor.

Na Qingxin: "..."

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