I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1692 Running around

Jiaojiao: "..."

——I think you might be a little shameless.

Jinbi muffled out such a sentence.

The Jiaojiao soul body in the golden house raised its paws and raised its tail, expressing a hundred and twenty points of approval.

Qin Yu ignored them.

Just set up the persona and wait for Na Qingxin to take her out.

However, Na Qingxin looked around and said, "Now there is no one else, fellow Taoist, you are safe, take care."

After speaking she left.

Qin Yu: "..."

She met another person who didn't feel pity at all?

But as soon as Na Qingxin left, Qin Yu was not in a hurry, supported the wall, and silently ate a pill, Jiaojiao reckoned, Yuyu was still in this "weak" state, maybe the matter was not over yet.

Either that Na Qingxin didn't go far, but secretly observed Yuyu's reality.

Or someone else is coming.

"You're wrong, it's both."

Both monks came, and Na Qingxin did not go far.

"She's suspicious of me."

In fact, Qin Yu doesn't care whether Na Qingxin is suspicious of him, but this woman, like Nangong Zhiyun, has strategic significance for Wuque. Qin Yu is used to using details to find benefits for herself, so she tries her best calculated.

As for the result. . . .

There were not many monks, two of them recognized Qin Yu and became malicious.

They approached, one locked on, and the other tried to touch Qin Yu

"To kill or not?" Jiaojiao asked Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "No, wait, wait for her to come out."

Jiaojiao: "What if she doesn't make a move?"

Qin Yu: "Then what can I do, I can only make these people look like a fool."

That's what he said, but Qin Yu never did anything he wasn't sure about.

so. . . .


Na Qingxin sent Qin Yu to the entrance.

"The front is the entrance, Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, take care."

"Thank you so much for your kindness."

"It's just easy."

"Such a great kindness can only be regarded as a convenience. It can be seen that His Highness is a noble character, and I admire you."

Na Qingxin was a little puzzled, always felt that when Wuque Qingqiu praised others, it was the most overwhelming.

Three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends to boast to death.

But you can't feel flattery, because the compliments are elegant and sincere, and the words are simple and clean.

Can't fault it.

"There are two senior brothers and sisters from Qingqiu Daoist Zhuyu in front, and others dare not compare with them." Na Qingxin said lightly.

Qin Yu: "They are really nice, although they all seem indifferent..."

With two paralyzed faces, Fan Er, the domineering CEO, treats her every day.

Suddenly he paused, his tone softened, and he said weakly: "In fact, the ancient way is warm-hearted, with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart. They don't talk much, and they all focus on physical expression. People like them are the most trustworthy."

After she finished speaking, she walked forward and said to the person who came forward to find them and stood still: "Fifth senior brother."

That tone was extremely gentle and dependent.

Fifth Daoling glanced at her, interpreted three hundred and sixty degrees what is meant by "indifference to others", but nodded to Na Qingxin in thanks.

Na Qingxin replied a few words, glanced at Qin Yu, and floated back a few words before leaving.

"Fellow Daoist Qingqiu is young, but he is extremely cute and likable. Don't blame Fifth Daoist Brother and Miss Fang for being so protective as usual."

"It's really enviable."

I don't know whether I am envious of my sister having two good brothers and sisters to protect me, or I am envious. . . .

Anyway, these words sound very meaningful.

Fifth Daoling didn't say anything, and after Na Qingxin left, "stretch out your hand."

Qin Yu obediently stretched out his hand.

Fifth Dao Ling pressed Qin Yu's wrist with his fingers, and felt that her meridians in her body were depleted and her spiritual power was empty. He glanced at Qin Yu expressionlessly.

What kind of look is this.

Qin Yu smiled bitterly, "Fortunately, brother, you are here, otherwise..."

Fifth Dao Ling: "Do you have a magic weapon like a chain?"

Qin Yu's heart skipped a beat, she had one, but it was the unlucky young sect of the Broken Feather Mountain Range, yes, the body of another heir of the Broken Feather Mountain Range was also lying in his ring.

"No, is it useful, brother?"

"Tie you up so you won't run around."

After finishing speaking, Fifth Daoling turned around and walked forward.

Qin Yu: "..."

Is it such a domineering president?

After Qin Yu was stunned, he lowered his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

Jiaojiao looked at Qin Yu's smiling face, then at the unobtrusive man walking in front of him, pouted.

Humph, dog man!


Exit, here we come.

The other Wuque disciples hadn't come out yet, but Fifth Dao Ling didn't wait for them.

He took Qin Yu directly up the wall and out of Tiedao Gorge.

"Brother, won't you wait for them?"

"No wait."

Qin Yu didn't ask any further questions. Under the protection of Fifth Daoling, he walked out of Tiedao Gorge all the way, walked the river section, and soon saw a place where he could go ashore.

It was a place with extremely beautiful mountains and clear waters.

an island.

A very big island.

No, this does not seem to be the original geographical features, but an isolated space.

This Tianzang's selection, unexpectedly directly divided such a large area to create an independent space.

On this island, there is a large town with many buildings, but to Qin Yu's surprise, he can see that there are many tall towers among the most conspicuous buildings in the town.

"True Solution Pagoda." Qin Yu saw it, and naturally Fifth Dao Ling saw it too.

"It's the Pagoda of True Understanding. Prepare for the assessment of Tianzang Selection. Go and register first. There is a registration office in front."

Nine steles stand in the shallow water between Tiedao Gorge and the small island.

Each stele is guarded by a person.

"Sacrifice a trace of blood and spiritual sense, and then enter your own name." After the other party reminded, Qin Yu and the two followed suit, but there were not many people coming out of Tiedao Gorge. Qin Yu just finished, and later Just come.

Qin Yu glanced back, just about to see the person on the other side. . .

Tian Huzong, and the people from the Broken Feather Mountain Range.

They haven't thought about the whereabouts of their children yet, because it's still early, and they are probably still hunting for treasure.

Hearing what they said, Qin Yu's eyes flashed, and he and Jiaojiao showed an extremely innocent and pure expression.

"Senior brother, the deputy mountain master also participated? Why didn't our Wuque have the peak masters to participate?"

So many benefits.

Fifth Dao Ling glanced at her, and said lightly: "In Wuque, those who live a long time are mostly arrogant."

This sentence has a deep meaning.

It always feels like a little bit of ambiguity is involved.

Are you so proud?

Don't even bother with Tianzang's Choice?

It shouldn't be, or it is. . . When those five peak masters climbed to Wuque's high position, the benefits they would get from guarding Wuque would not be weaker than the choice of self-declaration to Tianzang?

Qin Yu speculated on logic like this, and became more and more curious about Wu Que.

Later, people from Tianhuzong and Suiyu Mountain also saw Qin Yu and the two of them. It wasn't that they didn't expect Qingqiu to be teleported apart in the maze.

"But I don't want her to be with Fifth Daoling."

"bad luck."

"There's always luck in the future."

"The real reserve will be tomorrow. She doesn't have time to recover. She dares to sign up. She is looking for death."

"Indeed, just wait for her to join the reserve!"

These people communicated like this, and Qin Yu was brought ashore by Fifth Dao Ling.

As soon as he landed, Qin Yu met someone he knew.

"Hey, Brother Bird? Why are you..."

Seeing this scene, Fifth Dao Ling walked away, leaving Qin Yu to chat with his friends.

Brother Xiaoniao came forward and smiled shyly, "Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, I never said I couldn't see you again after I left."

Qin Yu: "Oh, is it us that brother Xiaoniao wants to meet? Can I ask who they are besides me? It can't be my senior brother."

Brother Xiaoniao was stunned for a moment, his fair and handsome face was stained with a different kind of rosiness.

The old man at the back glanced at Qin Yu, and muttered to himself: He knew that Qingqiu girl was very smart.

Even though my son was so restrained, he was still seen through.

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