I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1693 Subtlety

But seeing through is seeing through, Brother Xiaoniao is not a person who tries to quibble after being seen through, his blushing is just blushing.

Qin Yu didn't hold on to it either, anyway, this kind of thing is normal.

With a woman like that, when a man comes into contact with her, um, even if he doesn't, it's only natural to fall in love at first sight.

After all, Qin Yu had seen with his own eyes the attitude of some of Wuque's enemies after seeing the former.

Hostility is hostility.

It's hard to kill.

A peerless beauty, no matter whether she is a confidante or not, is likely to be favored and tolerated by others in the process.

Qin Yu was not surprised, she just teased casually, but she teased, with a smile on her face, and the good-looking little brother who was teased by her blushed.

This scene falls in the eyes of others. . . .

Fifth Daoling's brows and eyes were faint, his eyes glanced away, and he was about to see Fang Yourong leading a group of disciples out from the registration stone tablet on the surface of the water.

Now that they are all out safely, there is nothing to ask.

On the other hand, Fang Yourong saw the scene on Qin Yu's side, frowning slightly, and stepped forward, "It seems that nothing happened."

Fifth Daoling: "You're asking about Junior Sister Qingqiu who was alone in the maze and was almost in danger but was rescued by Princess Haina. When I found her, she was thanking the princess and told her that the two of us were indifferent. Or after I brought her out, she was flirting with that little bird brother?"

Fang Yourong was silent for a while and smiled.

This smile is stunning.

Not far away, Brother Xiaoniao, who couldn't help looking over, blushed even more, while Junior Sister Qingqiu touched her arm subconsciously.

Strange, why suddenly feel a lot colder.


Xie Shuling and the others were very happy to see Qin Yu safe and sound.

"Senior Sister Qingqiu, it's really great, you're fine, although it looks miserable...but we still feel very happy."

These disciples looked sincere, and Qin Yu was also quite moved.

Jiaojiao looked at the miserable appearance of these people, and then looked at Qin Yu who looked weak but was not even dusty on his clothes and was still gentle and charming.

awful? Can it be worse than you?

Who gave you the courage? Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty?

In Jiaojiao's eyes, Xie Shuling's true disciples quickly turned into sweet potatoes that came out of the pits.

Everyone landed on the shore one after another, and was entering the town when Qin Yu heard some commotion, turned his head to look, and his heart skipped a beat.

Yan Zhao: "It's that ship again!"

Xie Shuling: "Are they again?"

Ying Ruoruo: "Was it in Yaoyang where the monster dragon attacked Yunyi Pavilion, which suffered heavy losses?"

In fact, there are more than one ship, there are nine ships in total, with great momentum, coming with clouds.

Many monks were ecstatic.

Because Yunyi Pavilion represents resources.

But Qin Yu smiled on the surface, but his heart sank.

Jiaojiao knew that the visitor was not kind.

This evil group is probably targeting the eastern part of Lielu Dajing Prefecture.


Fang Yourong and the others are very stable, unlike other monks who are eager to welcome Yunyi Pavilion so as to buy rare resources from it.

The group of them did not have the protection of the elders of the division, and they all came here on their own, and they have been exhausted. Tomorrow is the official reserve selection, and every minute and every second is important to them.

The five big Vs led many disciples into the small town immediately, and behind them, nine huge cloud boats approached quickly.

"The eastern part has always been barren. In the past, Yunyi Pavilion rarely paid attention to it. This time, we came here, not for profit."

The red-haired middle-aged man's pupils are also red, and every strand of his hair is like a burning flame. He has a scroll in his hand.

Inside the scroll is a list.

He handed the list to the person behind him.

There is a line of people behind, nine, nine people who look very young.

"I know you have grievances in your hearts. You wanted to participate in the Tianzang Selection in other regions, but I was selected to participate in the east, but an order is an order."

"It's what you're here for."

"Kill them."

"Not one left."

The person holding the scroll is the young man who is the leader of the nine.

Open it, and with a glance, the twenty-four names on it can be seen at a glance, and one of them is named Qingqiu.

The young man closed the scroll and walked into a magic circle with the other eight people.

From now on, they are no longer people from Yunyi Pavilion, but people who normally participate in the selection of Tianzang.

As for how many people to kill in it, what kind of people to kill.

That's their business.


The island is very big, but there are many monks, not to mention the candidates, there are quite a few special personnel like Brother Xiaoniao who spent huge sums of money to watch the battle, from the seven eastern kingdoms and even many sects, there are people everywhere, There is really no manor in the original Wushuang City to live in.

Inn chant.

Fifth Daoling didn't wait for the people behind, but took Qin Yu ashore early in order to book a room.

Fortunately, they were really fast. When they arrived, the inn room in the town was still empty.

It's just that the price is very expensive, so expensive that Yan Zhao and others are heartbroken.

This time, with Qin Yu's money, she directly booked fifty rooms.

"Why so many? We can't live in half of us."

Solve Shuling's doubts.

Qin Yu didn't answer, but they knew why when they had dinner in the evening.

Because Miss Qingqiu sold the extra rooms at ten times the price.

After excluding the cost, the backhand made a lot of money.

"Do you know what the operation of capital depends on?"

"Smart?" Ying Ruoruo's eyes brightened slightly.

Qin Yu looked at her with a gentle smile.

"No, it's capital."

It can be understood as money begets money.

If you have no money, you can only conceive in October and slowly lay eggs.

Win Ruoruo: "..."

It seems very reasonable.

After teasing his junior sister, Qin Yu habitually teased a certain senior sister.

"Senior Sister Fang, what do you think?"

Senior sister Fang ignored her.

Qin Yu liked to tease her, seeing how indifferent she was, he poured her a bowl of soup.

Only then did Senior Sister Fang respond.

"It's shameless."

Pfft, all the disciples laughed.

Qin Yu: "..."

Why are you still swearing when I get you something to eat?

Just not far away, a group of people from Haina also came. When they met each other, the princess Na Qingxin entered the door with extraordinary dignity.

Qin Yu smiled politely at the other party, noticing Fang Yourong's meaningful eyes, she quickly lowered her head to eat vegetables and soup.

Be smart and check. jpg.


Many things happened that night, for example, certain sects and forces suddenly discovered that the true disciples they had given high hopes for had not returned after the registration deadline.

Apparently there was only one fact—they were dead.

Died during the registration period?

The forces of Tianhuzong and Suiyu Mountain were blown up, all kinds of restlessness, all kinds of conspiracy theories, many of them suggested that Fang Yourong and the other two killed them. . .

A group of people are talking blindly, there is no evidence, and the Wuque people ignore them.

Qin Yu didn't leave the room either.

Cultivation, recovery?

No, she is reading, "Red Sleeves Add Fragrance", and also "Nine Apertures". The core of her cultivation has always been in the realm of the soul, not in the spiritual power of the body.


The next day, in Mausoleum City, white light first appeared.

All the monks left the inn and gathered in the square.

There are four stages of Tianzang's selection reserve, the first stage is registration, at most it is the opening.

Now is the second stage, which is the assessment.

What assessment?

"Into the smallest details."

The name of this level is called nuance.

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