I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1798 Which floor do you like? (Fifth watch, end, sleep!)

Completely forgetting that he had defeated the son of the lord who was stronger than Yan Yunhai when he was weakened, Qin Yu finished drinking the medicine, the root of his tongue was bitter, but his face was smiling, Gu Chen took a look at her and took out a candy. . . Unfortunately, Jiaojiao also took out a bottle of candied fruit at the same time.

One person and one cat looked at each other, and Jiaojiao quickly took out a bunch.


Sweets, preserves, pastries, and more.

Gu Chen glanced at him indifferently, dropped the candy, and left.

Jiaojiao put her hips on her hips, looked up to the sky and smiled triumphantly.

Hehehe, it's too early to fight with the young master!

Qin Yu rested his forehead and sighed.


It has been many days since returning to Wuque, and the results of the entrance examination of Tianzang's selection have already been determined. Everyone in the world knows that the inside of Wuque's sect is already waiting to be seen, but Qin Yu returned first, and they were the escorts. Tolerant. . . Therefore, the atmosphere of the sect is also a bit complicated, neither expressed joy nor indulging in sorrow, because life and death have always been the most common things that practitioners face.

One person dies, many people die, who dies, who dies, cannot become an eternal topic.

The years are too long, and the road to practice is too slim.

But the two masters and apprentices of Gu Dao Peak didn't like to show off, they went back to the sect directly to enter the inner veins, and when they arrived at Gu Dao Peak and put Qin Yu down, Gu Chen sent Fang Yourong's body and soul to Wuque's interior, and Qin Yu returned to Gu Dao Feng, before feeling the beauty of his own sect, and before washing his face, he got Guchen's voice transmission.

let her pass.

Where have you been?



The reminder of Fifth Dao Ling is still around the corner, but Qin Yu has already made a choice.

She agreed.

"The Great Elder wants me to escort Senior Sister Fang to the prison?"

Qin Yu asked the Great Elder this way, and the Great Elder replied: "You don't want to?"

Don't say why, just ask her if she wants to.

Can you still be unwilling?

"Let's go now?" Qin Yu replied.

"Yeah." The elder said.

"I heard that the sky prison is very dangerous, and there are amazing people everywhere."

"It's very dangerous. Killing you is like killing a chicken."

"Then my master can beat him?"

"Some can."

"Then it would be great to have the master together."

"he's gone."

"Not together?"

"No, I'm with you."

"Then Great Elder, can you beat those people inside?"


Although angry, the Great Elder gave Qin Yu a dark look, and said calmly, "Since I am a Great Elder, I have my own authority, and the people inside still dare not do anything to me."

Qin Yu also glanced at him with disbelief.


The sky prison is located in the core forbidden area of ​​Wuque, but there is a mountain and a door, which is simple and clear. There is also a big stone erected at the door, with two words clearly written on it - sky prison.

Qin Yu thinks that with such openness, he is probably really not afraid of someone breaking in.

"There are no guards?"


"Could it be that there are powerful restrictions inside?"

Qin Yu was good at this, so he tried his best to figure it out. When he entered the door, he couldn't help touching the mountain wall, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked like a tiger and wolf woman who hadn't seen a man for eight hundred years.

The Great Elder had seen through the inner essence of this junior a long time ago, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he said angrily: "There is no restriction, there is only one condition to restrain all prisoners here."

"I don't know what means?"

"They all swore before going to jail."

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, thinking he had misheard, what the hell? swear?

"Um, it's the kind I understand." I swear to God, I will never XXXX in the future, otherwise I will die if I am struck by lightning. "Something like that?"



When did Wuque take this idealistic stream-of-consciousness route?

Qin Yu coughed, slightly embarrassed, and said: "I thought this kind of horrible method only existed in folk women catching rape in bed and forcing their husbands to make a vow..."

The Great Elder paused, and cast a glance over.

That look was obviously contemptuous.

"You have seen the vulgar means of the people, and the oath of my Wuque prison is extremely terrible, and you will know it in the future."

Neuropathy! I am not a criminal! Know a hammer!

Facing the strange look in this old man's eyes, Qin Yu was inexplicably terrified, and even suspected that the Zongmen specially sent Fang Yourong to the prison, maybe it was to trick him?

Do you suspect her of something?

After all, Fang Yourong had a bad background before, and the Zongmen doubted her true intentions. After a test, although Qin Yu's background was very innocent, he performed well after all, exceeding Wu Que's expectations. . .

Qin Yu had a ghost in his heart, and quickly found his own position. After walking a few steps with the elder, he deliberately weakened his breath, making his breath and breath unstable and weak, and his face became paler and paler.

But the Great Elder didn't seem to see anything, just walking in the deep passage.

Qin Yu: "..."

old stuff! on purpose! Testing has begun!

Qin Yu could only continue to pretend until they entered the first iron gate, and when the gate opened, there were prisons inside.

A row passed, neatly, with nearly a hundred cell doors lined up on both sides, and there was one person in each cell.

It was very noisy at first, but after seeing someone coming, the hundred prisoners inside fell silent.

Qin Yu was about to boast that the authority of this old thing is indeed good, the next second.

"Damn me! Chen Handun, you bastard!"

"Neighbor to Spicy, Chen Handun!"


"Turtle bastard!"

"Trash! You're going to die!"

A fountain of hundreds of people on top of the first-class water cursed and humiliated like a fountain.

Earth-shattering and uniform.

Qin Yu was startled, paused, turned to ask the elder, "Elder, who is Chen Handun?"



The Great Elder's face remained motionless, Shi Shiran walked over, flicking his sleeves, and took a social step of two meters eight domineering sideways.

Qin Yu: "..."



If the first floor is a group of social trolls, then the prisoners on the second floor are more refined and quiet, with fewer people, larger cages, and better furnishings inside.

Qin Yu even saw many bookshelves and desks, as well as paintings and calligraphy on the walls.

When these prisoners saw the two, they either ignored them or nodded with a smile on their faces.

The Great Elder asked calmly, "If you could choose, which floor do you like?"

"Is the Great Elder asking about the people or the decoration?"


"Nature is the first layer."


"The ones on the first floor are probably full of crimes such as murder and arson. Such people are not scary."

Qin Yu's sleeves drooped slightly, and he followed the Great Elder slowly through the passage between the two rows of cages, glanced at a few people, and said with a smile: "But the second floor, I'm afraid most of them are spy spies who are good at schemes, and they are difficult to deal with."

She didn't avoid people, and before the great elder said anything, a literati who was writing looked up and smiled, "Miss, do you think it's so dangerous for us to do secret things with our heads up?"

Qin Yu flicked his fingers on the prison gate, and his voice was crisp, "For me, who is dangerous or not does not depend on what he has done in the past and what consequences he has done, but what he can do now and in the future— —If your Excellency did not temper the sword intent in the technique you wrote, I would not think so."

The literati continued to laugh, but approached for no reason. . . Suddenly.

Because the Great Elder said slowly: "You have sharp eyes, and you can see that she is the junior that I Wuque must value. If you want to kidnap her and escape, then you can try it—by the way, it just so happens that she has been seriously injured recently. , both the cultivation base and the spiritual consciousness will be greatly damaged, and you can't even kill a chicken, this is a good time for you."

Having said that, all the seemingly elegant prisoners in the prison door here are staring at Qin Yu.

The breath was suddenly as cold as an ice cellar, and the sinister and bloody smell spread for no reason.

Then the elder left.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, and he was not in a hurry, he just stood in front of the prison door, watching the savage man's scarlet eyes staring at him.

After a while, the scarlet in the other party's eyes faded, and he raised his hand in a gentle bow.

"Young lady has a good manner. If I was in the past, I would try my best to get along with you."

Qin Yu smiled: "If you go in the past, you won't be able to come to me - your disguise is not good enough, I don't like it."

After all, she left Shi Shiran.

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